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Is the media meltdown over Stellar Blade the final nail in the coffin for legacy game ‘journalism’?


Gold Member

Dumb And Dumber Reaction GIF

Over the last month they’ve collectively sprayed themselves with diarrhea over Stellar Blade. With each explosive round of shit getting runnier and runnier in its ridiculousness.

For the last decade these outlets have been failing to compete for rapidly decreasing impression based internet advertising in the rise of YouTube, streaming, and social media influencers. IGN now doesn’t hire writers, they hire on camera influencers because thats who they have to compete against.

But because they can’t handle a character who looks like a female of the species, they’ve decided to torch what remaining credibility they’ve had left. Instead of covering a game, they’ve decided to compete with each other over who could have the dumbest outrage take.

How could anyone take any of these sites seriously going forward? Why won’t SIE blacklist them for trying to sabotage a major release?

In a decade when these idiots purge themselves of the mind virus they’ll wish they were able to enjoy the game when it was released.

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A Fucking Idiot
Serious question time. Why does anyone take IGN seriously these days? Are they afforded the benefit of the doubt because of what they were 15 years ago? Why aren't they lumped in with Kotaku as the absolute worst of the worst and therefore completely ignored? IGN is dead to me and I don't understand how they are still able to be so popular to others at this point. How many times do they have to show you who they are before you believe them?
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These articles give them clicks, its what they starving for as they get more and more irrelevant with the increase of youtubers. Thers nothing they can do, as they know they will either be shut down or replaced by AI. So whenever they can farm engagement, they do it, either by clickbait articles or hot takes on X. If ppl talk about them, they are happy cuz it means they still exist.


Sure, we all understand this is ridiculous clickbait. That actually supports the point that these sites have given up on journalism.

They can't be taken seriously.

Deft Beck

The media is as relevant to how you feel about your entertainment choices as you let it be.

You will be much happier when you stop caring so much about how others feel and do what makes you happy.

Of course, there are thresholds to this, but use your judgement.
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Not if you keep posting about their clickbait. Stop doing what they want.
Big facts!!!👍👍👍👍
The media is as relevant to how you feel about your entertainment choices as you let it be.

You will be much happier when you stop caring so much about how others feel and do what makes you happy.
Always nice to show them they are not as important or influential as they think.
No and the fact that there are one million threads about it only underscores why they will keep doing it. We take the bait, every time.

I’ve been waiting for this moment, GAF.


Gold Member
Game achieved the low 80s which is stellar for an unproven developer with a new IP, and so far is tracking to do very well commercially. Like with Hogwart's Legacy, this is another battleground they've lost.

The Chef's Kiss to the situation is the success of Stellar Blade will continue to open the floodgates for future South Korean developers to enter the console gaming market, and South Korea is even hornier than Japan.
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To answer your question, I don’t think Sony is interested in stooping to their level or engaging with their pettiness. They rarely give a response when these sorts of things happen. I think they realize that the controversy only made more people take notice of the game, and are content to let these outlets fall into the inevitable obscurity they are heading towards.
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I gave the demo a try today. Its not my kinda game these days, but as far as design there is nothing wrong with this.

Then again, I've been playing games a long time.

What would people "Today" think of something like Dead or Alive Volleyball? (which was pretty fun!)
Would these same people have a problem with the way Ivy from Soul Calibur was designed? Mai from Fatal Fury?
What about the stupid games like BMX XXX?

Heads would probably explode.
No, the final nail in the coffin was years ago, no one cares about legacy media anymore or trusts these hacks that's why they're all going bankrupt
Them and companies that have massive layoffs. They think asking for higher gaming prices and tips (lol) will fix the problems, but it won't work. The more they ask, the less they'll make. Essentially both journalists and game companies are out of touch. So yeah, a second crash is coming.


Gold Member
Life is too short to worry about how journalists feel about games. There’s a few out there who haven’t stunk up social media with their opinions. It’s all for clicks and to increase their social cred online. Who cares about movie and music journalist anymore? Gaming has sorta made its way to that realm of reviews being nothing but a 💩 opinion about the piece of media.
Life is too short to worry about how journalists feel about games. There’s a few out there who haven’t stunk up social media with their opinions. It’s all for clicks and to increase their social cred online. Who cares about movie and music journalist anymore? Gaming has sorta made its way to that realm of reviews being nothing but a 💩 opinion about the piece of media.
I so very much wish that were all true, but sadly so many in the gaming communities still think of reviews as gospel.
These gaming outlets will never die. Doesn't matter if IGN is staffed by incompetent retards who can barely play a game, publishers still show off their games on IGN First where said retards make the games look boring to play.
Doesn't matter if Kotaku is a shitrag, some financial group will still buy them and keep them going for years to come. Polygon, The Gamer, etc are all going to be limping along, still influencing game publishers and gaming audiences alike with their reviews and media coverage.
At the end of the day, the "hardcore gamers" tell you that "nobody listens to gaming journalists," while simultaneously still using reviews by those "gaming journalists" via Metacritic and Open Critic to influence their purchasing decisions.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
You're talking about it. And every other year something happens and people start asking if this is the end. The reality is if those outlets disappear tomorrow, you're left with Jeff Grubb. You're not any worse off, but are you any better?

Best to let the shit balance/cancel each other out and enjoy videogames without worrying too much about it.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
They're certainly helping to sell more copies of the game, so congrats on that. As for the "final nail in the coffin"? I would say no, in this case, because this game is still at the periphery of mainstream awareness. That could definitely change though.

I think the final nail will come with something like GTA VI. They won't be aware enough to realize that the developers are roughly on the same page as them politically. But they're Burr / Maher / Seinfeld / David / Rock style liberals. So if they want a sequence where someone repeatedly screams "cunt" at the in universe equivalent of Siri, they're gonna do it. You're going to be able run over a bunch of a non-white pedestrians, just like you can with the white pedestrians. Somebody will complain a full year later (I wonder how much they played the game?) about group X being targeted for murder, when the same occurs for groups A - V, and groups Y and Z.

All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the games. Left on left cannibalism is the new way of the world. These are the same people trying to prevent Jewish students from finishing out the semester. Fuck 'em.


I don't think it's the final nail since Stellar Blade's gameplay is more of niche genre. But it is one nail closer to the final nail, although I don't know how much closer it is.
kotaku review:

Despite all this, I still had a great time with Stellar Blade. It’s a game of dichotomies, one that’s both fun and frustrating, but in this sort of middle rut it finds a way to tell a captivating story about transhumanism at the end of the world and how even robots feel things. The platforming might suck and Eve might be unwieldy to control at times, but the stylish action makes up for the more tedious elements. It isn’t perfect, but in its best moments, Stellar Blade is still pretty stellar...

go figure...


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Where are the overly harsh, sensational articles or reviews? I'm asking honestly. I don't typically browse the "big" gaming news sites, I've been off of Twitter for nearly two years, and I don't traffic in YouTube commentators. The handful of game journalists I've seen mention this game on Bluesky and Reddit all praised the demo, citing good combat and excellent graphics.

That said, I looked at the reviews from IGN and Kotaku and both had mild criticisms regarding character writing, narrative, and side quests, both expressing overall good impressions - IGN in particular seeming to hold the combat and audio / score in rather high regard. Nothing that nearly rises to the level of metaphorically "spraying themselves with diarrhea'.

Methinks there's some tilting at windmills going on that's typically the practice of ragebait YouTubers.


Where are the overly harsh, sensational articles or reviews? I'm asking honestly. I don't typically browse the "big" gaming news sites, I've been off of Twitter for nearly two years, and I don't traffic in YouTube commentators. The handful of game journalists I've seen mention this game on Bluesky and Reddit all praised the demo, citing good combat and excellent graphics.

That said, I looked at the reviews from IGN and Kotaku and both had mild criticisms regarding character writing, narrative, and side quests, both expressing overall good impressions - IGN in particular seeming to hold the combat and audio / score in rather high regard. Nothing that nearly rises to the level of metaphorically "spraying themselves with diarrhea'.

Methinks there's some tilting at windmills going on that's typically the practice of ragebait YouTubers.

There’s barely any ‘media meltdown’. I think some people have long convinced themselves that we’re looking at a Hogwarts Legacy situation but that’s definitely not true. The game wasn’t review bombed by critics. Most threads on Twitter and other forums are positive and the demo was very well received.
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It's just another sign that the western entertainment industry is (willingly) surrendering it's 800 lbs gorilla position in pop culture. Every year my Netflix has less and less from LA and more and more from Korea & Japan. America's gaming (talking developers not consumers) presence is already quite challenged when consider games which aren't GaaS, and I suspect it'll continue to get worst.

But no, I don't think it's the final nail in the coffin, the resetera style audience is still big enough for them to skimp by.


I cant even say what Kotaku said but saying ign as a whole was againest the ga e is just reaching, it was literally ign france while the english version was never mentioned, people are saying everyone was againest the game when in reality its far minor then what these weebs are saying, theres been far worse to other games then stellar blade lmao using x just makes this post even cringe


I can't imagine actually reading those outlets... They're terrible and infested with the woke virus. Stick to decent forums.
But half of our threads are about things those outlets say and do. We're still talking about them constantly. Name a day when someone hasn't posted some ragebait thread about one of their ragebait/clickbait articles.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
But half of our threads are about things those outlets say and do. We're still talking about them constantly. Name a day when someone hasn't posted some ragebait thread about one of their ragebait/clickbait articles.
Then stop posting about them. 95% don't even talk about the games. Giving attention to bad articles and poor reporting just perpetuates the problem. The last good games media outlet was 12 years ago with Andriasang that specialized in JP gaming news you wouldn't find anywhere else.
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