I'm really white, from the country, and somehow I ended up dating a Catholic country girl that's gone to private Catholic college that I just happened to meet in the big city.....
NOw, I tell people that I may be white but that my soul's got fro and Asian eyes. I can dance, where as most white people can't seem to. I'm that guy in the clubs just going off and having a blast, not really caring about what people think and just listening to the music and letting the beat, next hit of the kick drum dictate what my body will do. It still really surprises me when I'm just out having a good ole time and some people come up to me and tell me how well I dance. How'd this white country boy do it? ... Thanks, rave culture. It doesn't matter what color you are under club lights. You'll be pink and blue and red and flash like in the flicker of a film reel under the strobe lights.
Do I like the term "wigger" as a racial epithet? Not really. Do I know a couple of people that embody the term? Yes. However, I think it's silly, and I'd rather say someone is "ghetto" instead.
Also, my druggie days led me to believe that "wigger" is someone who is "wigging" on the club drug ecstasy, which was called a "designer drug" back in the 80's. I never called it "wigging," but friends of mine from Houston called it that back in the day. My crew and I call it "rolling" to this day, but there were the few odd party folk calling it "wigging" on "wiggers" i.e. ecstacy pillz, disco biskets. However, drugs are bad kids....Bad. Don't do it. You can't handle it.
A few of you who are uptight should eat some of these biskets yourself or smoke some reef or toss back some beers with your fellas. Lighten up. Guys, we're not on this planet long enough to hate eachother or make each other uncomfortable or perpetuate negative things. If you feel the need to call someone by a racial tag, do it in jest and then explain yourself if you get a smug expression. Just be cool. Just try to be honest and genuine. That's all you can do. People can sense if you have ill will or not--most of the time. Possess a good disposition and it won't matter what you call each other.