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iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


I do. Not sure if the multiplayer is async or not, or how it works, as I've not had chance to play it online yet, but will be around for a few games this evening. From about 6:30gmt or so.
My online times are pretty sporadic, so if its not async then I dont know when I will get a chance to play it. haha.

If im awake early enough this evening before work I will send something your way.


Just had a quick look around some reviews for this and it appears that there's no async option, which is sucky :/ Wish I'd bothered to find that out before I jumped on it; not sure that it'll get much play as it is.

Still, if you're around later then throw me an invite over and we'll see if we can make something work.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Operation Eradicate got a "major" update, but it's a new element (reusable items) instead of much needed multiplayer-fixes... Oh well...


Operation Eradicate got a "major" update, but it's a new element (reusable items) instead of much needed multiplayer-fixes... Oh well...

When buying a game on sale goes wrong...SMH. I guess I'll just give it a try now since it looks like it's not getting any better anytime soon.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
You know what I'd pay good money for? An iOS port of Stratego.

Also just ran across Conquest of Nerath at my local Indigo/Chapters, SO tempted to buy it and the reviews look good, damn.


You know what I'd pay good money for? An iOS port of Stratego.

Also just ran across Conquest of Nerath at my local Indigo/Chapters, SO tempted to buy it and the reviews look good, damn.

Conquest is basically fantasy axis and allies. It's fun if you find that genre enjoyable (I have a copy because I like guys on a map games).


sladeums: On one of my last turns I put a mystic on top of my deck at the beginning of my turn, had the raven to name the card on top of my deck to score points....and in my haste selected the wrong card.

I lost by one point.

Shake. My. Fucking. Head.


sladeums: On one of my last turns I put a mystic on top of my deck at the beginning of my turn, had the raven to name the card on top of my deck to score points....and in my haste selected the wrong card.

I lost by one point.

Shake. My. Fucking. Head.

Dont be crying man, you beat me like 20 games in a row prior to that.

Bout damn time I start getting some payback !!!
And I'll take it any way I can get it!!!


Dont be crying man, you beat me like 20 games in a row prior to that.

Bout damn time I start getting some payback !!!

Hahaha I guess...you were killing me on Storm of Souls so we'll have to give that another run.

Such a shitty way to go out though. I thought you were blowing me out with that Fallen monster, but to find out I lost by 1 point on a misplay is the worst.

Good games!


Hahaha I guess...you were killing me on Storm of Souls so we'll have to give that another run.

Such a shitty way to go out though. I thought you were blowing me out with that Fallen monster, but to find out I lost by 1 point on a misplay is the worst.

Good games!

We can just move up through the expansions - been playing the base set for a while, so maybe try some straight RotF for a bit?

Don't know that I've ever played with just that set alone.
Sent you an invite.


We can just move up through the expansions - been playing the base set for a while, so maybe try some straight RotF for a bit?

Don't know that I've ever played with just that set alone.
Sent you an invite.

Yeah I've been progressing through the sets with a few people. I'm pretty sure we've been playing the RotF set by itself for a at least a few games now. That's the set that Fallen monster is from.

But yeah, up to you what we play. I've got all the expansions and down for whatever.


Yeah I've been progressing through the sets with a few people. I'm pretty sure we've been playing the RotF set by itself for a at least a few games now. That's the set that Fallen monster is from.

But yeah, up to you what we play. I've got all the expansions and down for whatever.

Ok ... that must be why I finally won a couple.

Cuz prior to that I know we were playing just base set and I was getting my ass kicked pretty consistently there.


Ok ... that must be why I finally won a couple.

Cuz prior to that I know we were playing just base set and I was getting my ass kicked pretty consistently there.

Yeah that's the only set I'd say I'm consistently good at. I'm not sure what it is, though. I guess I'm familiar with the cards and their value? I don't think it's random luck, haha.


Got the "Don't mind if Adayu" achievement in Ascension.



Hail to the KING baby
Need to stop playing Ghost Stories on Nightmare or I'm going to hurl my iPad through a window. Ever make a mistake, have a tough roll, or have a powerful ghost come out at the wrong time and you're completely fucked. I can't even imagine playing Nightmare on the tabletop it would just be depressing. (Could probably read BGG forums though and figure out all the good strategies, but I've always found that lame as hell for any game unless you've completely mastered it yourself already.)

(Bringing tabletop to game night tomorrow -- NOT playing on Nightmare though.)


The Plague - anyone get it? Is it an off brand Pandemic or something? I noticed it's crazy high on the sales charts but can't tell exactly what it is.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
The Plague - anyone get it? Is it an off brand Pandemic or something? I noticed it's crazy high on the sales charts but can't tell exactly what it is.

Nope. It's based on the flash game Pandemic online, has nothing to do with the Boardgame Pandemic. It's purely single-player. I've hyped it quite a bit in the other thread and it's caught on, there's A LOT of people playing it, you can ask any kind of question there :p Doesn't really belong here, because it has nothing to do with boardgames/pandemic the boardgame at all. :)


Nope. It's based on the flash game Pandemic online, has nothing to do with the Boardgame Pandemic. It's purely single-player. I've hyped it quite a bit in the other thread and it's caught on, there's A LOT of people playing it, you can ask any kind of question there :p Doesn't really belong here, because it has nothing to do with boardgames/pandemic the boardgame at all. :)
Ok, thanks for the info. I might give it a shot.


iOS Interview: Q&A with Thomas Bleyer of Ravensburger Digital

GA: We also learned that Codito has submitted Puerto Rico to you for approval on the asynchronous multiplayer update. How is it coming along? What impact do you think it will have in player enjoyment? On increased app sales for Puerto Rico?

TB: Yes, we had always intended to add this feature as it makes a lot of sense for this type of game. We are currently in the review and testing phase together with Codito and I hope that we’ll be able to submit this update for release fairly soon.

GA: With Puerto Rico, aMAZEing Labyrinth HD, Ramses II, Fits, and now Scotland Yard, you've got a quite a stable going. What's next on the board game front for Ravensburger Digital?

TB: I am happy to say that within the coming weeks we will absolutely keep the pace and release a number of great new titles: among them will be Think – Mindpath (a logic puzzler designed by Reiner Knizia) as well as Andreas Seyfarth’s San Juan, which is a popular card game variant of Puerto Rico. So our fans can definitely count on us to deliver more great titles in the future.


My Evening With FunSockets and Dominion
While some were out at Origins last week (snapping illicit photos of the game no less), I visited in person with FunSockets at their HQ. I played Dominion with them online and it was very good. It's got AI. It's HTML5-based and will be apps as well, as Jay has already confirmed. FunSockets is working with a number of other top publishers/designers beyond RioGrande/Donald X that will be revealed in time. They are ramping up for a closed beta test of the game and its platform this month and are offering invites for me to pass out to some eager BGGers.


comments said:
What expansions are people seeing in the image?

Prosperity, Seaside, Intrigue.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

Beta test this month? Release shortly after origins my ass. Saw that coming, that's now the third time they're breaking release date promises with no mention. Not coming until at least september or so? Gah that game is an insta-win, why does the publisher have to suk so much. -.-


Looks like they'll have player ratings too.

The initial AI we used for testing was a Treasure (+ Market) AI. The one currently used is much more "interesting" and capable. We intend to offer several AI's, that will be rated, just as players will be.



Howdy folks. I had the chance to play several games at Origins today. I'll report as much as I can remember. If you have additional questions, I can try to answer them or investigate further tomorrow.

Overall, I would say that the state of the game is "needs work, but has potential." I talked with the developers and they seemed competent, friendly, and receptive to my (several) suggestions.

The app is HTML5. I played it on a demo iPad--much easier than it would be on Isotropic, although I'd prefer the interface of Iso on PC.

The interface is generally competent and I didn't notice any gameplay errors at all; Throne Room correctly stayed out when modifying a Lighthouse.

The app offers both arranged tables and "quickplay". I strongly advocated for the ability to create random sets that were unknown to all players before (as it is now, the host always chooses the set; he has a "randomize" button, but there's no guarantee he's used it). Alarmingly, there was also no way to randomize start player. I advocated for that as well.

Some players expressed concern that the layout would not handle big turns well. I didn't have any deck-drawing megaturns, but it seems to shrink what I had nicely to fit the available area.

I signed up for the beta--the folks suggested that the beta was still quite some time out, so I'm not buying booze for Isotropic's wake just yet.

I can't think of what else to say about it, but I can answer questions eventually--right now I'm off to eat and play some more games. Hawaii was pretty good, even though I got spanked.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Origins preview of playdek's Summoner Wars:


We all know how awesome the game is and how awesome Playdek will port it, so the most interesting piece of info from this article is that release is set for END OF JUNE HUZZAH.

Also, they're releasing for FREE with one faction, and you can buy more as expansions if you like, so pretty much the same model that Hero Academy, the other Summoner Wars-like game on iOS, uses.


There is a big bunch iOS info from Origins over on BGG

The Summoner Wars summary was :
1. The app will contain a rulebook and card gallery equivalent to other Playdek releases.
2. It will feature an interactive tutorial written by Colby Dauch.
3. The game has nice graphical touches in the menu screens similar to Nightfall. The gameplay area however is much simpler and does not have possibly distracting backgrounds like Nightfall did.
4. The game will be free to play with one free faction. Players can then purchase additional factions, reinforcements, and mercenaries.
5. The game will feature a deck editor (rules enforced) and you will be able to save several custom decks. You also will always have access to the default out of the box setup. There also is a how to on deck building.
6. There is a movement path displayed as with some units, especially those with trample, the movement path is important.
7. When zoomed out card abilities are not shown but just the basic stats, you can zoom in to read any ability.
8. Colby actually went through and reworded some of the card text to better fit the iOS experience.

Click through for buncha more video and text :
Origins 2012 iOS Report: Summoner Wars, Alien Frontiers, Survive, Confusion and more...

In the Playdek interview they mentioned some unannounced AEG project coming up, Nightfall expansion "soon", and the Penny Arcade DBG in the fall, amongst other things.

The Conquest Tactics game looks kinda cool.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
There is a big bunch iOS info from Origins over on BGG

The Summoner Wars summary was :

Click through for buncha more video and text :
Origins 2012 iOS Report: Summoner Wars, Alien Frontiers, Survive, Confusion and more...

In the Playdek interview they mentioned some unannounced AEG project coming up, Nightfall expansion "soon", and the Penny Arcade DBG in the fall, amongst other things.

The Conquest Tactics game looks kinda cool.

Asmadi games had some cool things to show off such as Flower Fall, a goofy fun game. They also spoke to us about the digital plans beyond Fealty and a cool new project that combines both digital and physical elements. Consequential is the name of the project and it will include an interactive story element that is played with friends socially but will have content delivered via digital devices. Please look out for a video forthcoming.



No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
That's a bummer about Dominion getting even more delayed. I want that app so badly, I'd pay practically any price for it as long as it worked. Even if it wasn't as smooth as Ascension, I'd still buy it and be mighty happy.

I'm really hoping it has most or all of the expansions, too. But seriously, why is this taking so long to release? It'll be an instant goldmine for them.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
That's a bummer about Dominion getting even more delayed. I want that app so badly, I'd pay practically any price for it as long as it worked. Even if it wasn't as smooth as Ascension, I'd still buy it and be mighty happy.

I'm really hoping it has most or all of the expansions, too. But seriously, why is this taking so long to release? It'll be an instant goldmine for them.

I think it said it had 3 of the expansions, prosperity, seaside and... Intrigue?


Hail to the KING baby
Asmadi games had some cool things to show off such as Flower Fall, a goofy fun game. They also spoke to us about the digital plans beyond Fealty and a cool new project that combines both digital and physical elements. Consequential is the name of the project and it will include an interactive story element that is played with friends socially but will have content delivered via digital devices. Please look out for a video forthcoming.


Unfortunately Asmadi doesn't have the digital rights, iello does. Not sure how to feel about that as fealty implementation was pretty spartan.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Not sure how much this fits in here, but the MtG: duels of the planeswalker app is coming june 20 and will be glorious if it's a good port. It doesn't allow for much customization, but it's magic gameplay and glorious, if it's anything like the pc version i have :p (i also have mtg online, which allows for more "real" mtg, and duels is more of a good-looking arcade version. Still fun ;) )


Super Sleuth
That's a bummer about Dominion getting even more delayed. I want that app so badly, I'd pay practically any price for it as long as it worked. Even if it wasn't as smooth as Ascension, I'd still buy it and be mighty happy.

I'm really hoping it has most or all of the expansions, too. But seriously, why is this taking so long to release? It'll be an instant goldmine for them.

The current Dominion app is perfectly functional. It has no async, but it works well for what it is and as a hold over for when the official one comes out.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
The current Dominion app is perfectly functional. It has no async, but it works well for what it is and as a hold over for when the official one comes out.

My only/biggest complaint about that one is the lack of expansions :( also, i'm pretty sure the guy who made the free one was only allowed to make it if a) it is free and b) he takes it down once the official one comes out... :/


There is a big bunch iOS info from Origins over on BGG

The Summoner Wars summary was :

Click through for buncha more video and text :
Origins 2012 iOS Report: Summoner Wars, Alien Frontiers, Survive, Confusion and more...

In the Playdek interview they mentioned some unannounced AEG project coming up, Nightfall expansion "soon", and the Penny Arcade DBG in the fall, amongst other things.

The Conquest Tactics game looks kinda cool.

I'd love it if the unnanounced AEG was the best CCG I ever played, aka Doomtown. But I reals that's highly unlikely :(


Sorry Deimos. Looks like our last game a ascension is crashing at the point where I had Tarik try to copy the effect of a snake shaman. Tried on to finish on my iPhone and iPad multiple times with the same result. Not sure who was going to take that one...had to forfeit.


They need to do a few things first (which I'm actually starting to wonder if they'll ever do):
-Multitasking (CRAZY annoying)
-Elo pls
Yea lack of multitasking in Ascension is annoying. Game would flow so much better if it had it. Instead, it takes 20 seconds to get into a game every time you leave the app. :/


Hail to the KING baby
Yea lack of multitasking in Ascension is annoying. Game would flow so much better if it had it. Instead, it takes 20 seconds to get into a game every time you leave the app. :/

And Nightfall is even worse because 90% of the time you're just going in for a micro-turn (not to mention that in Nightfall you get kicked back to the main menu just for checking your damn notifications or multitask bar). Seem like they're moving in the wrong direction but hopefully not.
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