I'm with you scrow... never heard of it before this thread.Scrow said:if i heard the word "wigger" IRL before reading this thread i would've though it refered to someone who wears a wig...
Fool check out this Icy Hot Stuntaz rap ...http://music.download.com/icyhotstuntaz/3600-8525_32-100084376.html6.8 said:JROC > ALL
DarienA said:No it isn't honky!
Blackace said:You do know where the word Honky comes from?
It is because they honk right before they hit you!! I thank my father for this nugget of wisdom! Any black man who made it through the south in the 30s and 40s knows his stuff
DarienA said:Uh... ok.... this is the origin story I heard:
Many philologists claim that the word honky derives from the Wolof honq, of light complexion. According to Jesse Sheidlower in his article Crying Wolof, it actually derives from an African-American pronunciation of hunky, a disparaging term for Hungarian laborers. The first recorded use of the word honky "as an insulting term for a white person is found only in the 1950s."
Ice actually has some talent...that one Icy Hot Stuntaz song I posted wasnt that bad either...El_Victor said:WERE IS MA VANILLA ICE?
Word.El_Victor said:WERE IS MA VANILLA ICE?
Star Power said:The whole term is just wrong. First off, it assumes that there's a certain way of acting "black." Secondly, it totally disregards the fact that some white people grow up in all black neighborhoos/ in a 'ghetto.' And, lastly, it's needlessly harsh.. I mean, SO WHAT if people want to wear baggy jeans and speak ebonics? How is it harming you? Do you have a problem with black people who have piercings and talk like valley girls and go to punk rock concerts? It's so hypocritical. Plus, it has obvious racist undertones ( I mean.. 'cmon.. it ties right back to that archaic "I don't my children listenen' to that nigger music, it'll rub off on them")
So it ain't just me being sensitieve?skinnyrattler said:Yeah it's offensive for the same reasons people have been stating.
Diablos said:No way. It CAN'T offend me. I don't dress up like Eminem and pretend I was raised in the hood (like so many 15 year olds who have parents that make six figure salaries do). If a black man calls a white man a wigger, he probably has a good reason.Hell, I call white kid wiggers all the fucking time. I work with a wigger. There, I said it.
[sarcasm]Wow glad you put nice guy in there it sure make it bettter[/sarcasm]Star Power said:I work with a nigger. His name is Bob. Nice guy.
themadcowtipper said:Wow glad you put nice guy in there it sure make it bettter/sarcasm
It's a good way you see things this way.Dreamfixx said:I'm black and it doesn't offend me. It does infer that Wigger=White Nigger therefore Nigger=Black person=materialistic idiot, but I'm not offended by Nigger either.
The only way one can be offended by these words is if one actually takes them seriously. My friends and I joke on each other using racial slurs all the time and no one takes offense because we pretty much dilute any powerful meaning the words ever had to us. I don't see myself as a Nigger, so why should the word nigger bother me?
The way other black people try to stop other races from using the word, it almost seems like they're protecting the meaning, instead of being happy that the word is becoming archaic and will soon lose it's offensive connotations.
Diablos said:It's a good way you see things this way.
I mean, if I were to walk up to a black guy and SERIOUSLY call him a "nigger," that's wrong.
But here's how I see it, and anyone can feel free to argue if they want. Listen to any hip-hop album. "Nigger" and "nigga" are used countless times. So while it would be kind of strange for a white kid to call his black friend a "nigga," it amazes me how some people find it degrading in that way. The word is basically marketed to the kids, black and white, thru the music, tv, movies, etc. etc...
Star Power said:I was proving a point. I don't see why saying "I work with a wigger" is any more acceptable/ any different than saying "I work with a nigger."
Thanks for, once again, proving the hypocrisy of the people who use the word 'wigger' so frequently. You get all antsy and offended when the 'n word' is used, yet there's no problem saying, when you break it down, 'white n-word' ?
Diablos said:It's a good way you see things this way.
I mean, if I were to walk up to a black guy and SERIOUSLY call him a "nigger," that's wrong.
But here's how I see it, and anyone can feel free to argue if they want. Listen to any hip-hop album. "Nigger" and "nigga" are used countless times. So while it would be kind of strange for a white kid to call his black friend a "nigga," it amazes me how some people find it degrading in that way. The word is basically marketed to the kids, black and white, thru the music, tv, movies, etc. etc...
Diablos said:I don't use it myself, but geez, you have to at least acknowledge that the word IS integrated into popular culture thanks to hip-hop. Doesn't make it right.
Lots of people.MIMIC said:Is this 1999? Who still uses the word 'wigger'?