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Is Working Designs dead?


trippingmartian said:
I think a few of the people complaining about WD's flashy packaging and extras are the same people who jizz and cry over Japan getting exclusive goodies with their releases.
xenosaga II aside, the extras in japan tend to be a lot more tasteful than the stuff WD shits out. or certainly more appropriate. i mean, a deck of cards? a wristwatch? dual shock 2 covers? cardboard standees? W T F

that said, i think some of the worst money i have ever spent has been on a japanese LE box (persona 2 EP, which i bought because i loved the series, and regretted immediately when i saw how junky and useless the stuff in the box was.) often the stuff is crap, but sometimes neat things squeak through. i haven't seen it in person, but the atelier iris eternal mana diorama looked neat. and i like my ys I & II eternal story diorama as well. but it was overpriced. i'll admit it, though.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Neutron Night said:
That's why I was pissed when Disgaea was rereleased and La Pucelle was released in significant quantities. I want niche games that will be collector's items, I want another Panzer Saga (I have a sealed copy, BTW). Since a collector's dream like that is unlikely to happen again soon, the next best thing is deluxe editions like GG.

You disgust me as a gamer. You want GOOD games to be RARE and impossible to find? What in the world is wrong with you? WHY do you collect games, anyway? I'm getting the impression you have secret hopes that the market will become like the comic book market, so you can "cash in".

Neutron Night said:
Final Fantasy Anthology/Chronicles used to be fairly valuable before the scourge of humanity known as Greatest Hits showed up. The point is, NO ONE thought these games would be this valuable when they first came out. The deluxe version of GG may become one of these games. There have been no really rare or valuable games this generation. Disgaea was the closest thing to a rare RPG for the PS2, then then Atlus swooped in and rereleased it and Circuit City finished it off with their f-----g $5 deal.
Cry me an 8-bit river. While I might agree that budget rereleases are annoying because of potentially ugly box art, they are a -good- thing. Unlike you, I have no secret desire to be the sole owner of all the games in the known universe... I'd rather have my favorite games become so common that EVERYONE owns them. Collecting is the secondary aspect of my gaming hobby... and even if it were the primary, I'd focus it on -truly- rare and interesting things, not trashy attempts to force a "collectible" status upon an item.

Sorry... I just find the nature center of your joy to be anathema to me.

Neutron Night said:
NES games on GBA? Didn't I already go over how much that s--- sucked in my "portable gaming is an abomination" thread? What does that have to do with this discussion, are they really rare or something?
The Famicom Mini series are a limited run of games, and the Japanese ones focus so much on the box art and packaging that you seem to prize above the games themselves. It just seemed like the Famicom Mini series would be perfectly in line with your collecting habits.
xenosaga II aside, the extras in japan tend to be a lot more tasteful than the stuff WD shits out. or certainly more appropriate. i mean, a deck of cards? a wristwatch? dual shock 2 covers? cardboard standees? W T F

Um, that is NO different from Japanese limited editions. Character standees, necklaces, blah blah blah. Standard stuff. EVERYONE knows that stuff is useless, they put it in there because it makes the collection look more impressive. You sound like the type of person who sees a sheet of stickers and actually uses them to stick on something, destroying the worth. It's there to look good, nothing else.

And WD actually includes useful stuff like making-of discs and soundtracks, so don't give me that shit.

You disgust me as a gamer. You want GOOD games to be RARE and impossible to find? What in the world is wrong with you? WHY do you collect games, anyway? I'm getting the impression you have secret hopes that the market will become like the comic book market, so you can "cash in".

1. Because it means I own a valuable product that will increase in value, instead of decrease in value like most games.

2. Because owning rare stuff is fun. That's why collectors exist. It's no different that someone who buys a piece of artwork. What are you going to "use" it for?

Cry me an 8-bit river. While I might agree that budget rereleases are annoying because of potentially ugly box art, they are a -good- thing. Unlike you, I have no secret desire to be the sole owner of all the games in the known universe... I'd rather have my favorite games become so common that EVERYONE owns them. Collecting is the secondary aspect of my gaming hobby... and even if it were the primary, I'd focus it on -truly- rare and interesting things, not trashy attempts to force a "collectible" status upon an item.

The only good thing about GH is that it makes the real version look better in comparison. As far as your favorite games go, you'd rather have the same thing be worth much less and be in much lower demand? Collecting is secondary to me too, I buy pretty much the games I want, whether they're common or not. But I'd rather they be rare.

The Famicom Mini series are a limited run of games, and the Japanese ones focus so much on the box art and packaging that you seem to prize above the games themselves. It just seemed like the Famicom Mini series would be perfectly in line with your collecting habits.

Like I said, I collect stuff I'm interested in. I won't buy Steep Slope Sliders just because it's rare. I focus on RPG's, not ancient NES games. The only GBA game I own is a sealed copy of Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, which is the most valuable GBA game I know of. I'm looking to sell it, actually.


1. Because it means I own a valuable product that will increase in value, instead of decrease in value like most games.

Translated from the dipshit-ese: "Owning Panzer Saga makes my dick feel big."



It's no different that someone who buys a piece of artwork. What are you going to "use" it for?

if david came in a foil-embossed box that made it so you couldn't see and appreciate the actual statue, then maybe you'd have a point.
if david came in a foil-embossed box that made it so you couldn't see and appreciate the actual statue, then maybe you'd have a point.

Thanks for making that analogy. So you wouldn't mind buying a "budget" version of David that was made out of styrofoam and cost $19.99? After all, it looks the same. Why pay more for the actual statue? Sure, it's a classic piece of history, and there's only one in the world, but that doesn't put food on the table!


trippingmartian said:
Neutron, you should know better than to let your opinions be known here. Get him, boys! His opinion differs from our collective opinion.

Actually, he's a straight-up dipshit.

But I'm sure you already knew that.


I was commenting on your flawed point about appreciating art, because it sounds to me that you're not appreciating the game (because you're not playing it), rather, you're appreciating the box it comes in.

if I wanted to see a particular work of art, I would go to the museum or gallery where it is. if someone bought it and won't display it for the public, too bad for me. if I could afford to buy it, and I really liked it, I would.

but if someone bought it, and then wrapped it up in a box so no one at all could see it, then that person is an idiot. an idiot who is free to do what he or she wants with their money, but an idiot nonetheless.

collecting anything that inhibits you from enjoying the product's original intention/purpose is a waste of money, and a waste of supply to others who would.

edit \\ that being said, I still enjoy my wrapped sfc version of chrono trigger sitting on my desk, but that only cost me $7. if I knew japanese, though, I'd definitely play it.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
sealed copies of Panzer Dragoon Saga make me ill. Think of all the children in 1998 running around with those silly face masks prentending to be in that world cause they themselves couldn't find a copy.

I hope your precious sealed copy was a re-shrink wrap job. Of course, you'd never know I guess.
Neutron Night
(Today, 05:19 PM)
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(more a nerd than a geek)
Neutron Night said:
1. Because it means I own a valuable product that will increase in value, instead of decrease in value like most games.

2. Because owning rare stuff is fun. That's why collectors exist. It's no different that someone who buys a piece of artwork. What are you going to "use" it for?

See, this is the mindset that's irking me... that you are collecting things because they are "rare" or "valuable", and that art collectors collect things simply because they are rare. You collect things because you appreciate them and enjoy the nature of what they are... otherwise it's basically a weird version of a stock market.

Neutron Night said:
The only good thing about GH is that it makes the real version look better in comparison. As far as your favorite games go, you'd rather have the same thing be worth much less and be in much lower demand? Collecting is secondary to me too, I buy pretty much the games I want, whether they're common or not. But I'd rather they be rare.
I never said "worth" less, I just want them to cost less. I don't use the monetary value of games to judge their worth... I judge them by their qualities as games (or as parts of the game industry, or gaming history). I'd also like my favorite games to be liked by other folks as well, so I'd like them to be common and easily available.

Oh, and the difference between your sealed games and David is somewhat similar to the difference between a reproduction print of the Mona Lisa and Mona Lisa itself. It's nice to h ave a reproduction, but it seems inane to sell "fancy" reproductions, limited run ones, or to intentionally make it difficult to get a reproduction of a famous piece of art so as to increase the value of the reproductions. What you are collecting are just a series of artificially rare pieces of plastic and paper... if they were truly rare (production pieces, early demo discs, or even just signed by the production team), I'd understand it... you have something special by its very nature. Instead, what you have is something made rare ONLY to sell to wacky little "collectors".

Now, if you made it a point to only collect first pressing of games which were later revised... I can sort of see the logic there. The problem is that you seem to be collecting games for the express purpose of watching them "grow in (monetary) value" -- and that seems to go against the nature of the hobby of gaming. Go buy some stocks, and cackle about how only a few thousand certificates were ever printed...


I don't understand the point of collecting something like this (sealed games). It's just self-gratification that you own something sort-of unique. Nobody fucking pulls out their sealed copy of Lunar to bask in its magnificient aura, it's a bragging piece.

Oh... and CK and Evilore die if I find out they sold those copies of Tactics Ogre and Valkyrie Profile I sent their way.


DavidDayton said:
I thought Lunar was his retirement account?
You know, as much as I dislike Neutron Night, I do appreciate the fact that one of his posts caused me to appreciate the kindness of certain forum members.


Random question but does anyone have the hardback Lunar 1 PSX manual in good condition and willing to sell it? I spewed up on mine :( The OSG too, although that's not so important.


snaildog said:
Random question but does anyone have the hardback Lunar 1 PSX manual in good condition and willing to sell it? I spewed up on mine :( The OSG too, although that's not so important.
I do wonder if you could get replacement copies from WD. I know I got a replacement of the OST a few years back for a small fee.


I live in New Zealand though - don't think they'd send it to me. Seriously though, I'll send someone a NTSC PS2 or Gamecube game if they can do it for me.


Yeah good idea, I'm looking now. Might be worth just waiting for some guy who's lost the box and the map and scratched the disks so that nobody else will want it.


erm, i think i threw out all of the packaging for lunar 1 when i moved.

stupid big packaging.

i couldn't tell if neutron night was serious and had stupid opinions or was just a troll.

and now we shall never know!


Mistaken iRobbery!
Working Designs question....

How is Elemental Gearbolt for the PSX? I would like to add another Guncon game to my collection but is the game/work any good?


Defensor said:
Working Designs question....

How is Elemental Gearbolt for the PSX? I would like to add another Guncon game to my collection but is the game/work any good?
yeah, it's good, has fantastic music, and stylish anime cinemas. it's a really attractive game and quite a decent one. WD kicked up the difficulty a notch in the US version, but it wasn't really to the detriment of the game too much, AFAIK.


I have the Lunar 1 hardback manual but I ain`t selling it ;p. If there`s anything I like out of the stuff they do, it`s the manuals.

On that note, I should pre-order GG or the Deluxe when I get back to the states. I`m enjoying Growlanser 1 right now. =O


It seems that they aren't dead. They finally updated their site with a new ship date for Growlanser Generations (September now) and they put Goemon up again, they also listed a mystery strategy/RPG for 2005 for an unspecified console.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Got an email from ebgames about my LE preorder. Sept 01 is the new date, and that's a placeholder.


I probably should do that (order through them directly).

And Growlanser is pretty damn cool so far. Got to the second disc last night.


Yes, usually a day or two before retailers. You also get an exclusive extras that they throw in for ordering direct. I remember getting my Arc the Lad guide months before stores even got it though.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Am I nuts, or do I not see a store over at WD's website? I see where to get merchandise and replacement manuals, but not games or game preorders.
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