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iOS 9: More than meets the eye

Mr Swine

I love iOS 9 and PiP watching twitch streams but the picture is a bit too small, any way to make it bigger than it is right now? It's even smaller on a iPad mini :/


The frame rate when scrolling in Notification Center is still terrible. But that's alright, as someone who has been using Apple devices for many years now, I'm used to shitty UI performance.

Ninja Dom

It's still in last place of the pre-set albums for me, weird.

Thanks. I'm getting the 6S tomorrow and will be restoring from backup. I hope this behaviour doesn't carry across

The best feature in iOS 9 is being able to minimize the FaceTime call and it still works. Amazing.

Is that new? I did that earlier today. FaceTime video, pressed the home button to minimise, ran a Speedtest and then back to the call. Didn't this always happen?
The Crystal developer has cut a deal with Eyeo, the company behind Adblock Plus. Just like ABP, Crystal will allow "acceptable" ads in the future. This option will be on by default. Of course, he will be compensated by Eyeo.


If it can be turned off without havng to pay extra, I don't see what the big deal is?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Is there a way to edit the proactive screen? I don't want any of that crap over there!


Again with the damn bugs, its never-ending. So with the mobile data app toggle still bugged, I've now encountered a bug whereby apps take a billion years to actually download and install. In order to circumvent the issue I have to continually pause and unpause the app in hope it somehow triggers a proper install.

This is by far the worst operating system I've ever experienced. Definitely moving away from Apple and onto Android or Windows.


Again with the damn bugs, its never-ending. So with the mobile data app toggle still bugged, I've now encountered a bug whereby apps take a billion years to actually download and install. In order to circumvent the issue I have to continually pause and unpause the app in hope it somehow triggers a proper install.

This is by far the worst operating system I've ever experienced. Definitely moving away from Apple and onto Android or Windows.

Wipe and start fresh.
Again with the damn bugs, its never-ending. So with the mobile data app toggle still bugged, I've now encountered a bug whereby apps take a billion years to actually download and install. In order to circumvent the issue I have to continually pause and unpause the app in hope it somehow triggers a proper install.

This is by far the worst operating system I've ever experienced. Definitely moving away from Apple and onto Android or Windows.

If you move to Windows, there's a good chance those apps won't even be available to download. That's the problem I had when I wanted to buy a Windows phone.


I'm using purify atm, but I totally think if there's an option to opt out of it having a 'reasonable ads' filter is totally reasonable for crystal. Less effort than me having to manage whitelist and the one on ABP is pretty decent


I guess that what it will come to, but I have been hearing others trying it and it continues to bug out. Here is hoping it doesn't for me.

It's the first thing Apple or anyone else will tell you for good reason. All phones, be it Android, Apple or presumably Windows have a chance of things going wrong with updates. A fresh install will usually take care of any serious issues.
Again with the damn bugs, its never-ending. So with the mobile data app toggle still bugged, I've now encountered a bug whereby apps take a billion years to actually download and install. In order to circumvent the issue I have to continually pause and unpause the app in hope it somehow triggers a proper install.

This is by far the worst operating system I've ever experienced. Definitely moving away from Apple and onto Android or Windows.

Certainly sucks that you're having problems, but moving away from iOS is no sure way to ensure that you never experience problems with updates again. Android has had it's problem with memory leaks and some people experiencing terrible battery life after updates. Not to mentions that if you don't go Nexus you might not see the latest updates until months after they are released. Unfortunately no updating process is perfect.


Ok, decide to make a move. Was able to sell my old ipad 2 for 200$ , and got a Ipad Air 2 !! Jesus, the difference is pretty awesome. So happy there is no more tab reloading with safari!! I was about to make a move for the surface, but after trying out, i found out that the touch was not as good as the ipad. I was having difficulty pressing the page number on here on neogaf.

So, so far i just love it! Now Apple better not screw that up and make future ios unstable like it did with the ipad 2. Crossing my finger im good for while now
I just remembered my biggest aesthetic-related gripe and it obviously hasn't changed with iOS9.

What is it with that RIDICULOUS bar at the bottom of the home screen and how it's like just partly transparent. It looks awful and has always looked awful. It cuts off part of your wallpaper as well. Fuck. The bottom apps should be separated either by a thin line or you should have some kind of option to get rid of it all and just have the four apps sit there like other apps. I want to see my entire wallpaper, not this weird, slightly-transparent bullshit.


Junior Member
Find My Friends widget has disappeared from my iPad. Had it happen with a 3rd party app but I managed to bring that back with a delete and re install... obviously can't do that with FmF.

Time to file yet another bug report I guess.


How different is iOS 9 on the OG iPad Air? Is slideover useful? Seems like split-view is basically the same thing, so maybe I could get an Air 1 cheap on craigslist and jump back into the ipad game...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Kind of a random question, but what Twitter client do you all use?

I'm specifically looking for one with the functionality to select text (individual words, not the whole tweet) and use the built-in dictionary. Any suggestions?

Guess Who


iOS 9 on iPad is some transformative shit. Makes the iPad ridiculously more useful in a single update.


I love this update because it fixed the thing I hated the most about ios8, Safari constant tab reloading. It has improved my iPhone 6 Plus experience in a big way. The only time Safari might reload a tab is if I'm browsing Instagram for a long period. Makes me want to wait for next year phone update, instead of the 6S this year.
I love this update because it fixed the thing I hated the most about ios8, Safari constant tab reloading. It has improved my iPhone 6 Plus experience in a big way. The only time Safari might reload a tab is if I'm browsing Instagram for a long period. Makes me want to wait for next year phone update, instead of the 6S this year.

I noticed this too. I just switched to a 6s+ where it's even better, but iOS9 on my regular 6+ cut down on tab reloading by a lot. I was super surprised
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