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Is the media meltdown over Stellar Blade the final nail in the coffin for legacy game ‘journalism’?

Every year my Netflix has less and less from LA and more and more from Korea & Japan.
This was purposeful. There was a strike and Netflix needed a constant stream content. It makes sense for them to reach across the pond where the strike isn’t happening, to make sure that subscribers stay subscribed. Same with other streaming services that were hit with unfortunate delays of good shows.

They don’t care if that move inadvertently changed your watching preferences to more eastern ones, as long as you stay subscribed.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Is there a media meltdown over this game? The threads that have been made here have seemed like people have particularly thin skin (suits) and have been upset any time the game has been mentioned with anything but nuance free glowing praise.

Here's a quote from Kotaku's review - one of the websites on OP's shitlist.

"It isn’t perfect, but in its best moments, Stellar Blade is still pretty stellar."

Is that what a meltdown is?


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I can't imagine actually reading those outlets... They're terrible and infested with the woke virus. Stick to decent forums.

Most of the information that starts threads on forums is from those very outlets that are terrible and infested with the woke virus.
Wouldnt that mean we are second hand infected by the woke virus?

Is NeoGAF woke?


This “pretty is bad” mantra by select journalism outlets is odd.
Have you seen how they look most of the time? Spoiler: they are not Patrick Bateman.

working out christian bale GIF

It's even worse than that - they do not want to change their situation. I can tell you all the roided guys benching at the gym are probably the most supportive people you can have, you ask them for help and they will jump over themselves to help you get better.

80S Reaction GIF
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I stopped consuming mainstream media almost entirely. I have a few YouTubers (e. g. WorthABuy) and a former chief editor of a big German game magazine who went independent after 20 years because he was sick of many practices in the media industry.

That's too hard for some people here. They act like they hate resetera, Kotaku, etc. but won't STFU about it and keep making threads about that garbage.
Yes. Especially since resetera isn't even that hard on the game anymore (at least in the main thread). I've read a couple of pages there because it was referred to so often here, but after that pretty early staff post I've read like five pages and it's 90% positive and people there enjoyed the demo, looking forward to buy it, discuss the game positively and no one is banned because of that.

I don't know where the fixation comes from. Of course there's always a nutjob you could quote. But fact is most people writing in that SB thread enjoy it.

Same goes for many other players and/or outlets. Don't make the fallacy of false balance; if you have one negative example you're allowed to post the other twenty positive ones.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
I dislike the use of the term ‘journalism’ within the gaming industry. Calling these individuals ‘journalists’ can be misleading because they aren’t necessarily engaged in traditional journalism work, such as investigative reporting or ethical news coverage.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The "racist artwork" thread is at 8 pages within 24 hours. It contains a direct link to the IGN article in the OP.

No, these sites aren't going anywhere because people are reactionary, and cannot help but post about how stupid the thing they constantly talk about is. It's free advertising.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
The "racist artwork" thread is at 8 pages within 24 hours. It contains a direct link to the IGN article in the OP.

No, these sites aren't going anywhere because people are reactionary, and cannot help but post about how stupid the thing they constantly talk about is. It's free advertising.
It’s free advertising to the game, which is good.
I have a dream.... and in this dream I don't read on this forum when some trash outlet posts some trash article and some random people say something irreleant on Twitter.

The only way for to to go away is by not giving these people attention. Let them scream that nonsense in their echo chamber.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Never Forget.

Still annoys the piss out of me even years on.

I'm all for dissenting opinions, but this stuff was so blatantly dishonest and misrepresentative in service of trying to fabricate woke "clout" it was beyond gross.

I'd love to sit down face-to-face and thoroughly eviscerate these people's critical process and motivations, because they truly were/are indefensible.
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Where are the overly harsh, sensational articles or reviews? I'm asking honestly. I don't typically browse the "big" gaming news sites, I've been off of Twitter for nearly two years, and I don't traffic in YouTube commentators. The handful of game journalists I've seen mention this game on Bluesky and Reddit all praised the demo, citing good combat and excellent graphics.

That said, I looked at the reviews from IGN and Kotaku and both had mild criticisms regarding character writing, narrative, and side quests, both expressing overall good impressions - IGN in particular seeming to hold the combat and audio / score in rather high regard. Nothing that nearly rises to the level of metaphorically "spraying themselves with diarrhea'.

Methinks there's some tilting at windmills going on that's typically the practice of ragebait YouTubers.
Also, for IGN it really depends on a particular reviewer, but overall their reviews aren’t too bad.

I don’t read Kotaku though since 90% of what they publish is shit.


The movie and game industry are heading towards a massive crash due to DEI...
I want to see what kind of excuse they'll think to justify how disconnected their reviews are with their audience.


What did I miss? Metacritic shows a healthy 82 currently, but I would love to see juicy meltdowns.
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Engagement drives revenue, and they post these things because they can count on you doom mongers to click and engage. The number of people on either side that actually care about this is tiny, it only seems overblown in the gaming forums. Normal people don't worry about this shit.

It's the same thing that's been done for years now, sensational headlines, teeny tiny story.


Youtube videos of the games played by actual gamers have made these review sites irrelevant. Its why everyone is hyped for it despite the DEI media trying to trash it.


Who cares, as Hogwarts Legacy proved these people are disconnected from reality and the market goes where it wants.
Very much this. Hogwarts Legacy's runaway success demonstrated the 'outspoken minority' principle at the heart of this. They'd have you believe that those sales were in spite of its association with Harry Potter and that might just sway you if the game had been some Baldur's Gate / Elden Ring-level achievement, but it wasn't. It was a serviceable open-world game in a sea of serviceable open-world games. It sold gangbusters precisely because it was a Harry Potter open-world game.


Final nail? Probably not. The bigger sites with a lot of financial backing will still be around for a while. They may downsize and lay off some people, but they're not going to just go bankrupt overnight.
It's another nail, but any media's coffin seems to have plenty space for nails.
Social media probably would need a proper Arnold nail minigun to kill... sadly won't happen and all sorts of hot takes and poorly thought out arguments will get their audiences and nails failing to burst these bubbles.
As much I am for freedom of speech it first and foremost makes idiots shine and us all dumber.


If we all just stop giving them the attention they are whoring for, they will die faster.

There used to be value in professional reviewers. Unfortunately, because these sites can't make enough money to pay people for full time work as reviewers, the people doing that job most of the time are freelancers and part-timers. They might be able to put something out, but if I don't know them, I can't trust their opinion. Combine that with the often skewed world view, and pride that reviewers seem to regularly take in bashing types of games they don't like, and I don't find much value in any of these sites.

We don't need game journos anymore. All they do is talk about drama, which is a waste of everyone's time.


Gold Member
Most of them are unattractive unfit fucks who hate beautiful, fit people because being one requires actual effort. Mirror is the final nail in their coffin, not Stellar Blade.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Hogwarts Legacy is what killed game "journalism" this is just the zombie corpse writhing
That was just the latest. The sad thing is with Hogwarts Legacy and now Stellar Blade, no matter which side of the respective debates you were on, we could have had good, productive conversations around the issues people raised and come away - if not agreeing - at least a better understanding of the positions.

But when one side starts the conversation with "If you worked on this game or if you buy this game, you automatically hate trans people and cis women" or "If you like this game, you're a sexist who's going to murder your wife" then that shuts the door for any kind of conversation.

We truly are fucked as a society if we can't just fucking talk.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
I just can’t grasp why there can’t be room for all types of men and women. This “pretty is bad” mantra by select journalism outlets is odd.
Not only that but the new one I see on Reeee and other places is that she has to justify her hotness. If she's gonna look that way they demand she act certain ways to own her sexuality or something. It's so weird to see them calling for pigeonholing of personality just because someone looks a certain way. Terrible stereotyping. Because otherwise apparently she's a lifeless sex doll


I just can’t grasp why there can’t be room for all types of men and women. This “pretty is bad” mantra by select journalism outlets is odd.
Because these are miserable people who despise beauty in all forms and contexts. Beauty creates a standard. A hierarchy. They cannot stand acknowledgement of differences because their worldview does not permit it. Beauty also highlights their own inadequacies and insecurities, which makes them uncomfortable as they don’t have the will to change things about themselves.

Or they are bored and trying to get a paycheck.
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This was purposeful. There was a strike and Netflix needed a constant stream content. It makes sense for them to reach across the pond where the strike isn’t happening, to make sure that subscribers stay subscribed. Same with other streaming services that were hit with unfortunate delays of good shows.

They don’t care if that move inadvertently changed your watching preferences to more eastern ones, as long as you stay subscribed.
I think the trend started before the writer's strike, not during. If the shows continue to have better ROI than shows out of LA, the investment dollars will flow there.
I just can’t grasp why there can’t be room for all types of men and women. This “pretty is bad” mantra by select journalism outlets is odd.
They are in a cult. There is a 345 page post on Reeeeset era where they bitch about "sexualized characters and a place for women or women adjacent to vent"..... The weirdos have bingo cards and spout all sorts of anti reality nonsense. The problem is the journo world think that represents gamers, and it doesn't that site is a wacko fringe, but the size of the thread (granted it's multiple years long) shows that there is a cult following for all that shit.
If the shows continue to have better ROI than shows out of LA, the investment dollars will flow there.
Then it is what it is. The U.S. has already been outsourcing a lot of products, so what's one more? Netflix is already investing in shows from a multitude of different regions, which includes Korean and Japanese media. Looking back, it was a smart idea because if one region has a drought of content, they will simply shift the spotlight to great content from other regions. Not every streaming app does this.

As a matter of fact, I'm almost certain that the only reason Amazon's Prime Video is still alive at this point is solely because of people wanting Prime for fast package deliveries. Otherwise, it's a service where you have about 3-5 quality shows per every 1.5 years and barely any other content(like no reality TV for casuals) and a very, very poor back catalogue of original content. It would have been dead or absorbed into another streaming service by now.

Ultimately though, my point was that Netflix doesn't care how the needle is moving as long as your sub remains a sub. From their perspective, whatever happens beyond the subscriptions are just people squabbling on the internet.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Did the controversy drive more traffic? If so then legacy media will say they won by generating controversy.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The media or journalists arent you enemy. They are just opinions. You are on gaf and went through this just last week with your trojan horse post.... we cant agree on anything and thats what makes this forum so great.

There are serious issues in this industry impacting real people as companies posting record profits continue to lay off devs. Devs they need to publish polished games that they simply refuse to release game after game.

we are going through consolidation that is ultimately going to be bad for both the industry and the consumers. We are already seeing that with Microsoft having to make the moves that they have recently.

Over half of Sony's lineup is set to be GaaS. Or was. Thats a real thing that will turn most games into microtransaction hell like Fifa, Destiny and Fortnite. is that what you want from first party who were the only beacon of hope left for single player non gaas/f2p content?

I think these journos are out of their minds, but we need them for when devs and publishers go nuts. Like when Jimbo shutdown the PS3 and Vita stores on a dime. Or when Phil sneakily increased Xbox Gold price by $60 effectively doubling it. We need them to report on the layoffs. So that they make the news cycle. We need them to report on unpolished releases. you can have tiktok and twitter signal boosting these things all you want but nothing signal boosts like an article or video from a major news outlet.

They are doing their job as far as im concerned. they just have editorials that are full of morons but so do major mainstream news agencies. we need to be able to take the good with the bad.


Not if you keep posting about their clickbait. Stop doing what they want.
Seriously. It's why I ignore every story when I see the words Kotaku, clickbait is what drove gawker media by their own admission and despite their dissolution it's still happening.

People learned to ignore polygon YEARS ago, they're not the lexicon, I have no idea why they haven't with Kotaku.


Truthfully, who cares about game "journalists". They don't exist. They aren't accomplished writers, they don't have any credentials, or anything that really makes them an expert in anything. Just personalities trying to get clicks while being "bait".

And honestly, screw all the discourse over "sexualizing" videogame characters. These aren't real people. They are fictional pixelated character made to entertain us. Games can be made to be serious, they can be made to be sexy, first and foremost, they should be made to be entertaining, because if they aren't that, we're in trouble.

And the "oversexualizing" cry babying over Stellar Blade is especially egregious. Per the ESRB listing, the game has violence, language, and "suggestive themes", elaborating that "The game depicts some female characters in revealing costumes (e.g., deep cleavage; skintight, flesh-toned body suits), with breasts that jiggle during combat."

OK, that's it? This is what's killing the moral fiber of gaming. An attractive character some tight body suits and breast physics? But then Abby getting it doggie on screen after a violent confrontation with her lover in TLoU2 gets no reaction, no outrage? To be clear, I don't care about this in TLoU2, either. I LOVE that game, and that scene shouldn't get outrage. Just pointing out the hypocrisy here that Eve gets all the tongues wagging when her game, has zero depictions of sex, no nudity. She just kicks ass, and looks good doing it, and what is wrong about that?


The "racist artwork" thread is at 8 pages within 24 hours. It contains a direct link to the IGN article in the OP.

No, these sites aren't going anywhere because people are reactionary, and cannot help but post about how stupid the thing they constantly talk about is. It's free advertising.

I don't think you or in fact these legacy media morons understand how this works, these are short-term gains at the expense of long-term reputation and credibility. Vice, Buzzfeed and many others also did this rageclick marketing gimmick and it worked for a while but they failed to understand that a) the woke cult they pandered to isn't that numerous b) in order to keep pushing their message it was at the expense of the general public's trust

Sure some people will click this article but even more people will be convinced to remove IGN from their speed dial/bookmarks. Eventually the only clicks the site will get will be rage clicks which will force them to post more shit like that further diminishing their reputation until the public is utterly bored even with that because they no longer consider the site serious or worth their time to even rage about
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Then stop posting about them. 95% don't even talk about the games. Giving attention to bad articles and poor reporting just perpetuates the problem. The last good games media outlet was 12 years ago with Andriasang that specialized in JP gaming news you wouldn't find anywhere else.
The last good experience I remember with gaming journalism was the site Gameological Society, a spinoff from the AV Club, that was 2012/2013, it was still proto-Woke with serious think pieces, but it handled it a lot more fairly than just bleating the same talking points at you like sheep over and over, reviews of games were thought provoking.

It was quite literally the last gasp for gaming journalism, it folded in 2013 and since 2014, a solid decade now, gaming journalism has been nothing but a sea of pure, absolute garbage, run by people who hate games, hate gamers, hate everything this culture and hobby represents and want to destroy it.

That's one key difference with Gameological Society, the writers were lefties but they still, ya know, actually liked video games and tried to meet changing attitudes about female game characters and such halfway, I assumed the staff have scattered to the winds, probably long gone from the field, replaced by cretins who's only agenda is to destroy this medium.

People, don't signal boost these outlets, don't link them, don't make threads, don't visit them, don't read them, ignore, ignore, ignore.
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I finally played the demo last night. I enjoyed it, but regarding all the controversy, all I could think the entire time was... this is it? THIS is the current culture war lightning rod? I was actively looking for stuff that could be considered salacious or controversial, and it just isn't there. Thematically, it feels like a pretty run-of-the-mill sci fi game that just happens to feature an attractive protagonist. Like others have mentioned, you see more skin on display during an average trip to the pool, the gym, or the beach, and kids are allowed in those places.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
That's too hard for some people here. They act like they hate resetera, Kotaku, etc. but won't STFU about it and keep making threads about that garbage.
This shit is honestly maddening. I’m not trying to be an “old timer” here, but that type of rhetoric was not common on GAF 6-8 years ago.

I know that most people here are still reasonably humans who primarily want to talk about video games, but the number of GAF users who get so fucking upset by some “woke/anti-woke” shit and can’t stop crying about it just makes me wanna stop coming here sometimes.

But at the end of the day, it’s only a few people here who are truly annoying and can’t stop talking about that shit. I feel like most people here are still primarily interested in discussing games and the gaming industry with reasonable, measured discussion.

But I guess GAF isn’t immune to the overall degradation and idiocracy of the internet at large. It’s still a pretty great place to discuss and debate the more niche aspects of gaming, but (like almost all things on the internet) it’s a bit of a shell of its former self. It’s definitely still better than most options out there.

Okay, old man rant over.
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