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iOS 9: More than meets the eye


Dudes, got an iPhone recently. Previously had a note 3, and I find the way whatsapp message notifications are organised to be slightly annoying. I get quite a few messages from different groups and these notifications are not grouped. The android app was courteous enough to say "x number of messages received" when multiple texts would come in quick succession. Whereas now it gives me each fucking individual message. Immediately clogging up my notifications.

Looked into settings but nothing jumped out at me.


Dudes, got an iPhone recently. Previously had a note 3, and I find the way whatsapp message notifications are organised to be slightly annoying. I get quite a few messages from different groups and these notifications are not grouped. The android app was courteous enough to say "x number of messages received" when multiple texts would come in quick succession. Whereas now it gives me each fucking individual message. Immediately clogging up my notifications.

Looked into settings but nothing jumped out at me.

I believe the only system notification options are grouping by time received or application, iOS won't minimise notifications from the same app together. Honestly, while I prefer iOS, Android notifications as are far superior.



Some apps are seriously still using custom share sheets instead of the built-in one.
It'll be interesting to see what Apple adds to the next iOS and OS X versions. Even iOS is starting to reach the point where it's a pretty mature OS for our existing iPhone uses, and given that iOS 10 should be "feature" release, I'm curious to see what they'll add.

I have a feeling this WWDC might focus a lot on fleshing out the OSes for all their new devices (iPad Pro, AppleTV, and Apple Watch), and continuing to facilitate a "write once" platform.

I'm also curious to see how much iOS 9.2 will improve performance and stability, as, by the iOS 9.2 release, they should have had time to incorporate fixes for most of the bugs and feedback submitted with the iOS 9 betas.


Nice. Is there a full list of 9.2 improvements? I seem to recall some nice additions/tweaks for Apple Music.


This update contains improvements and bug fixes including:
Apple Music improvements
You can now create a new playlist when adding a song to a playlist
Your most recently changed playlist is now listed at the top when adding songs to playlists
Download albums or playlists from your iCloud Music Library by tapping the iCloud download button
See which songs have been downloaded with the new download indicator next to each song in My Music and Playlists
See works, composers, and performers while browsing Classical music in the Apple Music catalog

A new Top Stories section in News so you can stay up to date with the most important news of the day (available in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia)

Mail Drop in Mail for sending large attachments

iBooks now supports 3D Touch to peek and pop pages from the table of contents, your notes and bookmarks, or from search results inside a book

iBooks now supports listening to an audiobook while you browse your library, read other books, or explore the iBooks Store

iPhone support for the USB Camera Adapter to import photos and videos

Improved stability of Safari

Improved stability of Podcasts

Fixing an issue that caused mail attachments to be inaccessible for some users with POP email accounts

Resolving an issue for some users that caused attachments to overlap text in mail

Fixing an issue where Live Photos could have turned off after restoring from a previous iCloud backup

Addressing an issue that could cause search in Contacts to display no results

Resolving an issue that could have prevented Calendar from displaying all seven days in week view

Fixing an issue where Camera screen on iPad could be black when attempting to capture video

Addressing an issue that could cause instability in the Activity app when viewing the day of Daylight Savings Time transition

Fixing an issue that could prevent data from appearing in Health

Fixing an issue that could prevent Wallet updates and Lock screen alerts from displaying

Addressing an issue where updating iOS could prevent an alarm from going off

Fixing an issue where some users were unable to login to Find my iPhone

Fixing an issue that prevented some manual iCloud Backups from completing

Addressing an issue where using the iPad keyboard could unintentionally trigger text selection mode

Improved keyboard responsiveness when using Quick Reply

Improved punctuation input on the 10-key Chinese (Pinyin & Stroke) keyboards with new expanded view of punctuation symbols and better predictions

Fixing an issue on Cyrillic keyboards where caps lock would be enabled when typing in URL or email fields

Accessibility improvements
Fixing issues with VoiceOver when using Camera face detection
Adding support for VoiceOver to wake up the screen
Adding support for VoiceOver to invoke app switcher with 3D Touch gesture
Fixing an issue with Guided Access when trying to end phone calls
Improved functionality for Switch Control users when using 3D Touch
Fixing an issue with speech rate of Speak Screen
Siri support for Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates)
For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:
Installing now.
Safari freezes and eventually crashes when I open a new private tab using 3D touch, really hope that's fixed.

It's fixed!
Settings too no longer jump halfway down the page on opening.
News is quicker, Top Stories is a nice addition.
3D Touch in iBooks works well.
They still haven't added Nearby Places back in for the UK which is a shame...
Purify initially stopped blocking adds but a couple of refreshes seems to have fixed it.


Yeah this is much better on my Mini 2. Still not buttery smooth pulling up the multitasking pane but a hell of an improvement over what it was.
Has anyone been able to update from the from the 9.2 beta to the public release of 9.2? I deleted the beta profile and it still says I'm up to date.
Apparently, the App Store app may now display ads for Apple products from time to time.


via Reddit

Really annoying as if the constant reminder that I could install Keynote wasn't enough.
Yes I know about about keynote, no I don't actually need it on my phone, thanks for asking me every other day though, I might have changed my mind and not found the app myself.


Has anyone the problem, that Apps ask more than once for permission to access the multiple things like camera, gps, etc? Its fucking annoying.


When viewing a picture in the Photos app, how can I move it to another album? I can select one or several pictures in the grid view and tap "Add", but what if I'm viewing a specific picture? There's the Edit button, the Share button, the Heart button and the Trash button. I can't find a Move/Add action in the share sheet.
When viewing a picture in the Photos app, how can I move it to another album? I can select one or several pictures in the grid view and tap "Add", but what if I'm viewing a specific picture? There's the Edit button, the Share button, the Heart button and the Trash button. I can't find a Move/Add action in the share sheet.
Do this:
Albums > All Photos > Select > Add to... > (choose album)

(you can add a photo to multiple albums by repeating this process)

You can also remove from an album in a similar way:
Albums > Album Name > Select > Trash > Remove From Album

(photo will be removed from the selected album, but will stay in "All Photos" - your Photo Library)


Do this:
Albums > All Photos > Select > Add to... > (choose album)

(you can add a photo to multiple albums by repeating this process)

You can also remove from an album in a similar way:
Albums > Album Name > Select > Trash > Remove From Album

(photo will be removed from the selected album, but will stay in "All Photos" - your Photo Library)

That's what I was referring to in my post. But there doesn't seem to be a way to add a photo to an album after opening the photo in fullscreen by tapping it. Which is kind of a weird oversight, I think. I'm talking about this view (not my picture):



are US itunes TV show purchases IP locked to the US? I want to watch Manhattan but it isn't on the UK itunes store (or other digital stores) I assume because it hasn't been broadcast here?

The only other alternative would be importing the bluray and ripping it which is probably more expensive.


Anyone else having issue where the badge icon notification (little number in a red circle) on the Messages app isn't appearing anymore, even when you have unread texts?

Good news, hope Schiller can right the ship. what i posted in the iOS games thread:

Slightly on topic, but Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller is taking over App Store leadership across all Apple platforms. Previously, this was under Eddy Cue, VP of Internet Software and Services, (included iTunes Store, the App Store, iBooks Store, Apple Pay, Siri, Maps, iAd, iCloud services, and Apple’s productivity and creativity apps).

Schiller has been responsible for developer relations for awhile and does a good job, imo (see his appearance at The Talk Show Live at WWDC this year).

I hope what this means is a bigger focus from Apple on working with App Store devs and making them happy, as well as better discoverability and features across the stores.

Hopefully, we see something from this at WWDC next June.
It can't get much worse, I guess.

It could be like Jony Ive taking over iOS design. Significant changes made in a very short span of time, not necessarily going to please everybody.

Phil Schiller's the executive who usually handles questions about App Store approval process. I remember as far back as 2009 there were tons of stories about how he'd personally approve apps awaiting review, back when the review process was especially painful.

At least it's nice to get some acknowledgement that the App Store needs a change. I'm not expecting miracles, though. The Apple App Store model and its imitators seem to be fairing poorly outside of the F2P domain.

The only store I can think of that's doing well is the Steam marketplace. It could be a coincidence, but that one actually has competition.


I've been thinking for quite some time that the AppStore needs a major overhaul.
The market requires it.
I hope by the time iOS 10 (or 11) land, we have, at least:
- More options to deliver game updates (eg, paid updates). I love when a developer delivers a cool update for free, but then there's times when the devs want to deliver a paid update, and they're forced to do weird stuff to do so (eg, Tapbots with Tweetbot).
- Expanded review system. I hope reviews become more interactive, and that devs have a way to reply to them.


This is how a real changelog is supposed to look like:
Alien Blue 2.9.8 said:
Improved: OAuth integration
Improved: Spoiler tag handling and coverage
Improved: Reduced memory consumption when opening images and articles
Improved: Albums open in standard mode instead of optimal by default
Improved: Added Crashlytics for more reliable crash reporting
Improved: Reduced authentication & inbox status retrieval times
Improved: Minor tweaks to application icon
Improved: Added auto "mark as read" support for mod mail

Fixed: "Image is too Large" warnings
Fixed: Crashing issue after posting comments
Fixed: "Bad response received" errors on comments
Fixed: Potential comment distortion after long period of use
Fixed: Potential freezing/crashing after period of use
Fixed: Mark mail as read failing for Inbox (OAuth)
Fixed: Tokens not being revoked when deleting currently in-active accounts
Fixed: Deleting second/third accounts causes account switching to fail
Fixed: Captcha not displaying (OAuth)
Fixed: New subscriptions not being synced to reddit website
Fixed: Comments not loading after long time in background
Fixed: "Login Errors" occurring when device loses network connection
Fixed: "Bad Response Received" errors during network & authentication establishment
Fixed: Comments/Posts not automatically reloading after 4G/wifi connection is established
Fixed: Network reachability errors when wifi/4G is available but VPN is mid connection
Fixed: Inbox lock screen notifications not working while backgrounded
Fixed: Comment entry options appearing behind keyboard
Fixed: "Network unavailable" warnings occasionally firing incorrectly
Fixed: Collapsed self-post text re-expanding when using pull to refresh
Fixed: Posts/Comments scroll views randomly jumping up/downward
Fixed: Auto mark as read not working for inbox

Not shit like this:
1Password 6.1.2 said:
Hello again, true believers! As we continue our journey towards 1Password 6.2 we wanted to take a small detour and push out version 6.1.2 to address some of the larger pain points you've made us aware of via the forums. Thanks again, and as always, stay smart, stay shiny, and stay secure.

- With this update 1Password for iOS now supports the new 1Password for Teams encryption algorithm.
- This version contains a potential fix for the slow launch/slow unlock issues some of you have been seeing.
- The Demo vault is no longer included in All Vaults (unless you explicitly tell it to be).
- The tab bar icons for Favorites, Categories, Organize, and Settings have all had their constrast boosted to be easier on the eyes.

== What’s New in 1Password 6.1, The Unity Edition ==

It’s time to let you in on a secret. For months, everyone at AgileBits has been hard at work on an incredible new addition to the 1Password family: 1Password for Teams. With 1Password for Teams, everyone gets the simple, convenient security of 1Password, and you get the tools you need to control and manage access to your most important information. Visit teams.1password.com to learn more about our awesome new product.

Not only have we baked 1Password for Teams right into the very core of 1Password for iOS, we’ve also added features that bring some new shiny to the app you’ve come to love and trust! 1Password 6.1 gives you the ability to view all of your items across vaults and introduces support for 1Password for Teams. Keeping everything and everyone together has never been so easy!

== TL;DR ==
- An "All Vaults" view so you can get to any of your items, no matter which vault they’re in.
- Support for 1Password for Teams accounts.
- Little improvements here and there to show you just how much we care.

== All Vaults ==
When you have more than one vault, it can be really easy to forget where you’ve saved what, which can make it a bit complicated to find the item you're looking for. Now, you can view and search all of your items in all of your vaults by using All Vaults. But what if the whole reason you created a separate vault was to keep its items out of your way? No problem! If you don't want to include absolutely everything, go to Settings > Vaults > All Vaults and switch off the vaults you don't want to include. And would you look at how pretty that new All Vaults icon is?! I feel like a unicorn just looking at it.

== 1Password for Teams ==
If you've already scored a new 1Password for Teams account, you'll need a way to view those vaults on your pocket computers! To add a new account or manage an existing one, go to Settings > 1Password for Teams. Welcome and enjoy!

== A Care Package, from Us to You ==
From new and improved translations to better performance for humungo vaults, we sweat the details so you don't have to!

== We Love You ==
We value your workflow too much to prompt you for a review. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please take some time to leave a rating and review on the App Store. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you so very much.

We love hearing from you! Get in touch with us at discussions.agilebits.com, @1Password on Twitter, and facebook.com/1Password.


So I'm thinking of updating my iPad 3 from iOS 6 to 9, due the fact that many apps for my son only have a requirement of iOS 7 or newer and never had a version for iOS 6 available. The iPad belongs to my son now. The app I really want is YouTube kids.

So should I do it? Will it really slow it down too much?
It will slow it down. Maybe the performance will be enough for just that YouTube app. General navigation is much slower.

I don't know whether or not you can go to an intermediate iOS version?

Might be time to sell it on and invest in an upgrade?


The "Nearby" row in Spotlight breafly appeared on my iPhone the other day. it was fully functioning and all.

Now it's gone again. Apple giveth, Apple taketh.

The Real Abed

Hopefully that means Apple's willing to let the + show more on screen at once in some places. Maybe the next step is folders with more than 9 icons on iPhones. Or a 5th row on the home screen... nah. That won't happen.


Well, I finally created a Trakt account. Of course, the first thing I did was test synchronization with iShows. I don't even feel like elaborating, so let's just say it's a hot mess.
My biggest problem is that shows added in Trakt will not show up in iShows; it only works the other way around.

Deku Tree

Hopefully that means Apple's willing to let the + show more on screen at once in some places. Maybe the next step is folders with more than 9 icons on iPhones. Or a 5th row on the home screen... nah. That won't happen.

I was really surprised that the iPad Pro only has four rows. Seems nuts.
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