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Is the word "wigger" offensive to you?

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Diablos said:
I think the argument here is that a "wigger" is more of a joke term. There's trash in every single race, anyone with half of a brain knows this. So the question is - why is a white kid degrading himself (and the black race, because I personally see nothing wrong with black people) by acting like someone with no manners, respect, or personality? He's EMULATING some thug stereotype that the next Bad Boy or 50 Cent artist wants the world to think of black people.
I agree with your ideas and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Seriously, I don't associate "wigger" with any other term, and I don't use "nigger" in any context, ever. Kids known as "wiggers" deserve a ridiculous label because they make a conscious choice to make fools out of themselves with the way they act (irritating, disrespectful, cocksure, and totally ridiculous).

If someone wants to get to know a culture other than their own, that's great, but imitating stereotypes because your own life is boring is just a recipe for self-parody.
No. A joke word that criticizes young white suburban kids who appropriate black culture by turning around a deragatory term that contains centuries of economic and social repression should not offend anyone. Touchy motherfuckers...
Wigger is not offensive to me. Its about the meaning behind the word. 'Nigger' holds a lot more weight than 'wigger.' Should we take offense to 'gyp' since it slights gypsies?

Then again, I don't really take offense to anything but if I were black and a whitey called me a nigger, shit would go down.


"Wigger" is just a funny term. What's offensive is people that apply. Lowest of the low.

Star Power said:
I was proving a point. I don't see why saying "I work with a wigger" is any more acceptable/ any different than saying "I work with a nigger."
Then you are dreadfully stupid.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
karasu said:
So is Krunk. Krunk should die.




It's always shocking when people find it hard to understand how something like this can be insulting. @_@ We have a looooooooooooooooong way to go.

If you sit a black guy next to a middle eastern guy, and then a racist dude calls the middle eastern guy a sand nigger, would you be shocked that it also offends the black guy? "Wigger" is the same thing! The term doesn't say 'wanna be black', it says 'white nigger. There's a huge difference.

As far as white kids using hip hop mannerisms and the like, it's only natural to fashion yourself after something you love. The problem is making believe that influence should be somehow limited by race. White kids got heavy into Jazz music, and now they're getting heavy into hip hop. That's life. Hell, if a black guy were to wear a Muse T shirt and speak as if they're from the suburbs what would white america call them? Normal?


Huh. I've never met a black person (aside from this board, of course) that found the word "wigger" offensive. I guess it's up to interpretation more than most.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Wigger pleease. I prefer 'cracker-ass cracka' myself.
Hell, if a black guy were to wear a Muse T shirt and speak as if they're from the suburbs what would white america call them? Normal?

I believe the term for that is 'Uncle Tom.'

I don't care much for racist terms and what they mean. If some black guy wants to get one over me by calling me a cracker, honky, etc. who cares. Race is too much of an issue for too many people. Well, its not for me but I'm not going to walk around and call people nigger but I'm not calling black people African American. Unless people want to address me as Irish-Czech-Welsh-Native American, which if they do, I'll call them African American.


The Experiment said:
I believe the term for that is 'Uncle Tom.'

I don't care much for racist terms and what they mean. If some black guy wants to get one over me by calling me a cracker, honky, etc. who cares. Race is too much of an issue for too many people. Well, its not for me but I'm not going to walk around and call people nigger but I'm not calling black people African American. Unless people want to address me as Irish-Czech-Welsh-Native American, which if they do, I'll call them African American.

Ok, if you're from Planet Earth, surely you understand why race is an issue. Our world isn't one of total racial harmony yet, and pretending that words have no power isn't gonna bring us any closer to that.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
etiolate said:
I don't understand how it's offensive to black people when the word is targeted at white people.

Because you are saying that white person is like a nigger. Thats not exactly a compliment.
etiolate said:
I don't understand how it's offensive to black people when the word is targeted at white people.

did you miss this post?

karasu said:
If you sit a black guy next to a middle eastern guy, and then a racist dude calls the middle eastern guy a sand nigger, would you be shocked that it also offends the black guy? "Wigger" is the same thing! The term doesn't say 'wanna be black', it says 'white nigger. There's a huge difference.


The Faceless Master said:
did you miss this post?

But the connations are totally different. Wigger is like you're insulting black people by being a stereotype of them. Sand nigger is an ethnic based insult, you're just dismissing them because of race. Have you ever heard the term "bruised banana"? It's for asian people who adopt a poor stereotype of black and hip hop culture, is that offenssive to black people as well?


All I have to say is this:

Paul Mooney said:
Everyone wants to be a nigga, but no one wants to be a nigger.

Personally, I think it's a double edged sword. Why do people hate the suburban white kids that act in... I guess a wiggerish fashion? Realize that there are suburban black kids that would fall under the same definition if we're calling them posers. And at the same time, I personally know a few caucasians that grew up in urban areas with tougher circumstances than I had, so I really can't blame them for the ghetto fabulous lifestyles they want to lead.

It's a stupid term, and cracka-ass-cracka is just plain funnier. :lol
etiolate said:
But the connations are totally different. Wigger is like you're insulting black people by being a stereotype of them. Sand nigger is an ethnic based insult, you're just dismissing them because of race. Have you ever heard the term "bruised banana"? It's for asian people who adopt a poor stereotype of black and hip hop culture, is that offenssive to black people as well?
no, i've never heard the term "bruised banana" but "chigger" and "rice nigger" are offensive too


Letters. Put them together. Say the word. How can it offend people when it doesn't mean anything? Just like "nigger"... Why did people got offended with this word on the first place? What does it means? I know it suposed to be a very awful way of calling a black person, but why? Instead of calling us white people, call us "whitey"... Or "pallots"... I don't know if I'll get offended by that, but I am convinced that some of us might but I can't understand why...

Until you call me a "stupid-white-guy-that-loves-to-go-third-base-with-chickens" or the like, I won't be offended...


Serious question from an eastern Europe guy (few if any black people here):

is "nigga" as offensive as "nigger"?

I think I read somewhere that some rap artist (2Pac or Ja Rule or I don't know) said something like this:
"nigger is wearing iron chains around his neck, nigga is wearing golden chains around his neck".

Is it possible for a white person to call a black person "nigga" and live after that (how about "black brotha", "homie")?

For your information - I'm so clueless that I got banned from EA.com for using the word "nigga" and San Andreas in one sentence.


Borys said:
Serious question from an eastern Europe guy (few if any black people here):

is "nigga" as offensive as "nigger"?

I think I read somewhere that some rap artist (2Pac or Ja Rule or I don't know) said something like this:
"nigger is wearing iron chains around his neck, nigga is wearing golden chains around his neck".

Is it possible for a white person to call a black person "nigga" and live after that (how about "black brotha", "homie")?
I think you must be black before calling anyone "nigga"... And "nigger" is a big "No, no, no!" here...

aoi tsuki

Just like "nigger"... Why did people got offended with this word on the first place?
i don't know the true etymology of the word, but could you imagine being a slave, and not understand a word of what the slavemaster was saying to you, but constantly hear the word "nigger" being used with hate to reference you? The repeated attachment of a word and emotions along with physical pain in this case can give a word more "meaning" than words used in general conversation. i could see the same being true for other slurs, racial or otherwise.

Laurent said:
Until you call me a "stupid-white-guy-that-loves-to-go-third-base-with-chickens" or the like, I won't be offended...
i understand what you're saying, but that's the point of assigning a word to a phrase.


aoi tsuki said:
i don't know the true etymology of the word, but could you imagine being a slave, and not understand a word of what the slavemaster was saying to you, but constantly hear the word "nigger" being used with hate to reference you? The repeated attachment of a word and emotions along with physical pain in this case can give a word more "meaning" than words used in general conversation. i could see the same being true for other slurs, racial or otherwise.

i understand what you're saying, but that's the point of assigning a word to a phrase.
I don't know if chinese people get offended when people called them "chintoks". I don't know were that came from, but I'm certain that it must have some sort of similar negative conotation. Look, I can understand why indians would be pissed when people called them "savages", since it's a word that has an awful meaning.

As for "nigger"... Look, black people called themselves "nigga", I wonder where they took this from? And as far as I can remember, "gansta"-style black people had that funny way of speaking that replaces every "er" with an "a" at the end of words...

People refered to us quebecers as "frogs", because some of us eat fried frogs legs. And it's been that way for years. Of course, the french canadians were only hated and colonized by the british, which as nothing to do with slavery, but I never got offended when somebody called me that way... That's just stupid!
All I know is that some people pull it off with some dignity in tact and others look like fucking morons.

Why can't we cleanse the world of fucking morons already? Pre Natal. Gattaca Style.


I don't understand how people find the word wigger insulting. Especially when it's not even being used against their particular race.


etiolate said:
But the connations are totally different. Wigger is like you're insulting black people by being a stereotype of them. Sand nigger is an ethnic based insult, you're just dismissing them because of race. Have you ever heard the term "bruised banana"? It's for asian people who adopt a poor stereotype of black and hip hop culture, is that offenssive to black people as well?


Tell 'em what he's won, Johnny!


Pellham said:
I don't understand how people find the word wigger insulting. Especially when it's not even being used against their particular race.

you look like a nigger.
Stop acting like a nigger.
You're worse than a nigger because you want to be a nigger.
Those are the connotations. Take your pick.


the term "wigger" doesn't bother me. But god those people trying to be something they are not... they do.


f_elz said:
the term "wigger" doesn't bother me. But god those people trying to be something they are not... they do.
What does this even mean?

I'm black, I listen to rap and talk shit. Is that only acceptable in black people?
My little brother listens to rock, and likes anime/Japanese art and games. Is he being something he's not?

Why does it piss you off so much?


karasu said:
you look like a nigger.
Stop acting like a nigger.
You're worse than a nigger because you want to be a nigger.
Those are the connotations. Take your pick.
The thing is, is "nigger" a bad word anymore? You listen to rap music, and they use the word nigger all the time. And they call themselves niggers, and it is not used in a bad way.


Porthos said:
The thing is, is "nigger" a bad word anymore? You listen to rap music, and they use the word nigger all the time. And they call themselves niggers, and it is not used in a bad way.

Yes it is still an ugly word. It's been used casually in the ghettos forever, but that has a lot to do with the psychology of opression. People say it's used to rob the word of it's power, but all you have to do is watch a white guy call a black guy a nigger and see how full of crud that idea is.


Odoul said:
What does this even mean?

I'm black, I listen to rap and talk shit. Is that only acceptable in black people?
My little brother listens to rock, and likes anime/Japanese art and games. Is he being something he's not?

Why does it piss you off so much?

no no.
but some people just wanna be cool or shit and fake it just to fit in with their friends... eh you know. Applies to every one. People who pretend to be punk, goth, um... preppy.


Porthos said:
The thing is, is "nigger" a bad word anymore? You listen to rap music, and they use the word nigger all the time. And they call themselves niggers, and it is not used in a bad way.


f_elz said:
no no.
but some people just wanna be cool or shit and fake it just to fit in with their friends... eh you know. Applies to every one. People who pretend to be punk, goth, um... preppy.

Is Eminem a wigger?


Gattsu25 said:

I'm not sure if this is what you're insinuating, but spelling it with an A means nothing. That's just how we tend to talk (not all), especially down south. Brother tends to be pronounced 'brotha', "sister" "sista", "the" "tha". 'Nigga" isn't a new word with it's own meaning, that's garbage propugated by a couple of hip hoppers in reply to controversy. It's nigger spelled phonetically. Plain and simple.


So if there's a word for white guys acting like black dudes, are there any words for black guys acting like white dudes? Like...I don't know...Bhite? Blite? Whick?


karasu said:
'Nigga" isn't a new word with it's own meaning...

Uh, yes it is, so says the people who differentiate between words with -er and -a, and to deny this would mean to say that blacks are consciously and purposefully degrading themselves.


Kiriku said:
So if there's a word for white guys acting like black dudes, are there any words for black guys acting like white dudes? Like...I don't know...Bhite? Blite? Whick?

Uncle Tom or sadiddy.
Kiriku said:
So if there's a word for white guys acting like black dudes, are there any words for black guys acting like white dudes? Like...I don't know...Bhite? Blite? Whick?

"Oreo," "Uncle Tom," etc. It's bullshit.`
How about a black guy who was brought up in a WASP-esque household, and is unsuccessfully trying to fit into the ghetto culture?

I call them Uncle Tiggers.


I once had a white co-worker tell me that I speak well for an African-American. He didn't understand how that could be construed as a back handed compliment. The same guy loves to talk about "wiggers". People who don't understand how calling someone a wigger might be offensive to some, are the same kind of people who think that telling a black person he speaks well and doesn't sound half retarded is a compliment.
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