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Interview with Joe Staten(Bungie)



GameSpy: How much of the Halo 2 story ended up on the cutting room floor?

Joe Staten: The original version of the cinematic script was over 160 pages which would have given us somewhere around 90 minutes of cinematics. The final version was a little more than 90 pages for about 50 movie minutes (again, this leaves out mission and combat dialog). To be honest, a lot of what got cut should have never been in the script in the first place. But there were a handful of tasty bits that were only dropped from the final draft after the shedding of much blood and tears. But you never know where those ideas might show up next.

GameSpy: It's been said that there are thousands of lines of dialogue this time around. How many would you estimate there are total?

Joe Staten: 17,000 give or take.

GameSpy: I noticed that there's a ton of battlefield chatter, much more than the last game. Was that done to make the action scenes more immersive?

Joe Staten: Halo had around 2,000 lines of combat-dialog, Halo 2 over 14,000 for about the same number of AI actors. This not only makes fighting with your AI buddies more satisfying, but helps keep the post-combat interesting as well (i.e. no more awkward silences). This time around, it's even more rewarding to keep your AI backup alive and talkative.

holy crap.


hyperbolically metafictive
thanks for the link. and no, it shouldn't be in that massive sticky topic. i certainly never would have seen it there.

there arguably shouldn't be a massive sticky topic. those turn inane very quickly, most people stop reading them, and these rare worthwhile morsels get lost.
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