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iOS Gaming Thread March 2013: It's $1 per post, $5 for 8 posts or $10 for 20 posts

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I need your strength, friends. Join me hand in hand and delete all of your free-to-play cities. All of them.

Happy Street
Clash of Clans
Pixel People
The Simpsons: Tapped Out

"I've come so far Heel, I can't stop now." Yes, you can. Delete them all and free yourself from your daily chores with the end goal of hollowness.


I need your strength, friends. Join me hand in hand and delete all of your free-to-play cities. All of them.

Happy Street
Clash of Clans
Pixel People
The Simpsons: Tapped Out

"I've come so far Heel, I can't stop now." Yes, you can. Delete them all and free yourself from your daily chores with the end goal of hollowness.

i deleted pixel people and simpsons tapped out. Have you tried Dungeon Village? That one was actually fun and not a time delay nonsense thing. I'm not downloading another one of these waiting games.
I need your strength, friends. Join me hand in hand and delete all of your free-to-play cities. All of them.

Happy Street
Clash of Clans
Pixel People
The Simpsons: Tapped Out

"I've come so far Heel, I can't stop now." Yes, you can. Delete them all and free yourself from your daily chores with the end goal of hollowness.

Fuck no. I'm at 151/155 in Pixel People.


My iCade is amazing. Please recommend the best iCade compatible games. I've got all tne DotEmu games already (playing them to death.)


Have you tried Dungeon Village? That one was actually fun and not a time delay nonsense thing.

As a former free-to-play addict I need a clean break from my past. Trust me guys, it's so much better on the other side. My fingers haven't felt this good in years.

I'm working on my one week chip and I am in need of a sponsor. Please someone, add me on GameCenter and keep tabs on my progress towards a clean gaming lifestyle.


erotic butter maelstrom
As a former free-to-play addict I need a clean break from my past. Trust me guys, it's so much better on the other side. My fingers haven't felt this good in years.

I'm working on my one week chip and I am in need of a sponsor. Please someone, add me on GameCenter and keep tabs on my progress towards a clean gaming lifestyle.

Dungeon Village is a Kairosoft game. It's not the same time as the time management/FTP games you're talking about. But I'm done with those for the most part. I got really into Pixel People for a weekend but once I hit that point where cooldowns take several hours I once again lost interest.


Fully staff every building and work on upgrading every building while stockpiling coins for the inevitable content update.

I've been there, Bob. I've been there. You know what they do? They pat you on the head with a one sentence pop-up box, and all you're left with is a hand full of Utopium and a dead soul. I've seen it. I've seen it with my own eyes.
I've been there, Bob. I've been there. You know what they do? They pat you on the head with a one sentence pop-up box, and all you're left with is a hand full of Utopium and a dead soul. I've seen it. I've seen it with my own eyes.

What I like about Pixel People is how roads and waterways don't take up any of your land allotment. Most games like this have limited space for that sort of thing if they allow you any escape from the timers at all, but Pixel People allows you some creativity in planning your city. It would probably be more efficient to place a screen full of trees and have all workplaces in straight lines according to their timer length, but I like making the city look nice.


What I like about Pixel People is how roads and waterways don't take up any of your land allotment. Most games like this have limited space for that sort of thing if they allow you any escape from the timers at all, but Pixel People allows you some creativity in planning your city. It would probably be more efficient to place a screen full of trees and have all workplaces in straight lines according to their timer length, but I like making the city look nice.

I'll pray for you.


I need your strength, friends. Join me hand in hand and delete all of your free-to-play cities. All of them.

Happy Street
Clash of Clans
Pixel People
The Simpsons: Tapped Out

"I've come so far Heel, I can't stop now." Yes, you can. Delete them all and free yourself from your daily chores with the end goal of hollowness.

The only 'time management' sim I ever tried was Tiny Tower due to all the buzz when it came out, and I quickly dropped it when I found out there's no gameplay in it. I find absolutely no appeal to these games. Glad to see you're over them now.


What I like about Pixel People is how roads and waterways don't take up any of your land allotment. Most games like this have limited space for that sort of thing if they allow you any escape from the timers at all, but Pixel People allows you some creativity in planning your city. It would probably be more efficient to place a screen full of trees and have all workplaces in straight lines according to their timer length, but I like making the city look nice.
No I'm the same way.

And as far as deleting all my F2P games.. (Especially the ones above)

Over my dead body. Hooks are too far in. Can't pull them out now.


I can't delete Happy Street! I might miss some limited edition buildings and then they're gone FOREVER!
I've come to accept that I'll never be able to earn what all the special event stuff costs so I've out that stuff out of my dreams. I'll grab 1-2 of the most "important" pieces and be happy. I didn't mess with Chinese New Year stuff though.

I did delete Happy Street once.. It was very liberating, I'll agree. While I knew my stuff was saved, I felt free from the grasp of quests and the "need" to open the app and do stuff. But then I reinstalled it because of one of those free app sites gave me credit to do so and the cycle has started again. The pattern with F2P games for me, I think, is in the summer where I'm actually doing things outside I will forget about the altogether. But when school/winter rolls around, the downtime gets the best of me and the compulsions come back.


Neo Member
Posted a little teaser of some gameplay elements of our upcoming title Tiny Troopers 2 today.
Spreading the word, so here I am.


Isometric shooter ala Cannon Fodder sums it up nicely. Lots of things reworked and rethought for the 2ed one. Still adding things and tweaking. Overall feel this is a huge improvement over the first.


I deleted Tiny Tower and Pixel People a while back, those were the only two chores I had and fuck them and thier ilk. I would kill for an actual Sim game (city or tower) that didn't think I was an ATM or worker bee.

Edit: Frozen Synapse iPad is in final beta at the end of this month. :D


I deleted Tiny Tower and Pixel People a while back, those were the only two chores I had and fuck them and thier ilk. I would kill for an actual Sim game (city or tower) that didn't think I was an ATM or worker bee.

Edit: Frozen Synapse iPad is in final beta at the end of this month. :D

SimCity Deluxe?


Edit: Frozen Synapse iPad is in final beta at the end of this month. :D

Nice. Any idea how long it normally takes after beta completion for the actual deployment to the store?

I like worms, but the multi is kinda gimped with missing features, and I always saw frozen synapse as a more complex, top down version of worms.


Nice. Any idea how long it normally takes after beta completion for the actual deployment to the store?

No idea, but it was in Beta late last year but they had to rebuild the UI as it had too many issues. They seem to be giving it plenty of TLC which is nice.


formerly "chigiri"
I deleted Tiny Tower and Pixel People a while back, those were the only two chores I had and fuck them and thier ilk. I would kill for an actual Sim game (city or tower) that didn't think I was an ATM or worker bee.

Edit: Frozen Synapse iPad is in final beta at the end of this month. :D
Super stickman golf 2 out tomorrow.

Loved the first!
Yup, gonna buy the shit out of it. Also, Ridiculous Fishing!


Hope the controls for Frozen Synapse translate well to iPad. It's pretty complex on PC. Personally, I'd welcome some streamlined/simplified controls. Does it have asynchronous MP? That'd be a given right? If so, new async champ contender.


Hope the controls for Frozen Synapse translate well to iPad. It's pretty complex on PC. Personally, I'd welcome some streamlined/simplified controls. Does it have asynchronous MP? That'd be a given right? If so, new async champ contender.

Yep, cross platform too iirc.

Magika for the iPad hits tonight btw, no iPhone version.
I've come to accept that I'll never be able to earn what all the special event stuff costs so I've out that stuff out of my dreams. I'll grab 1-2 of the most "important" pieces and be happy. I didn't mess with Chinese New Year stuff though.

I'm not buying all the special stuff, just the house, the two businesses, and the item to combo them.


Ridiculous Fishing coming out at 8 PM PT for $2.99 USD

Someone should do an OT

I'll buy Ridiculous Fishing in a few months if people are still excited by it. I've been burned too many times by indie darlings like Hundreds which have all the developer pedigree and all the games press in their pocket and then turn out massively average.

It's like everyone goes all hipster over shit like this, desperate to be the journalist that raves about the game so they can be all "yeah, I liked RF before it was cool," and the quality of the finished game is completely irrelevant to them.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I'll buy Ridiculous Fishing in a few months if people are still excited by it. I've been burned too many times by indie darlings like Hundreds which have all the developer pedigree and all the games press in their pocket and then turn out massively average.

It's like everyone goes all hipster over shit like this, desperate to be the journalist that raves about the game so they can be all "yeah, I liked RF before it was cool," and the quality of the finished game is completely irrelevant to them.

It'll probably be flavor of the week. At least the game has no IAP


I'll buy Ridiculous Fishing in a few months if people are still excited by it. I've been burned too many times by indie darlings like Hundreds which have all the developer pedigree and all the games press in their pocket and then turn out massively average.

It's like everyone goes all hipster over shit like this, desperate to be the journalist that raves about the game so they can be all "yeah, I liked RF before it was cool," and the quality of the finished game is completely irrelevant to them.

I had the exact same experience with Hundreds, it got old really fast.


No way, Super Hexagon is a permanent staple on my iPhone.

At least until I beat it...

; )


At least until I beat all of Wario's times. He's apparently distracted by the Steam ver so I'm almost there.
Hah, yeah, I wouldn't put Super Hexagon in that category at all. Game is awesome.

If I needed any convincing not to buy Ridiculous Fishing on day one, it came when within two minutes of the TouchArcade thread for it appearing, Hodapp posted "Buy this game." and literally nothing else at all.

"Yeah, I liked RF before it was cool."

It had five stars on that site before he'd even played it.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I need your strength, friends. Join me hand in hand and delete all of your free-to-play cities. All of them.

Happy Street
Clash of Clans
Pixel People
The Simpsons: Tapped Out

"I've come so far Heel, I can't stop now." Yes, you can. Delete them all and free yourself from your daily chores with the end goal of hollowness.
I could never get rid of Happy Street, seeing all the new art for the building expansions is pretty much the reward there, love it.
A lot of writers have had the game for a couple weeks by now though. Eh, we'll see

Yeah, I'm sure he's played it, but I'm certain it had got five stars on TouchArcade long before he did. Game journos love to be seen to have "indie cred" and raving about games like this is an incredibly easy way to get it.

If it's good, it'll stand the test of time, so we'll see.


Hah, yeah, I wouldn't put Super Hexagon in that category at all. Game is awesome.

If I needed any convincing not to buy Ridiculous Fishing on day one, it came when within two minutes of the TouchArcade thread for it appearing, Hodapp posted "Buy this game." and literally nothing else at all.

"Yeah, I liked RF before it was cool."

It had five stars on that site before he'd even played it.

I agree that Touch Arcade's reviews are at times a little clique-ish if not outright dishonest, but the game is that good. I played an early version of it a little more than a year ago, I think, and it's been on every "must haves" list I've posted on GAF since then, alongside a few AAA games and "big" indies like The Witness and Fez. I don't blame you if you want to sit on your hands and see how the forum guinea pigs respond, but unlike something like Hundreds (which I thought was okay but not okay-enough to drop four dollars on), I think RF is the real deal.

Edit: Like you said, if it's good, then it'll stand the test of time (like Super Hexagon!), so hopefully you'll be in here talking it up in a month. ; )


works for Gamestop (lol)
I don't trust Toucharcade for their opinions though. Never read their reviews and never will. Anyway, these games are still cheap


Speaking of not trusting TA opinions, anyone try Real Boxing yet? I saw it dropped to .99 last night but couldn't really find anyone with an opinion on it.
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