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iOS 9: More than meets the eye


I´ve just restarted the app after the update (6S) and now i have the new interface.

funnily, i have parts of the interface. Like, on playlists (liked videos, watch later) - i have this ugly big red "play all" button, which wasn't there before.

But i still got the old navigation elements. And channel labels.

The Real Abed

I'm sorry but I really don't like Material design because it does not feel right in iOS. If I was an Android user it'd be fine, but this is iOS and it should look like an iOS app. It's bad enough all Google's apps look like Android apps. Thankfully I don't use any of them anymore except Search and YouTube. (And if Siri were smarter and better at its searching I wouldn't even need the Google app.)

But that's not the app's problem...

There's no PIP.

No 3D Touch.

They moved shit and made things harder to find.

It's way too gaudy. I love red and all but that's too much red.

When on a channel page, the banner is so fucking tall that it's almost impossible to pull to refresh the teeny tiny list below on my 5C. It's like they designed it only for big screens. Fucking hell. You have to drag from the exact top of the list to the exact bottom of the screen. So stupid.

As for the icon, well my icon is still red. Please tell me they didn't change that too. There's way too many white icons. The Google app sucks because the old blue icon was so easy to recognize at a glance. Now it looks like my Photos app icon and I always end up aiming for a totally different app that is still blue when I want to use it.

But now I will say some good things about it after playing around with it...

The subscriptions list FINALLY shows all of my subscriptions. It used to always stop somewhere in the Ps because it had a limit with no way to see anything further than that set limit. It got to the point I was trying to clean out my subscriptions list to make my Z subscriptions show up. So stupid.

I.. uh.. I guess that's it. Why can't I view my subscriptions in a custom order so I can move the ones I watch all the time to the top like GameGrumps, LazyGameReviews, RedLetterMedia, PreRec, SuperBeardBros, NerdCubed, Continue?, JonTron, etc while keeping the ones I rarely ever check below?


As for the icon, well my icon is still red. Please tell me they didn't change that too. There's way too many white icons. The Google app sucks because the old blue icon was so easy to recognize at a glance. Now it looks like my Photos app icon and I always end up aiming for a totally different app that is still blue when I want to use it.
sorry, breh.


The Real Abed

sorry, breh.
Oh god. It's worse than I expected. The original was ugly with its shadow, but this is just terrible. Thankfully right now mine is in a folder but when I have a 6S+ I was going to move it to the home screen. WAY TOO MANY WHITE ICONS!!!

Note that there's more in the folders including Netflix, Voice Recordings, Game Center, Capital One, iCloud and YouTube. (Now apparently. I'll reboot after I finish this "Best Friends Play Super Mario Maker" video in an hour and a half.)

Almost makes me wish Apple allowed non-rounded square icons like Android so we can get some creativity and the wallpaper could show through. Would be better than the constant white icons.

If I could change the ones I have:
Music would be inverted with a white musical note and colored background
DropBox would be inverted like it was with white on blue
Google would be the original with the new G instead and no colors, or the colors could be in a 2x2 grid with the white G on top of it
Calendar would simply have a red strip where the day name is
Netflix would be back to its white on red
YouTube would be back to its white on red

The rest could stay the same as they are.

Let's just pray Tumblr, Twitter, FaceBook and Vine don't follow this trend. Oh god let's pray that does not happen.

(Also you can see I like red so the new YouTube redness doesn't kill me. It's just so red. But I guess I don't hate it. So I take back my gaudy remark.)


Google forcing Material Design into everything makes me appreciate Microsofts philosophy so much more. They seem to adapt to each platforms design conventions nicely. Skype on iOS looks like an iOS app, and the android app looks like an Android app, etc.


( ≖‿≖)
Updated youtube and my jailbroken iOS7 tweak that let me listen to videos with the app closed stopped working.

And those screenshots above are ugly.

Once I finally upgrade I'm going to miss my jailbroken phone ;_;7

The Real Abed

Google forcing Material Design into everything makes me appreciate Microsofts philosophy so much more. They seem to adapt to each platforms design conventions nicely. Skype on iOS looks like an iOS app, and the android app looks like an Android app, etc.
Google doesn't give a fuck.


Have they lost their mind? With each redesign, the number of videos per screen is reduced. In the new version, I can see just two at a time. In my subscription list, I mean. The list of videos I actually care about. The start page, though, the shit I don't care about at all? Smaller thumbnails. Five videos per screen. Why?

edit: Actually, you can't even fit two videos on the screen. It cuts off the title of the bottom video (or the thumbnail of the upper one, if you scroll down a bit). Unbelievable. Let me guess, the next version will feature a cards-based interface where you can see only one video at once. Like the iOS 6 App Store search back then.

edit 2: The double-size toolbar together with the status bar take up 23% of my screen.


edit: Actually, you can't even fit two videos on the screen. It cuts off the title of the bottom video (or the thumbnail of the upper one, if you scroll down a bit). Unbelievable. Let me guess, the next version will feature a cards-based interface where you can see only one video at once. Like the iOS 6 App Store search back then.

they're not even hiding that.

is the 2nd picture on the app's appstore page. (btw, is that some kind of 'youtuber reacts to teens reacting to youtuber' situation? woah)

why does "3 mins ago" deserve an extra line, why is the red bar so thick?!

but, yay, we can trim video now.


My biggest gripe with Material Design is that it doesn't respect any Content-to-chrome ratios. That top bar is enormous. And it's something that Apple in general is better at, I feel.


Regarding that toolbar, what's the bloody point of displaying both an icon and a label for the three views? Why not just the icons? It's not like they're hard to decipher.


aaah another Youtube update to hate. I've never been so indifferent to redesigns as to those that Google pushes out on us. I barely use the app anyway but I do agree that it's a bit heavy on the red, yikes.

The Real Abed

they're not even hiding that.

is the 2nd picture on the app's appstore page. (btw, is that some kind of 'youtuber reacts to teens reacting to youtuber' situation? woah)

why does "3 mins ago" deserve an extra line, why is the red bar so thick?!
I just immediately click the arrow. It's all I want to see. I don't want to see all my channels new videos listed in order of them being uploaded. I want to view one channel at a time. I wish I could have it automatically show that view. Fuck the giant thumbnails of all the videos. It's never videos I want to actually see and I want to watch each channel one at a time.

The red bar is so wasteful. Especially on iPad. They could easily put those three icons in the top area and use an icon for the title.


I just updated to IOS9.

And look at that, Apple still havent put in one of the most basic bits of functionality into their phone:



The Real Abed

I just rebooted and the icon is still the old one for YouTube.

Heh. I don't know whether to blame Apple or Google here. (Probably Apple.) It must be caching it. Cant believe it didn't refresh when I rebooted.

Hell, the icon is still the same in iTunes. So is it changed or not? How is this a bug that exists? I just want to change my icon and get it over with like a bandage being removed quickly.


I just immediately click the arrow. It's all I want to see. I don't want to see all my channels new videos listed in order of them being uploaded. I want to view one channel at a time. I wish I could have it automatically show that view. Fuck the giant thumbnails of all the videos. It's never videos I want to actually see and I want to watch each channel one at a time.

The red bar is so wasteful. Especially on iPad. They could easily put those three icons in the top area and use an icon for the title.

for me, it's exactly the other way around. I go down the chronological list of uploads, add stuff i want to see to my 'watch later', and once i'm down to a video i've already seen, i stop and start playing the 'watch later' playlist.

Funnily, the redesigned app fails us both

I just updated to IOS9.

And look at that, Apple still havent put in one of the most basic bits of functionality into their phone:



sure, it's a very basic functionality, but is it that important of a functionality? to you, i suppose. But some people would certainly like the alarm to be in a different colour, or to have ever increasing volume, or ... or ... or ...
i guess they just don't consider that feature that important for their average user to add that extra ever-so-tiny piece of complexity to their alarm app.
Updated YouTube last night... no changes.
Reading this thread just made me open it again and I was hit with the horribleness, thanks guys!

home screen.....

I feel like the only person on GAF who manages to keep on top of their emails.
Speaking of white icons, I actually wouldn't mind if VLC went white (like it used to be) just so I could have a complete row.

You know you could just get up, snoozing is for the weak! :p


Google forcing Material Design into everything makes me appreciate Microsofts philosophy so much more. They seem to adapt to each platforms design conventions nicely. Skype on iOS looks like an iOS app, and the android app looks like an Android app, etc.

MS only very recently got Skype looking like a proper iOS app. For years it was something quite strange.


formerly "chigiri"
I just updated to IOS9.

And look at that, Apple still havent put in one of the most basic bits of functionality into their phone:



Maybe I'm misinterpreting "programmable snooze" but you can just tap any alarm on the screen to snooze it for 5 minutes, since iOS 7.


This new YouTube app is amongst the worst software redesigns I can remember.

- Doesn't look or feel like an iOS app
- Huge amount of red that takes up like 20% of the screen
- Status bar being a different unmatching color of red drives me nuts
- Useless horizontal row of subscriptions with tiny icons and no labels
- See less subscriptions at a time now that the thumbnails are so damn huge
- Harder to get to watch later, favorites, playlists, and just about every area of the app.
- iPad version is even worse in some ways, going to the user/account tab there's so much wasted empty space
- New white icon sucks and feels generic, I've already gotten it mixed up with Pocket at a quick glance.
- Still no PiP, multitasking (slide over, side-by-side), 3D Touch, or native share sheets.

I'll have to look into third party YouTube apps cause this new update is dreadful.


Maybe I'm misinterpreting "programmable snooze" but you can just tap any alarm on the screen to snooze it for 5 minutes, since iOS 7.

Default snooze is 9 minutes, has been forever.

Good alarm apps let you set the snooze time instead of being some arbitrary number.

And to those complaining that YouTube doesn't have PiP...it never will. Start looking for a new app.


Mortified to see YouTube's new icon after updating. Demoting that ugly thing from Home screen to second page in a folder.


Junior Member
Did anyone figure out a solution to the 6 Plus's problem with landscape mode wallpapers? To this day if you use a non-built-in wallpaper it will zoom in way too far in landscape mode on the home screen. I'm using 1:1 wallpapers of very high resolution (at least 2880 X 2880 pixels).


Is there a way to turn off apple's daily pestering to update my ios? Eventually I will reach a point where I will refuse to upgrade my phone's firmware because I don't want my older hardware gimped in typical apple update fashion but I also don't want daily reminders to update my iOS or to accidentally click "update tonight" when I want to click "remind me later" which I really want to have a button to select "remind me never".
This is weird, my YouTube app updated, I have the new ugly icon and it's in my update log in the App store, but the design of the app itself didn't change. Has anyone else experienced this?


This new YouTube app is amongst the worst software redesigns I can remember.

- Doesn't look or feel like an iOS app
- Huge amount of red that takes up like 20% of the screen
- Status bar being a different unmatching color of red drives me nuts
- Useless horizontal row of subscriptions with tiny icons and no labels
- See less subscriptions at a time now that the thumbnails are so damn huge
- Harder to get to watch later, favorites, playlists, and just about every area of the app.
- iPad version is even worse in some ways, going to the user/account tab there's so much wasted empty space
- New white icon sucks and feels generic, I've already gotten it mixed up with Pocket at a quick glance.
- Still no PiP, multitasking (slide over, side-by-side), 3D Touch, or native share sheets.

I'll have to look into third party YouTube apps cause this new update is dreadful.

Learn to save your IPA's prior to updating. Then you can roll back to whatever version you want. Need to use iTunes though.


Has anyone ran into problems with IOS not recognizing voice? Siri doesn't and neither does and other voice recognition within the operating system. Google apps work fine however. And I've also noticed since updating that occasionally I'll sound like I'm in a tunnel or the person I'm talking to sounds like they're in a tunnel. I'm on sprint if that helps.


Can anyone look into the Watchmen Soundtrack Compilation on Apple Music? I can only download the first song, but I want the whole album...

The Real Abed

My YouTube icon fixed itself overnight.

So ugly.

And I wonder if PB4 will finally fix the freezing. Can't update until late tonight though.
I love how the iPad version of the YouTube app has animations that clip into the bar below it. Like when you press the 3 dots or any of the buttons on the top row, you see the touch highlight get cut off.

Google's designs on iOS are so ugly. The rotating date/time selector and pretty much all UI elements that they replaced for no reason in their iOS apps are hideous.
Been posting a lot about this in the iPhone thread, but it looks like 9.0.2 does fix iCloud backup issues, but you apparently need to delete the existing backup done on 9.0.1 in order to get automatic backups going again.

The hiccups with this particular service while upgrading to iOS9 and the 6s have been infuriating.


Does anyone else experience any animation lag in iMessage in iOS 9?

I have a new iPhone 6S, and I'm noticing lag in the "send" animation. For example, after you finish typing a message and hit "send", there is a little animation where the text sails from your text box into the message thread. It's normally very smooth and seamless.

However, on my 6S, whenever I hit "send", the text just appears in the message thread in a very jittery and jerky manner. The messages go through, it's just the animation that is dysfunctional.

Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm running iOS 9.0.2.
It’s unclear if Apple is setting a precedent, or has only accidentally allowed the approval of a new app, known as “Been Choice,” into the iTunes App Store. The app claims to block advertisements not only in mobile applications, but also in native mobile apps, including Facebook and even Apple’s own News application. To make this work, Been Choice offers a combination of a content blocker for Safari and a VPN service, the latter which allows it to filter out ad traffic using deep packet inspection.

Yoon explains that the motivation behind Been Choice has to do with offering users a choice between ad blocking and sharing data in order to earn rewards. That is, users are compensated when they agree to share their behavioral data with advertisers, publishers and app developers. Those rewards come in the form of cash (via PayPal) for now, but the app promises that Amazon gift cards and the option to donate earnings are planned.


Kinda disappointed by all the damage iOS 9 has done to UI fluidity and the overall increase in jank. I'm still pissed I have to run my 6+ with reduce transparency just to get a smooth task switcher.


Kinda disappointed by all the damage iOS 9 has done to UI fluidity and the overall increase in jank. I'm still pissed I have to run my 6+ with reduce transparency just to get a smooth task switcher.
Sorry, the 6+ has issues regardless thanks to the 1gb or RAM.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Been posting a lot about this in the iPhone thread, but it looks like 9.0.2 does fix iCloud backup issues, but you apparently need to delete the existing backup done on 9.0.1 in order to get automatic backups going again.

The hiccups with this particular service while upgrading to iOS9 and the 6s have been infuriating.

What backup issues? As far as I can tell, my iPad was backing up on 9.0.1.. I think :/
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