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Is Kerry screwed?

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It seems as though most people still don't really know who John Kerry is and what his full intentions are. With all the republicans calling him out for basically everything negative he's said and done, I dunno... he could be in some trouble. Especially with that Bush/Cheney ad that shows in depth how many times the man has contradicted himself. If they play that on prime-time television during the Republican National Convention, that's gonna put an end to Kerry's reputation I think.

I just have a gut feeling Kerry hasn't tried hard enough to get his points across, and is getting attacked by way too many people. The latest polls showed him ahead by what, four percent? But that's still too close to say he has a strong lead. Bush could get that back easily.

I think we're going to have to put up with this idiot for another four years :( Our country is doomed.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Think about it this way... look how close Gore was to beating Bush... do you really think all those Gore voters are gonna vote for Bush? Plus, Bush has gotten a lot of people, who normally don't give a rats ass about politics, to wake up and see what an awful president he is. Kerry also has the full backing of minorities... 1 million gays voted for Bush last time, how many of them do you think will vote for him now? Most people, I think, think like me - they're not too fond of Kerry but want to see him in, no matter what. I think Kerry will win, not by much of a margin, but the victory won't be as close as Bush's victory lat time... I'm just hoping that Kerry actually makes a difference, and not get us into more crap.


Most people, I think, think like me



I want to know how accurate those polls are in relation to actual election outcomes.

I would imagine that there are a lot of university students/whatever who will vote this time, but have not participated as a part of the poll demographic.
I think it will be very close again. We'll just have to wait and see. Whatever the outcome, PWNED pics will be posted across the web in record numbers.


This place is going to go crazy if Kerry loses. And believe me, I'll be here to contribute to the general madness.

Haha, you get banned if you complain about liberals too many times :p
Diablos said:
This place is going to go crazy if Kerry loses. And believe me, I'll be here to contribute to the general madness.

Haha, you get banned if you complain about liberals too many times :p

Yeah, you gonna love the Communistic mentality of some people. Honestly, it makes me laugh.


I think that's another warning! ;)

Don't worry, not all of us liberals are like that. But I will say that your right-wing nuts are really fucking dumb :D
Do you know why this place (and by "this place," I mean "Earth") is going to go crazy if Bush wins?

Most people, I think, think like me

It's this. A complete and utter blindness to just how close this race is, and just how popular Bush is. Too many people are so positive that Kerry will win, indeed refusing to consider any other situation as within the realm of possibility, that if Bush wins it is going to make the anger post-Florida 2000 look like a pleasant garden party.


The Promised One said:
Yeah, you gonna love the Communistic mentality of some people. Honestly, it makes me laugh.
Do you have any idea what "communism" means, or are you just running your mouth?
The Promised One said:
Yeah, you gonna love the Communistic mentality of some people. Honestly, it makes me laugh.
But... but liberals are the party of tolerance!

I hope that doesn't count as one for you.


Looking for Pants
Diablos said:
It seems as though most people still don't really know who John Kerry is and what his full intentions are. With all the republicans calling him out for basically everything negative he's said and done, I dunno... he could be in some trouble. Especially with that Bush/Cheney ad that shows in depth how many times the man has contradicted himself. If they play that on prime-time television during the Republican National Convention, that's gonna put an end to Kerry's reputation I think.

I just have a gut feeling Kerry hasn't tried hard enough to get his points across, and is getting attacked by way too many people. The latest polls showed him ahead by what, four percent? But that's still too close to say he has a strong lead. Bush could get that back easily.

I think we're going to have to put up with this idiot for another four years :( Our country is doomed.

The race is Kerry's to lose, however it'll be interesting to see what happens after the Republican Convention. Kerry has to talk about his plans for the country eventually and stop being just "Not Bush."


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Diablos said:
But I will say that your right-wing nuts are really fucking dumb :D

leave his nuts out of it

But I believe that countdown tag was given during a rather out of control rant... not due to some intolerance of right wing ideals.
I don't understand why people are trying to call the winner when we haven't even gotten to debates. Everybody is saying "His has no plans, How is he better, etc, etc?", but really it's too early to say he has no plans.


Small balls, big fun!
Yo, munch.

The thing is, Kerry's got a bunch of plans, but a lot of them are technical and boring and available on his website (read about his dynamic plan for the government to pay for a large portion of catastrophic-illness costs, leading to a cut in premiums as health maintenance organizationzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...)

For people who spend a good amount of time looking into stuff, the differences between what a Kerry administration and a second Bush administration would be like are fairly clear. From this point on in the campaign, it's just a battle of who can come up with the best catchphrase and make the most promises to various ethnic groups that they don't intend to keep.

Ideally, the news would run stories like "Explaining Bush's Education Plan" or "What Kerry's Health Care Initiative Would Mean For You" so it would all be easy to understand and right on your TV. Instead, it's mostly "Bush and Kerry Within Twenty Miles of Each Other In Swing State! Candidates Say Mean Things, Edwards' Spider Sense Tingling!"


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I go to a lot of forums, stuff for trance music, video game development, etc... I hang around the Internet a lot, and everywhere it's the same old story - the few ardent Bush supporters trying to defend themselves against a ton of Kerry supporters (with a few people who are like "I'm voting for Nader because I'm cool!" or "I'm voting Libertarian, because I wanna be different!")

Maybe, "most people" was the wrong choice of words... should have been, most Democrats/middle-ground people. Then again, I live in one of the biggest Democratic states in the country :p


Time ta STEP IT UP
If anything, Bush is screwed. As a Republican I still wouldn't vote for him, unless he gives a goddamn good reason to during the debates.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I go to a lot of forums, stuff for trance music, video game development, etc... I hang around the Internet a lot, and everywhere it's the same old story - the few ardent Bush supporters trying to defend themselves against a ton of Kerry supporters (with a few people who are like "I'm voting for Nader because I'm cool!" or "I'm voting Libertarian, because I wanna be different!")

Maybe, "most people" was the wrong choice of words... should have been, most Democrats/middle-ground people. Then again, I live in one of the biggest Democratic states in the country :p


That's funny.

Believe it or not many Bush suppoters don't hang around trance music and videogame forums.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I really have no doubt that Bush is going to win. For one, the Bush campaign machine is just too strong. Their ability to denigrate their opponent for inadequacies while at the same time disguising their own is really unparalleled. Plus, the Democrats are just too wishy-washy. Kerry is doing everything he can to hover toward the middle and not offend any potential voters. Because of this, he will take no strong stance on any issue. Instead, he just has more generic versions of Bush's ideas. If there's one thing you can say about Bush, it's that he has strong viewpoints that he will stick with regardless of logistical problems. People respect that.
MSW said:

That's funny.

Believe it or not many Bush suppoters don't hang around trance music and videogame forums.

And you know this how? Where do they hang out at, then? Dictionary.com? Bushims.com?


Unconfirmed Member
Kerry is leading in the polls right now, but I think Bush is still in control of this campaign. This election seems to me to be more about whether you're pro-Bush or anti-Bush, not if you're pro-Kerry. As such, that basically makes Bush the master of his own destiny.

In the end, this election is going to come right down to the wire, once again being one of the closest elections ever. The nation is too polarized, and Bush is perhaps one of the more divisive Presidents we have ever had. You either hate him or you love him. There's very, very little middle ground.

And that middle ground is what the candidates are fighting over.

Right now I feel like Bush has a 60% chance of winning. It's an arbitrary number, but it's just my gut feeling.

And god only knows what another 4 years of Bush would do to this world.


Setec Astronomer
MetatronM said:
Kerry is leading in the polls right now, but I think Bush is still in control of this campaign. This election seems to me to be more about whether you're pro-Bush or anti-Bush, not if you're pro-Kerry. As such, that basically makes Bush the master of his own destiny.

In the end, this election is going to come right down to the wire, once again being one of the closest elections ever. The nation is too polarized, and Bush is perhaps one of the more divisive Presidents we have ever had. You either hate him or you love him. There's very, very little middle ground.

And that middle ground is what the candidates are fighting over.

Right now I feel like Bush has a 60% chance of winning. It's an arbitrary number, but it's just my gut feeling.

And god only knows what another 4 years of Bush would do to this world.
Um, when a president runs for reelection, the election is first and foremost a referredum on his presidency. Just as much as it's Bush's to win, it's also Bush's to lose.


The Promised One said:
Yeah, you gonna love the Communistic mentality of some people. Honestly, it makes me laugh.
Don't you mean more like capitalistic? This is a despite taking contributions this is a privately owned message board, is it not?
Mandark said:
Yo, munch.

The thing is, Kerry's got a bunch of plans, but a lot of them are technical and boring and available on his website (read about his dynamic plan for the government to pay for a large portion of catastrophic-illness costs, leading to a cut in premiums as health maintenance organizationzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...)

For people who spend a good amount of time looking into stuff, the differences between what a Kerry administration and a second Bush administration would be like are fairly clear. From this point on in the campaign, it's just a battle of who can come up with the best catchphrase and make the most promises to various ethnic groups that they don't intend to keep.

Ideally, the news would run stories like "Explaining Bush's Education Plan" or "What Kerry's Health Care Initiative Would Mean For You" so it would all be easy to understand and right on your TV. Instead, it's mostly "Bush and Kerry Within Twenty Miles of Each Other In Swing State! Candidates Say Mean Things, Edwards' Spider Sense Tingling!"


I've heard critiques of his plans being "vague", "broad" , and such. Some people just want everything handed to them, which I guess is the real purpose of debates.

It's true though, that people have their minds made up and will not budge, no matter what.


People that vote should have to sit an exam about what each candidates stated policy.

The average joe doesn't deserve a fucking say in how the country is run.
The average joe doesn't deserve a fucking say in how the country is run.


It's frightening that some people will be voting against Pres. Bush purely out of hatred. The democratic candidate could be a discarded shoe and some would vote for it. I guess that would be kind of interesting to see how it would be pres... ;)

Of course, the door does swing both ways...dot dot dot ...

I think we're going to have to put up with this idiot for another four years Our country is doomed.

I'll bet you $18 that four years from now - this country will be flourishing...especially if Bush pushes the FAIR TAX plan. http://www.fairtax.org

White Man

That tax would be a disaster to implement. We'd have to gut and rethink everything about social services, gov't funding, and any sort of gov't loans. Also, I'd rather have income tax than have a 20%+ state sales tax on my frickin' diet Coke.

EDIT: Fix health insurance before gutting the tax system! We've needed a new health care system for nigh 30 years now. I'm 23. I sporadically have seizures. I'm stuck using the ER for treatment because I don't have health insurance. Right now, it's once every couple of months. It used to be once every couple weeks. If I even had minimal treatment, I'd bet they could be eliminated and I'd be able to safely drive again.
That tax would be a disaster to implement. We'd have to gut and rethink everything about social services, gov't funding, and any sort of gov't loans. Also, I'd rather have income tax than have a 20%+ state sales tax on my frickin' diet Coke.

Are you aware of the already embedded taxes in all new retail products by the time of purchase? Those would come out - bringing down the price of the products. Also, used products will not be taxed. Can't forget about the monthly rebate on all of the "basic necessities of life" - which ALL people would get. A single person on his/her own would get an automatic deposit of about $170-180 a month (according to what Boortz said today).

If you're not completely up to speed on it, listen to Neal Boortz every now and then. He's been pushing the idea for about two decades and knows it inside and out. www.boortz.com


Unconfirmed Member
Hitokage said:
Um, when a president runs for reelection, the election is first and foremost a referredum on his presidency. Just as much as it's Bush's to win, it's also Bush's to lose.
Yeah, that was pretty much my point, but it goes above and beyond simply being a referrendum.

In 1992, the election became as much about Bill Clinton and what he could do as it was about George Bush. In 1980, the election was not just about how bad things had gotten during Carter's administration (though that was certainly a big part of it) but also about Reagan himself and what he could do and the ways in which he was different.

I don't know. Looking back, those elections look like two-horse races as opposed to years like 1996 where it was the President vs "that other guy." This year feels a lot like '96 in that respect only it seems like "that other guy" has a better chance of winning this time around.


I think we're going to have to put up with this idiot for another four years Our country is doomed.

Face it, regardless of who wins, it's going to be an idiot in the white house for another four years.


Setec Astronomer
MetatronM: Perot had already taken a huge bite out of Bush's constituency before Clinton came into the spotlight, so it was a rather unique situation.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
MoxManiac said:
Face it, regardless of who wins, it's going to be an idiot in the white house for another four years.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Whoever wins...We Lose


Bush is the reason people will vote for Bush and the reason people will vote for Kerry. Kerry is pretty helpless, but Bush could still piss off enough people to get Kerry elected.


I find it very interesting that Bush and his administration has so polarized us that there are at minimum hundreds of thousands of people who are going to vote for Kerry just becuase they hate Bush. Is that really the sign of a good, let alone great, president?


djtiesto said:
Bush has gotten a lot of people, who normally don't give a rats ass about politics, to wake up and see what an awful president he is. .
Yup I never voted in the past this will be my first time and Im 23....


max_cool said:
I find it very interesting that Bush and his administration has so polarized us that there are at minimum hundreds of thousands of people who are going to vote for Kerry just becuase they hate Bush. Is that really the sign of a good, let alone great, president?

Nope, not at all.


Outlaw Pro Mod said:
So many anti-Bush remarks - yet no reasons for this hatred to exist are made.

I think everyone's sick of explaining themselves over and over again.

Just use the search function and you'll have yourself a party.
Is Kerry screwed?

I just saw Bush's approval numbers on CNN - he's at 51%. The non-partisan group that polls every election year says that no sitting president whose approval numbers are over 50% this close to the election has ever lost re-election.

As a pro-choice, non-homophobe, non-religious Republican who is most likely going to vote for Kerry, I don't know what to think. Hell, after reading that desciption of myself, I'm not sure I'm even supposed to exist.
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