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iOS 9: More than meets the eye


You have to press kind of hard to open task switcher with a left swipe. I'm surprised you could do it by accident. You could always try increasing the pressure required, see if that helps.


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Fuck App Review.
Looks like 9.3 also has iBooks in iCloud. Expecting it to work the same as every other iCloud system: add a PDF or other file to iBooks on one device, it shows up on all of them (taking up iCloud space)


I think the going timeline has been within a week or two. At least that's what I'm hoping for here
Haven't they been releasing public betas a day after the dev betas recently? So devs test in case something catastrophic comes up, otherwise public are free to go.

Fuck App Review.
Yeah, I really don't understand Apple's app review process. They seem to be actively blocking things they want to make themselves/is better than their own app/"duplicates" built-in features just for the heck of it. And yet they give no shits about clones, fake apps and blatant copyright infringement (as long as it's not their copyright).


Super excited for the new dark/f.lux mode.
I've actually side-loaded f.lux in my iPad an iPhone, and use it despite the app being super buggy. It's really a major improvement while using the devices at night.

Different profiles for education iPads looks like a test for a feature that will land for everybody with iOS 10. About time. Any of these days my daughter will accidentally delete some of my mails while she uses my iPad. :/

And improvements in the Health app are also long overdue. It's an absolute PoS. Impossible to get any valuable insight into the data it stores.


iOS 9.3 beta has a ton of new stuff:

+ new dark/f.lux mode

I've been waiting for something like this forever, back when I jailbroke my iPhone and iPod it was always the first thing I installed, always goes on any computer I have too. So it's about time we got it built in, but I'm really happy it's actually happening.


Junior Member
Looks like 9.3 also has iBooks in iCloud. Expecting it to work the same as every other iCloud system: add a PDF or other file to iBooks on one device, it shows up on all of them (taking up iCloud space)
Finally!! I've always wondered why it wasn't working this way...

This is a pretty nice feature set for a point release...I wonder why they didn't wait and bundle those up into iOS 10.
Finally!! I've always wondered why it wasn't working this way...

This is a pretty nice feature set for a point release...I wonder why they didn't wait and bundle those up into iOS 10.

Maybe they're getting smart and not stuffing 50 features into X.0 releases and then fixing it for the next several point releases and instead spreading them out

The Real Abed

Maybe they're getting smart and not stuffing 50 features into X.0 releases and then fixing it for the next several point releases and instead spreading them out
Let's hope so. I hate waiting a whole year just for a lot of big additions then putting up with buggy releases for the next year. (Even on release versions.)

Hopefully that also starts happening on OS X releases.

I still can't get text messages to show up on either my iMac or iPad because the "approval code" never pops up for some unknown goddamned reason. Problem is you can't tell whose problem it is. OS X or iOS? Because my MacBook worked fine for SMS syncing from iOS. And there's other bugs in other places I've had forever. A few that are different on different machines.


Now there are pictures of it, the number of people on reddit complaining about night shift because:
- Its too yellow/It will remove all the blue and that will look weird
- It will ruin my screenshots
- I don't want it on all the time, just at night, and I don't want to have to go into display settings to turn it on and off every day
- It doesn't adjust the screen brightness


to clarify, those complaints are all nonsense, you can adjust how much it shifts the colours, it doesn't affect screenshots, it has various options to automatically switch on and off, and adjusting screen brightness isn't the point.


But it's supposed to work only at night, hence the name Night Shift?

exactly... but a lot of people seem to really dislike it because they completely misunderstand it (none of the complaints in my post make sense, but they are appearing again and again).


...hate me...
exactly... but a lot of people seem to really dislike it because they completely misunderstand it (none of the complaints in my post make sense, but they are appearing again and again).
Ah, gotcha. Sounds like the same crowd that signs up for beta software and then starts complaining that not everything runs 100% smoothly, even leaving nasty reviews on the App Store for 3rd party software.

The Real Abed

iShows Movies is finally out.

edit: And the first thing you see when you launch the app is.. an ad for iShows TV? Come the fuck on, what is this?

Another reason it's stupid that the app isn't just an all in one TV+Movies app. Actors can be in both.

I mean it's free, so it's not like it's a money grab. Some people don't want separate apps for everything when one would do. I'm looking at you, FaceBook+Messenger and DropBox+Carousel.


Another reason it's stupid that the app isn't just an all in one TV+Movies app. Actors can be in both.

I mean it's free, so it's not like it's a money grab. Some people don't want separate apps for everything when one would do. I'm looking at you, FaceBook+Messenger and DropBox+Carousel.

Well, just like iShows TV, it's free with an IAP to unlock unlimited items (shows/movies). The TV app is $4, the Movie app is $3.

Seriously though, showing an ad immediately after the first launch before I even have a chance of using the app is fucking despicable. It's like those shitty websites which display a gigantic "SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AWESOME CONTENT!!" popup before you even finish reading the first paragraph on the page. No, fuck off.

I'm gonna stick with Movist anyway. It looks great and it works (including Trakt syncing). And it has landscape mode, unlike iShows Movies.

Indeed, iShows Movies does not have landscape support and probably won't get it anytime soon. Why not? Well, iShows TV, which is basically the same app, does support landscape, but the layout is completely broken. Turns out landscape support was added by mistake, and they couldn't figure out how to fix the layout issues, so they're gonna remove it in a future update. Yeah.


Recently moved from Android and I couldn't believe how good TVShow Time is. Give it a try if you haven't.

(also has Android version)


Teaser for iShows for Video Games:

The backend is The Games DB. I don't know that site, but it looks ancient. Yuck.

However, I'm not sure whether they just pull data game data from the site or if the app will actually sync the game collection:


Because this sounds like the former. And remember, syncing isn't really their strong suit.
Downloaded the 9.3 beta just so I could report the numerous annoying landscape-related bugs in 9.2.
Turns out they've all been fixed, bar one.
Great update so far, beta is smooth, hasn't crashed yet and battery life is unchanged.
I just want Verizon to enable WiFi calling. Other than that, the elimination of the 300ms delay in Safari and color management improvements sound pretty awesome.

The Real Abed

Teaser for iShows for Video Games:
I reiterate. Why not just make one all in one app for this? I hate when devs pull this stuff. It's just as bad as devs that make separate iPhone and iPad apps and charge separate prices for them, or make apps for their website that's just a wrapper for their website, or spam the store with a dozen apps that do similar things all slightly differently.


I reiterate. Why not just make one all in one app for this? I hate when devs pull this stuff. It's just as bad as devs that make separate iPhone and iPad apps and charge separate prices for them, or make apps for their website that's just a wrapper for their website, or spam the store with a dozen apps that do similar things all slightly differently.

I think it makes sense to have a separate app for video games, but I agree with you that iShows TV and iShows Movies should be one app. At this point, they're basically just recycling their codebase and plugging in different data sources. They're also thinking about developing iShows versions for books and comics (presumably two separate apps, again).


I just want Verizon to enable WiFi calling. Other than that, the elimination of the 300ms delay in Safari and color management improvements sound pretty awesome.

Isn't this enabled? I remember when I worked at Verizon during the iPhone 6 launch itself the Wifi calling was a big feature they wanted us to talk about


Well, just like iShows TV, it's free with an IAP to unlock unlimited items (shows/movies). The TV app is $4, the Movie app is $3.

Seriously though, showing an ad immediately after the first launch before I even have a chance of using the app is fucking despicable. It's like those shitty websites which display a gigantic "SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AWESOME CONTENT!!" popup before you even finish reading the first paragraph on the page. No, fuck off.

I'm gonna stick with Movist anyway. It looks great and it works (including Trakt syncing). And it has landscape mode, unlike iShows Movies.

Indeed, iShows Movies does not have landscape support and probably won't get it anytime soon. Why not? Well, iShows TV, which is basically the same app, does support landscape, but the layout is completely broken. Turns out landscape support was added by mistake, and they couldn't figure out how to fix the layout issues, so they're gonna remove it in a future update. Yeah.

And there it is.


Oh, and just like iShows Movies, iShows TV now also displays an ad for its counterpart upon first launch.


Fuck off. Uninstalled.


Which app would you recommend to keep track of the TV shows I'm watching? In particular, I would like to be notified of upcoming episodes. That's pretty much my only requirement, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't use any other features.

There's iShows 2 (iTunes), which I tried a few weeks ago. As far as I remember, the UI was pretty confusing, which is why I deleted it again. But I'm gonna give it another chance.

Another one I've found is TeeVee* (iTunes), which looks really, really sleek. It's $2.99, so I haven't tried it yet.

Other search results are iTV Shows (iTunes) and TVShow Time (iTunes), but I haven't yet had a closer look at them. The latter does have the best rating of those four, though. (4.5 stars)

*Have fun scrolling down on their site. Fucking hell, this shit is the worst.

I have used both TeeVee and iShows, and from those two I very much preferred using iShows. They both offer a very similar set of features, so it mainly comes down to which style of presentation you prefer. Personally, I found iShows to be a lot better because I can have favourite shows in a separate tab and somehow the list of shows that TeeVee uses just didn't feel good on my iPhone (it's less of an issue on my iPad). I agree that TeeVee looks very sleek, but somehow it still fails to just work and get out of your way.

In terms of notifications for upcoming shows these apps have slight differences: iShows lets you decide on a specific time to be notified or just have an offset for the actual air time. TeeVee, however, only offers the latter. So if you prefer to have a notification pop up for today's shows at 6 pm every day (or whatever time you prefer), definitely go with iShows.

The other two apps you linked look worse in my opinion and I can't come up with a reason why you'd want to go with either of those over iShows/TeeVee.

And yeah, that website is absolutely hideous to browse.

fwiw I picked Televised back in 2014:

follow up reviews. I tried out Teevee, Televised 2 and iTV Shows 3:

  • Teevee is the slickest but also the simplest. I use my tv tracker for upcoming episodes and for the backlog shows I'm watching on Netflix/Bluray. Teevee can't handle the latter use case and is a bit unwieldy if you add more than a couple shows. No iPad app (yet)
  • iTV Shows' iPhone app is an uglier, more cluttered, version of the Teevee design. It's buggy as well; i saw some graphical glitches. The iPad version is much better though. It supports both my use cases.
  • Televised still looks a lot like an iOS6 app (albeit a decently designed one). It's the most functional design though; it correctly alerted me that there were 2 Community episodes airing last Thursday which Teevee and iTV failed to indicate. It supports my first use case the best and only partly supports the second use case. No iPad app
Overall, the best experience is with the iTV iPad app. Alerts are better on the phone and for that I'll stick with Televised.
Android has the best looking tv tracker app :O

but then switched to iTV shows last year after it got updates because of iPhone widget support and iPad support (kept crashing on iPad Pro but I returned the iPad Pro anyway), Apple Watch support (I never used their Apple Watch glance and I sold the Apple Watch anyway), trak.tv support (trak.tv sucks, it always bugs out when I try to sign in with Infuse and other 'supported' apps, wish there was an alternative open tracking service for syncing across app)... well the iTV Show app notifications still works for me, and the very good widget still works for me, so I've been sticking with it out of inertia really.
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