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iOS 9: More than meets the eye


@tapbots said:
We are finishing up a few final touches on Tweetbot 4. Thanks for your patience. We think it will be worth it. http://t.co/E73N6AlgsY

New Tweetbot coming for iPad. I'm hoping it supports Slide Over.



On iPad

Copy and paste is currently bugged when in split screen mode and using the copy icon. Copying text from one app to another in split screen itself works if you highlight and copy. I tried inserting a link from Safari into the Word app using the copy icon. Doesn't work. Doesn't seem to be working outside of split screen mode either. Works in iOS8.



Blocking ads is so easy, and the results are magic.

Whereas white listing requires some thought and isn't currently available in the free/most popular content blocker (Crystal).

It's going to get ugly.
Purify also blocks popups and removes white spaces where ads used to be and allows whitelisting. As do Blockr and some other paid blockers.

Basically what I'm trying to say is Crystal is trash and it is hilarious that I got the expected answers from cheap asses on here.

You never thought about donating to the guys that made adblock, ublock etc. either right? They make your web experience the way you know it. It is something you use every single day. If $3,99 is too expensive for that then wtf is wrong with you.

I have zero problems paying for something that is worth the money I was just enquiring about the feature differences before I wasted money on something that was potentially the same as a rival free app.
Also, I just realized today that website Handoff works between Safari on iOS and Chrome on OS X and vice-versa. MAGIC

It also works between website and apps now. If I'm watching Hulu on my Mac, my iPad will give me the option to hand it off to the Hulu app


God, there are so many content blockers. It's going to take ages before there's a consensus on which is the best, isn't it?


Super Sleuth
Does anybody else have almost no inertia/momentum when scrolling with Safari on an iPhone 6+? It makes using it horrible since scrolling takes forever. This isn't an issue on my Air2.
Does anybody else have almost no inertia/momentum when scrolling with Safari on an iPhone 6+? It makes using it horrible since scrolling takes forever. This isn't an issue on my Air2.

Same. Intertia is basically nothing on my 6 Plus while my Air 2 is normal
Peace looks to be even better, and the dev has a fantastic track record.

yeah i just bought Peace because of Arment's track record. Overcast is my most used app. I'm sure he'll consider feedback and update as he sees fit. If you listen to the Accidental Tech Podcast, he's pretty transparent with his design decisions and responses to feedback. I look forward to hearing he and Siracusa talk for an hour about it.

Meanwhile Casey Liss be all mopey bc his app has made like $7 lifetime smdh


The indexing/background stuff after the upgrade took about 20 to 30 min to settle down on my 6. It's been fine since then.


ESPN is actually usable now with Peace installed. No more god damn full page ad with a tiny small X to close it.


I don't even know what "why not read everything Apple News" means.
I think he's insinuating that ad blockers value a good user experience, which apple news is supposed to provide. So instead of blocking ads, why don't they just use apple news. It's a silly argument.


Super Sleuth
I think he's insinuating that ad blockers value a good user experience, which apple news is supposed to provide. So instead of blocking ads, why don't they just use apple news. It's a silly argument.

I think he is saying that Apple News steals page clicks from content providers, just like content blockers steal ad revenue from the same people, so doing both are bad?


I think he is saying that Apple News steals page clicks from content providers, just like content blockers steal ad revenue from the same people, so doing both are bad?
God he's thick. Apple news is an RSS reader. All of its feeds are public.

The Real Abed

The future
PIP really needs to be implemented in OS X. It would look much cleaner than the method I need to use now...

It wouldn't even be hard to implement. When in Mission Control, simply drag a compatible window to the bottom left or right corner. Then it would appear floating above everything, be resizable and follow the screen focus as you switch between spaces in the background.
Just bought Peace and comparing to crystal on the iPad. Would appear that peace removes the ads but leaves the white spacing where the ad would be whereas crystal shifts everything in to place as if the ads never existed.


nods at old men
Just bought Peace and comparing to crystal on the iPad. Would appear that peace removes the ads but leaves the white spacing where the ad would be whereas crystal shifts everything in to place as if the ads never existed.

Hmm. I was seeing blank space with Crystal.
On some sites though it does rearrange slightly. (Using one or the other)
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