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Is the word "wigger" offensive to you?

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I've heard/witnessed a few conversations with this word recently. Diverse people and reactions.

What do you make of the word? And if it's not too personal your race.

As a black guy it burns me the fukk up even more than the original.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Nope, but I like the word Cracker, just a funny ass word... "Cracker Ass Cracker" I throw that into any conversation ...Bless you Chris Rock.

And Wiggers are stupid...cue pics of the Icy Hot Stunaz
I think it's an ignorant term to use, but it doesn't really offend me, nor does the 'original' ( :lol original epithets).


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'm white, and have used that word plenty of times in real life to describe dorky white kids who are convinced they are black. Never meant it in a harmful way to black people, just in a harmful way to those dorky white kids :p Whom I just thought were a tri state area thing, but apparently even the UK have their own variety of them!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
the word is not offensive, but the people are.

people lived in the ghetto for years to create their own style out of it (wife beater). I don't get why they feel the need to emulate another ghetto style.

Oh wait, I forgot it is all suburban white kids who are nowhere near the ghetto and want to appear tough.



Still Tagged Accordingly
if i heard the word "wigger" IRL before reading this thread i would've though it refered to someone who wears a wig...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!

"No son, it doesn't bother me a bit"
The whole term is just wrong. First off, it assumes that there's a certain way of acting "black." Secondly, it totally disregards the fact that some white people grow up in all black neighborhoos/ in a 'ghetto.' And, lastly, it's needlessly harsh.. I mean, SO WHAT if people want to wear baggy jeans and speak ebonics? How is it harming you? Do you have a problem with black people who have piercings and talk like valley girls and go to punk rock concerts? It's so hypocritical. Plus, it has obvious racist undertones ( I mean.. 'cmon.. it ties right back to that archaic "I don't my children listenen' to that nigger music, it'll rub off on them")


Yeah. It stands for 'white nigger' doesn't it? It's like a double edged sword, because on one hand it's calling blacks niggers, and on the other it's bashing the white guy for being into our lowly trends.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
DarienA said:
No it isn't honky!

You do know where the word Honky comes from?

It is because they honk right before they hit you!! I thank my father for this nugget of wisdom! Any black man who made it through the south in the 30s and 40s knows his stuff


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Blackace said:
You do know where the word Honky comes from?

It is because they honk right before they hit you!! I thank my father for this nugget of wisdom! Any black man who made it through the south in the 30s and 40s knows his stuff

Uh... ok.... this is the origin story I heard:

Many philologists claim that the word honky derives from the Wolof honq, of light complexion. According to Jesse Sheidlower in his article Crying Wolof, it actually derives from an African-American pronunciation of hunky, a disparaging term for Hungarian laborers. The first recorded use of the word honky "as an insulting term for a white person is found only in the 1950s."



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
DarienA said:
Uh... ok.... this is the origin story I heard:

Many philologists claim that the word honky derives from the Wolof honq, of light complexion. According to Jesse Sheidlower in his article Crying Wolof, it actually derives from an African-American pronunciation of hunky, a disparaging term for Hungarian laborers. The first recorded use of the word honky "as an insulting term for a white person is found only in the 1950s."


that is most likely correct... but I like my dad's story better


El_Victor said:
I be all thirsty and shit.

Anyway, I never really found it derogative ... then again, I am white. It was just some word to describe the white "ghetto" kids. And it's not like black kids don't do it either. By it, I'm referring to the process of spending inordinate amounts of your hard earned parents money to make yourself look like your parents don't have any money. I see plenty of them at my university and I can garauntee you that they didn't grow up in any area where such culture was originated. Come to think of it, the commercialization of ghetto culture has always struck me as odd.
Star Power said:
The whole term is just wrong. First off, it assumes that there's a certain way of acting "black." Secondly, it totally disregards the fact that some white people grow up in all black neighborhoos/ in a 'ghetto.' And, lastly, it's needlessly harsh.. I mean, SO WHAT if people want to wear baggy jeans and speak ebonics? How is it harming you? Do you have a problem with black people who have piercings and talk like valley girls and go to punk rock concerts? It's so hypocritical. Plus, it has obvious racist undertones ( I mean.. 'cmon.. it ties right back to that archaic "I don't my children listenen' to that nigger music, it'll rub off on them")

star power hit the nail right on the head--i couldn't agree more. i'm white and listen to hiphop all the time and can't stand being thought of as a 'wigger'... however, i don't wear throwback jerseys or air force ones and i don't have any 'bling', so perhaps most people wouldn't think of me that way.

either way, as a white dude who listens to hiphop regularly, i find the term offensive. i also find white suburban kids who are just 'trying to hard' offensive.
yeah, it's pretty offensive...

it's like saying "white nigger"...

it's almost making it okay to say nigger, except saying it to someone who's white because they "dress like a nigger" or "act like a nigger"...



skinnyrattler said:
Yeah it's offensive for the same reasons people have been stating.
So it ain't just me being sensitieve?

Two people dress, act and speak exactly the same, one white the other black. If the white one is a "wigger" what exactly does that make the black one?


No way. It CAN'T offend me. I don't dress up like Eminem and pretend I was raised in the hood (like so many 15 year olds who have parents that make six figure salaries do). If a black man calls a white man a wigger, he probably has a good reason. :) Hell, I call white kids wiggers all the fucking time. I work with a wigger. There, I said it.
Diablos said:
No way. It CAN'T offend me. I don't dress up like Eminem and pretend I was raised in the hood (like so many 15 year olds who have parents that make six figure salaries do). If a black man calls a white man a wigger, he probably has a good reason. :) Hell, I call white kid wiggers all the fucking time. I work with a wigger. There, I said it.

Do you work with a nigger as well?


I don't know shit about shit
I'm black and it doesn't offend me. It does infer that Wigger=White Nigger therefore Nigger=Black person=materialistic idiot, but I'm not offended by Nigger either.

The only way one can be offended by these words is if one actually takes them seriously. My friends and I joke on each other using racial slurs all the time and no one takes offense because we pretty much dilute any powerful meaning the words ever had to us. I don't see myself as a Nigger, so why should the word nigger bother me?

The way other black people try to stop other races from using the word, it almost seems like they're protecting the meaning, instead of being happy that the word is becoming archaic and will soon lose it's offensive connotations.
themadcowtipper said:
Wow glad you put nice guy in there it sure make it bettter/sarcasm

I was proving a point. I don't see why saying "I work with a wigger" is any more acceptable/ any different than saying "I work with a nigger."

Thanks for, once again, proving the hypocrisy of the people who use the word 'wigger' so frequently. You get all antsy and offended when the 'n word' is used, yet there's no problem saying, when you break it down, 'white n-word' ?


Dreamfixx said:
I'm black and it doesn't offend me. It does infer that Wigger=White Nigger therefore Nigger=Black person=materialistic idiot, but I'm not offended by Nigger either.

The only way one can be offended by these words is if one actually takes them seriously. My friends and I joke on each other using racial slurs all the time and no one takes offense because we pretty much dilute any powerful meaning the words ever had to us. I don't see myself as a Nigger, so why should the word nigger bother me?

The way other black people try to stop other races from using the word, it almost seems like they're protecting the meaning, instead of being happy that the word is becoming archaic and will soon lose it's offensive connotations.
It's a good way you see things this way.
I mean, if I were to walk up to a black guy and SERIOUSLY call him a "nigger," that's wrong.
But here's how I see it, and anyone can feel free to argue if they want. Listen to any hip-hop album. "Nigger" and "nigga" are used countless times. So while it would be kind of strange for a white kid to call his black friend a "nigga," it amazes me how some people find it degrading in that way. The word is basically marketed to the kids, black and white, thru the music, tv, movies, etc. etc...
Diablos said:
It's a good way you see things this way.
I mean, if I were to walk up to a black guy and SERIOUSLY call him a "nigger," that's wrong.
But here's how I see it, and anyone can feel free to argue if they want. Listen to any hip-hop album. "Nigger" and "nigga" are used countless times. So while it would be kind of strange for a white kid to call his black friend a "nigga," it amazes me how some people find it degrading in that way. The word is basically marketed to the kids, black and white, thru the music, tv, movies, etc. etc...

I totally agree, 'nigga' or 'nigger' or whatever is practically a meaningless word.. I mean, it's used with such casual apblomb amongst blacks that it's practically lost the stigma attached to it. But it's not 100% lost.

I think there's a certain thing attached to someone white saying it.. it's like, automatically a word of hate if someone white is aying it... I don't get why (well, I could see why, but it doesn't make much sense), but whatever. The way things are I guess. It's quite hypocritical, though.


Star Power said:
I was proving a point. I don't see why saying "I work with a wigger" is any more acceptable/ any different than saying "I work with a nigger."

Thanks for, once again, proving the hypocrisy of the people who use the word 'wigger' so frequently. You get all antsy and offended when the 'n word' is used, yet there's no problem saying, when you break it down, 'white n-word' ?

I think the argument here is that a "wigger" is more of a joke term. There's trash in every single race, anyone with half of a brain knows this. So the question is - why is a white kid degrading himself (and the black race, because I personally see nothing wrong with black people) by acting like someone with no manners, respect, or personality? He's EMULATING some thug stereotype that the next Bad Boy or 50 Cent artist wants the world to think of black people.

Walk through a trailerpark sometime... if you were a rich racist kid you'd probably want to use the "n" word but then realize they have the same skin color as you. :p


Diablos said:
It's a good way you see things this way.
I mean, if I were to walk up to a black guy and SERIOUSLY call him a "nigger," that's wrong.
But here's how I see it, and anyone can feel free to argue if they want. Listen to any hip-hop album. "Nigger" and "nigga" are used countless times. So while it would be kind of strange for a white kid to call his black friend a "nigga," it amazes me how some people find it degrading in that way. The word is basically marketed to the kids, black and white, thru the music, tv, movies, etc. etc...

Not all of us agree with this use of the word. It's still ugly, and it should die.


I don't use it myself, but geez, you have to at least acknowledge that the word IS integrated into popular culture thanks to hip-hop. Doesn't make it right.


I dont find it offensive but I think the label "wigger" overgeneralizes. Ill call someone a wigger if they fit the stereotype of the rich white kid trying too hard. The problem is there are white guys who grew up in urban environments and these surroudings shape them as a person. They aren't posers and they aren't trying to be a certain way, it just who they are. I have a couple white friends who act pretty ghetto but they are cool guys. However the typical rich-kid wigger might be the most annoying personality Ive ever encountered.


Diablos said:
I don't use it myself, but geez, you have to at least acknowledge that the word IS integrated into popular culture thanks to hip-hop. Doesn't make it right.

So is Krunk. Krunk should die.
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