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iOS 9: More than meets the eye

Ninja Dom

Honestly, do most iPhone users even sync with a computer at all anymore? I assumed most people had moved to iCloud syncing. I'm not a normal user, but I haven't plugged my iPhone into a computer in years

Yeah, I believe I'm an iPhone "power user". I sync with my computer every week. Even though I do iCloud backups I still want a backup on my own comp. Plus I also like to backup all of my pics and get my picture albums synced and up to date.
The reach thing? Since iOS8 on 6 and 6+

Think I will try it as a general news client and keep my RSS reader, maybe it will get better.

Cool. There are probably some pretty useful applications for the touching thing. Wonder why it's not more widely used. Or is an Apple only thing?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Honestly, do most iPhone users even sync with a computer at all anymore? I assumed most people had moved to iCloud syncing. I'm not a normal user, but I haven't plugged my iPhone into a computer in years
Only to sync music that isn't from iTunes Store.

Of course you can just do that over wifi too.


Aside from Apple Music and downloading music on iTunes, it's the only way to get music onto your phone.

I'm in a bind. Updated an iPhone 5 to ios9, works dandy, but no longer syncs with mac running snow leopard. iTunes 12.3
Doesn't run on snow leopard. Can't roll back to iOS 8.

You could always subscribe to the free tier of Google Music, upload all your library and then just download whatever you want into your phone. I used to do that prior to the release of Apple Music.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Is there any way to have the email app show my emails as soon as I get them? I remember Google removed this function if you weren't grandfathered in or didn't pay. So I used to have it, but instead of updating did a fresh install and it set it up as new and now I no longer have that functionality which kinda sucks. Thanks!
The Mailbox app will give you push email with gmail.

I also love its workflow in general. Stay in inbox zero. Delete or archive mails as they come in. Snooze them for later if you need. Start unsubscribing from any mail that isn't relevant to you... And your push email will become a coherent feed of information which is relevant to you.


so, 3rd party Keyboards are still a mess in ios9? Can anyone share hers/his experience with it?
I try to use Swiftkey since I got my 6+ (I loved it on my Samsung S4 before) and especially in the messages app its a buggy mess. The default keyboard pops up all the time and/or no keyboard at all is shown. I have to open another app or, in the worst case, reboot the phone or remove and add Swiftkey...

Is this a Swiftkey issue or a problem with ios in general?



It's probably an issue with Apple only half-heartedly implementing the feature. You get the impression they did it to check it off a list rather than to create a good user experience.
9.0 has been a hitchy, laggy experience for me on my 5s. Surprising considering Apple said they were focusing on performance for older devices in iOS 9. 9.0 on my phone feels very much like an early beta. Lots of animation glitches and other issues that make it feel very unpolished. I can't wait until my 6s arrives, and for the allegedly-faster 9.1 to release.

The Mailbox app will give you push email with gmail.

I also love its workflow in general. Stay in inbox zero. Delete or archive mails as they come in. Snooze them for later if you need. Start unsubscribing from any mail that isn't relevant to you... And your push email will become a coherent feed of information which is relevant to you.

It's cool, but Mailbox also sends all of your email through its third-party server. That makes it a non-starter for me. I don't trust some random startup to keep my email secure and private.


I've had animations turned off since ios7, maybe that's why I haven't noticed any hitches on my 5s. ios9 has been the fastest and most stable iOS I've used since 6.
It's Dropbox, not a random startup.

Sorry, I forgot Dropbox bought them. Still, I don't really trust Dropbox for any sensitive materials, either. Warrantless wiretapping proponent Condoleezza Rice is on their board of directors, after all. Even if Dropbox has the best of intentions, sending your email through a middleman server is just another attack vector for hackers.


Downloaded this earlier today and my phone has been a buggy piece of shit. Great job Apple! (iPhone 5 here)


I've had animations turned off since ios7, maybe that's why I haven't noticed any hitches on my 5s. ios9 has been the fastest and most stable iOS I've used since 6.

That explains it. The animations in iOS 9 are anything but smooth for me. I've considered turning them off, but then again I had all the animations on in iOS 8 on and it's always fast and responsive.

The task switcher in iOS 9 is a POS if you have animations on with more three or four apps in the back


so, 3rd party Keyboards are still a mess in ios9? Can anyone share hers/his experience with it?
I try to use Swiftkey since I got my 6+ (I loved it on my Samsung S4 before) and especially in the messages app its a buggy mess. The default keyboard pops up all the time and/or no keyboard at all is shown. I have to open another app or, in the worst case, reboot the phone or remove and add Swiftkey...

Is this a Swiftkey issue or a problem with ios in general?


I use Fleksy, and while it was broken during iOS 9 betas, it got an update and it's working now as good as always.
While in the iOS beta, I tried Swiftkey and didn't have any issues with it.
Another thing is if I had issues with Apple implementation of third party keyboards. I have random issues with WhatsApp more than with any other app. As you said, the keyboard will sometimes switch to the default one, even if I have it disabled.
It's annoying and it sucks that Apple care that little about this feature.
Sorry, I forgot Dropbox bought them. Still, I don't really trust Dropbox for any sensitive materials, either. Warrantless wiretapping proponent Condoleezza Rice is on their board of directors, after all. Even if Dropbox has the best of intentions, sending your email through a middleman server is just another attack vector for hackers.

Security Vs free push mail with personal domains. Wish there was a better solution to this. I'd like to use apples native app but I have my own domain. I don't fancy giving Google £80+ a year for their business service.

Other options are Zoho mail which I believe is proper active sync push (not IMAP shit that destroys battery) or fast mail that now supports true native push after some help from apple (but is still $85 a year for two users).

It does bug me about dropbox. Also how they just seem to fucking forget the app exits (OS X Beta died on its arse for months before they started to update it again. Innovation on the iOS app is basically dead. Where's my watch app, where's my new features....)

Fuck it, I might just pony up and make the jump to fastmail.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Not sure I've ever had an iPad perform worse than my Air 2 does with iOS 9.
The stuttering is dumb.


Not sure I've ever had an iPad perform worse than my Air 2 does with iOS 9.
The stuttering is dumb.

My Air 2 was literally unusable when updating from my backup, as in it took minutes to register each swipe. It was ok when I restored fresh without restoring the backup.


I use Fleksy, and while it was broken during iOS 9 betas, it got an update and it's working now as good as always.
While in the iOS beta, I tried Swiftkey and didn't have any issues with it.
Another thing is if I had issues with Apple implementation of third party keyboards. I have random issues with WhatsApp more than with any other app. As you said, the keyboard will sometimes switch to the default one, even if I have it disabled.
It's annoying and it sucks that Apple care that little about this feature.

So I'm not alone with these problems, thats good to hear :)

Swiftkey works great, but those glitches are really annoying and the reason why I use the stock keyboard for now.


so, 3rd party Keyboards are still a mess in ios9? Can anyone share hers/his experience with it?
I try to use Swiftkey since I got my 6+ (I loved it on my Samsung S4 before) and especially in the messages app its a buggy mess. The default keyboard pops up all the time and/or no keyboard at all is shown. I have to open another app or, in the worst case, reboot the phone or remove and add Swiftkey...

Is this a Swiftkey issue or a problem with ios in general?

3rd party keyboards have been a joke since release.

Absolutely useless.


My only issue with both my Air 2 and 6 Plus is the stuttering spotlight search. Which isn't something I use a lot, and it doesn't stutter when you swipe from the left on the home screen.

Sometimes a fresh Install is called for if performance is bad. Annoying waste of time, I know.


My Air 2 was literally unusable when updating from my backup, as in it took minutes to register each swipe. It was ok when I restored fresh without restoring the backup.

Yeah, really I kind of prefer set up as new. Downsides are game saves and having to redownload and set up apps, but honestly I don't mind. I still do backups, but I've always kind of enjoyed a fresh install.

That said, my Air 2 I did a standard update and everything seems fine so far.
so, 3rd party Keyboards are still a mess in ios9? Can anyone share hers/his experience with it?
I try to use Swiftkey since I got my 6+ (I loved it on my Samsung S4 before) and especially in the messages app its a buggy mess. The default keyboard pops up all the time and/or no keyboard at all is shown. I have to open another app or, in the worst case, reboot the phone or remove and add Swiftkey...

Is this a Swiftkey issue or a problem with ios in general?


Swype works fine for me, no issues so far.

Running iOS 9 on a 5s.
Just noticed they got rid of the skewmorphic bookshelf design from Newstand. Much cleaner and fits with the rest of iOS.

iMessage has started to constantly ask me to log in to iCloud on my iPad for some reason. I did just run out of space on iCloud so maybe it's that.

Super annoying that when you run out of iCloud space rather than taking you somewhere to manage that space and uploads they just try and sell you the low tier subscription for more capacity. Gonna fully move all my photo uploads to One Drive now.


i had the same issue and went with these instructions to downgrade to 8.4.1. i made a backup before i upgraded to ios9 so not much was lost.

Yeah... Down grading is a temporary solution though. If you need to restore it if apps start requiring iOS 9 etc...

I'm not pissy about it just annoyed that it wasn't made a bit more clear.


Just noticed they got rid of the skewmorphic bookshelf design from Newstand. Much cleaner and fits with the rest of iOS.

iMessage has started to constantly ask me to log in to iCloud on my iPad for some reason. I did just run out of space on iCloud so maybe it's that.

Super annoying that when you run out of iCloud space rather than taking you somewhere to manage that space and uploads they just try and sell you the low tier subscription for more capacity. Gonna fully move all my photo uploads to One Drive now.

My iMessage logged me out this morning too. Didn't accept a freshly generated app-specific password either so maybe it's a quirk of implementing the new 2 factor authentication.


My phone is basically a text/calling device now thanks to this mobile data bug. I can't switch any of my apps to use my mobile data and nothing I've done has fixed it. Thank goodness I can trade to the new Lumia's in November, absolutely sick of apple devices being utter shit.
I'm legitimately surprised all the problems people are having. Both my iPad Air and iPod touch 6 are running fantastic.

Same! Knock on wood, but I'm pretty sure I have never once had any problem with any of my iOS devices (outside of like, oh the camera has a bad lense, gotta get it replaced). But like as far as software goes I've never had any issues. iOS 9 runs a little slow on my iPad Mini G1 but it's not the end of the world or anything, shit's old.
Same! Knock on wood, but I'm pretty sure I have never once had any problem with any of my iOS devices (outside of like, oh the camera has a bad lense, gotta get it replaced). But like as far as software goes I've never had any issues. iOS 9 runs a little slow on my iPad Mini G1 but it's not the end of the world or anything, shit's old.
Better or worse than iOS 8 on the Mini 1?


Boy, the hits just keep coming with iOS9's Music app!

So today, I decided that I wanted to listen to some music from a particular artist. Went to My Music, had to switch the list to Artists—still dumb—and scrolled to find the artist.

Found the artist, and went to hit the "all music" option. Hmmm. Where is it? Should be here somewhere. I see all of the artist's albums, but no option for all of their music in one long list. Maybe clicking on the artist's name—which, by the way, is 1/4th down the page below a bunch of blank space, because this artist isn't on the Apple Store so the app wants to put in some fancy graphics but it has nothing to put there.

Clicking on the name leads me to... a blank page. Like, seriously—a completely, totally blank page. I scroll up and down the list of albums to make sure I'm not missing the "all music" option. Nope, it's not there. Maybe click the three little dots next to the artist's name? Nope, it's not there either.

Soooooo... yeah. There just isn't a way to see all of an artist's music that I have on my iPhone, unless I'm missing something.

This app is such a hilarious joke.


Boy, the hits just keep coming with iOS9's Music app!

So today, I decided that I wanted to listen to some music from a particular artist. Went to My Music, had to switch the list to Artists—still dumb—and scrolled to find the artist.

Found the artist, and went to hit the "all music" option. Hmmm. Where is it? Should be here somewhere. I see all of the artist's albums, but no option for all of their music in one long list. Maybe clicking on the artist's name—which, by the way, is 1/4th down the page below a bunch of blank space, because this artist isn't on the Apple Store so the app wants to put in some fancy graphics but it has nothing to put there.

Clicking on the name leads me to... a blank page. Like, seriously—a completely, totally blank page. I scroll up and down the list of albums to make sure I'm not missing the "all music" option. Nope, it's not there. Maybe click the three little dots next to the artist's name? Nope, it's not there either.

Soooooo... yeah. There just isn't a way to see all of an artist's music that I have on my iPhone, unless I'm missing something.

This app is such a hilarious joke.

Yeah it's annoying. That was my preferred view for browsing songs. At least they added in a shuffle all feature with iOS 9, it was hilariously missing in iOS 8.4 and you had to use a work around.


Boy, the hits just keep coming with iOS9's Music app!

So today, I decided that I wanted to listen to some music from a particular artist. Went to My Music, had to switch the list to Artists—still dumb—and scrolled to find the artist.

Found the artist, and went to hit the "all music" option. Hmmm. Where is it? Should be here somewhere. I see all of the artist's albums, but no option for all of their music in one long list. Maybe clicking on the artist's name—which, by the way, is 1/4th down the page below a bunch of blank space, because this artist isn't on the Apple Store so the app wants to put in some fancy graphics but it has nothing to put there.

Clicking on the name leads me to... a blank page. Like, seriously—a completely, totally blank page. I scroll up and down the list of albums to make sure I'm not missing the "all music" option. Nope, it's not there. Maybe click the three little dots next to the artist's name? Nope, it's not there either.

Soooooo... yeah. There just isn't a way to see all of an artist's music that I have on my iPhone, unless I'm missing something.

This app is such a hilarious joke.

This app is there since the first 8.4

My collection usually doesn't play nice with sorting by artists so I never bothered with that and always went with sorting by songs themselves. I ended up making custom playlists for easy access. Also I hate the fact that the search bar only gives you like three results per category.

I actually miss the music player on my old HTC One. It has everything I wanted.

Don't forget to disable Apple Music in settings and block connect in restrictions. It clears up the app a lot


Hmm the new podcast app is virtually unusable on my 4S, it freezes and runs sooo slowly (podcasts start like 10 seconds after hitting play). Could any suggest a fix or alternatives? Cheers.


boy, PiP is so good. Did you guys know you couldn't just move the little picture around and scale it to 3 different sizes - you can also park it "off-screen" (to get it out of the way of your app) with just a little slice of it staying within screen.

biggest game changer for me.
boy, PiP is so good. Did you guys know you couldn't just move the little picture around and scale it to 3 different sizes - you can also park it "off-screen" (to get it out of the way of your app) with just a little slice of it staying within screen.

biggest game changer for me.


100% the best


Hmm the new podcast app is virtually unusable on my 4S, it freezes and runs sooo slowly (podcasts start like 10 seconds after hitting play). Could any suggest a fix or alternatives? Cheers.

Not sure about performance on a 4S, but in terms of usability, Overcast is my favourite.


boy, PiP is so good. Did you guys know you couldn't just move the little picture around and scale it to 3 different sizes - you can also park it "off-screen" (to get it out of the way of your app) with just a little slice of it staying within screen.

biggest game changer for me.

Hearthstone. TV show in PIP. Exercise bike.

Game. Changed.
Hmm the new podcast app is virtually unusable on my 4S, it freezes and runs sooo slowly (podcasts start like 10 seconds after hitting play). Could any suggest a fix or alternatives? Cheers.

"10 seconds after hitting play" sounds like the podcast wasn't actually downloaded already and had to stream enough to fill the buffer first. But then again, the 4S is at the very bottom of the barrel in terms of supported devices for iOS 9. My golden rule for iOS updates is always a max of 2 versions past what came with the device originally. Putting an iOS 3 versions past has historically resulted in a sluggish device. The 4S shipped with iOS 5. So I would have suggested sticking with iOS 7 on the 4S; maybe iOS 8 if you were really feeling lucky. Putting iOS 9 (4 versions higher) on a 4S is really way past what I'd feel comfortable recommending.


formerly "chigiri"
9.0 has been a hitchy, laggy experience for me on my 5s. Surprising considering Apple said they were focusing on performance for older devices in iOS 9. 9.0 on my phone feels very much like an early beta. Lots of animation glitches and other issues that make it feel very unpolished. I can't wait until my 6s arrives, and for the allegedly-faster 9.1 to release.

It's cool, but Mailbox also sends all of your email through its third-party server. That makes it a non-starter for me. I don't trust some random startup to keep my email secure and private.

Use Google's Inbox app?
Better or worse than iOS 8 on the Mini 1?
Honestly it feels better than iOS 8. In retrospect I guess 8 was a little laggy on the mini but it wasn't enough to make any kind of impact on me. I guess I don't really see an app taking a little longer to load as the same kind of problem as crashing or respringing constantly, or stuttering app switchers. I've had slower performance (heck my normal-sized iPad is an OG) but never like buggy janky mess that others have reported.

I also really like having 4x4 folders, took fuckin long enough!
Honestly it feels better than iOS 8. In retrospect I guess 8 was a little laggy on the mini but it wasn't enough to make any kind of impact on me. I guess I don't really see an app taking a little longer to load as the same kind of problem as crashing or respringing constantly, or stuttering app switchers. I've had slower performance (heck my normal-sized iPad is an OG) but never like buggy janky mess that others have reported.

I also really like having 4x4 folders, took fuckin long enough!

Now if only they combined that with another row of apps on the home screen. The fact that my 6 Plus can have a 6x4 grid but my Air 2 only has a 5x4 is laughable
I fucking despise the Podcast app redesign. When you start a podcast, instead of it immediately taking you to the screen with all of the relevant controls (15-second skips, pause, etc), it just displays a tiny little interface at the bottom of the screen that you have to touch to reach that next screen. They've also removed the "Currently Playing" option that would take you to whatever podcast you most recently had on. So no if you get halfway through a podcast, pause it, and then later want to resume it, you have to actually look for it, which is a big pain in the ass if you have multiple podcasts, each with multiple unplayed episodes.

On top of that, it's also removed a few of the artwork icons some of my podcasts had.

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