To non participating gaffers: sorry to bother you. It's just a couple of posts. As usual when the challenge is near the ending of the competitions, I'll take a bit of space from this thread to remind people who've forgot or might not follow the specific thread. Be merciful my lords

GAF's iOS Challenge VII - '
TINY WINGS on *Distance Traveled* Mode'
Time Left on the Challenge::
Starts March 8, 00:01 (AM) GMT
Ends: March 15, 23:45 (PM) GMT
Current GMT / World Time
You can participate until the very last moment, even as a new member!
If you're already on my GC Friends List all you have to do is to play the game, otherwise send a friend request to:
Dash Kappei GAF
Due to some players suffering bugs with the game's leaderboards on Game Center, here's how it's gonna fly:
If your highscore hasn't been registered by Game Center, come and post it with the screenshot ASAP!
From now on, if you make a new highscore which GC didn't track, you have to come in here and post it within the hour (screen will show the time on the iDevice as well), with this format:
GC Name:
Dash Kappi GAF
1 billion km
Screenshot can be edited in later, but to give people enough time to react you have to at least post your new highscore.
Failing to do so will likely invalidate your score.
TOP20 75 Players Total as of Today@11:30 GMT