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It’s official G4 Network is dead

Lions Gate

So Adam Sessler had a meltdown on Twitter and deleted his account, similar to Frosk. I'm too lazy for screens, but they're out there. He did a multi-tweet "I hated games and gamers all along hahahha," type shit. Was gold.


Go Gamergaters?!


Dude has always been a douche. Probably some failed comedian who got a gig on G4 reading a script pretending to be a gamer.

On a different note, that Frost chick did a good job re-directing the narrative to be about gender when the original reason she got attacked was her flagrant xbox shilling.


Gold Member
What’s odd is that he finally alludes to a bad part of the gaming industry, but he is mixing politics with people who play games. That’s a crazy mix.

He reminds me of my sister. She couldn’t stand it when my dad was watching the news and they were talking about stuff she disagreed with. I hate politics and talking about politics.

The dude should have complained more besides sounding bat 💩crazy. Why aren’t these so called intelligent people calling out game studios and rich video game snobs.

One thing I realize is you never get the gamer side of these people who make money in games. They go after the people spending all their money on them or the ones commenting on game related content online. Ever walked inside a game store and it smelled bad or you just felt off for being in there? Then you realize there are game designers and journalists pissing on your own personal enjoyment of the games.

I don’t remember people like Cliffy B or any big celeb game designer actually discussing the games they played here on GAF in the past. They were mainly here to enforce their cred. Maybe I’m just glad I live where I do in the US. We don’t have to pay for the roads these crazy people drive on. lol

You’d think one of his pals in the industry would have interjected. They probably want to keep making money doing something with games. Anyway lol that’s my rant on this whole thing.


Does he have a history of substance abuse?

People speculated he was using cocaine back in the time featured in that E3 clip (post #353). He certainly seemed to be on something.

I believe he suffered some type of back injury (?) several years ago, and he complained a lot about back pain. Since doctors often prescribe opiates for back pain, you might suppose he was on those for a while, too.

His personality was always off, though, even without the drugs. He was always very impulsive and attention-seeking, like a hyped up adolescent. You could sense narcissism, too (e.g., a condescending tone toward games that were too "low brow" for him).
I don't think he ever fully recovered from being fired from G4 in 2012, a permanent blow to his ego that lead to a decade+ long mental breakdown.

I liked him in the 2000s and I'm sad to see him wind up so unhinged.
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Gold Member
His personality was always off, though, even without the drugs. He was always very impulsive and attention-seeking, like a hyped up adolescent. You could sense narcissism, too (e.g., a condescending tone toward games that were too "low brow" for him).

Remember his meltdown when Sony wouldn't send him a PS4 debug unit? He went on Twitter and made vague Tweets that he was going to be forced to leave the industry because Sony was witholding hardware from him. All because they wouldn't give him a debug unit. They eventually caved in and he shut up.

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Gold Member
I don't. I must've missed that one.

I'll bet Adam has a long list of embarrassing outbursts.

Edited my post above with the details. It was hilarious.

He was so vague people thought it was bad news for the PS4. Turns out his little outlet was too small to get a debug from Sony so he threw a hissy fit publicly until they caved in.
I some times legit wonder how Sessler landed a gig at G4, or in the industry for that matter, if he carried this much irrational hatred towards gaming and gamers.


Edited my post above with the details. It was hilarious.

He was so vague people thought it was bad news for the PS4. Turns out his little outlet was too small to get a debug from Sony so he threw a hissy fit publicly until they caved in.

What an entitled nutjob. Good example of how self-centered he is, and how anxious and paranoid he can get sometimes.
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Got exposed for reviewing games he never played. Encouraged violence against Conservatives. Claimed he had every right to dox someone for saying something he didn't like. Tried to resurrect his career using the corpse of G4 like A Weekend at Bernie's while basically shitting on what made that network popular to begin with. Backed up the deranged tirade of a female (I think) member of the show, who got blasted for her fangirl claims while being objectively, embarrassingly wrong. Not even an exhaustive coverage of his stunning list of accolades that he can now add this to.

Deft Beck

Got exposed for reviewing games he never played. Encouraged violence against Conservatives. Claimed he had every right to dox someone for saying something he didn't like. Tried to resurrect his career using the corpse of G4 like A Weekend at Bernie's while basically shitting on what made that network popular to begin with. Backed up the deranged tirade of a female (I think) member of the show, who got blasted for her fangirl claims while being objectively, embarrassingly wrong. Not even an exhaustive coverage of his stunning list of accolades that he can now add this to.

To be fair, wasn't he usually in the booth reading a review someone on their editorial staff wrote?
I wonder how this Fork person feels about single handedly destroying the G4 comeback 😂
What gets me is that Frosk missed the point of G4, games, silliness, and hot chicks.
I know this thread was bumped but I Just want to reiterate again that Frosk was never the reason for G4 dying. Certain people ran with that narrative without doing enough research.

When this first happened, it was already revealed from multiple sources and former employees that the ones in charge had horrible money management skills and spent way, way too much money on everything, including that gigantic expensive complex building they bought in LA of all places.

If they had taken this slow like other video game personality-based streaming orgs (such as OTV or OTK), they would have still been alive regardless of Frosk's rant. They were instead operating like we were all still living in the old 2000s Cable TV Network generation and imploded.

Dr. Claus

I know this thread was bumped but I Just want to reiterate again that Frosk was never the reason for G4 dying. Certain people ran with that narrative without doing enough research.

When this first happened, it was already revealed from multiple sources and former employees that the ones in charge had horrible money management skills and spent way, way too much money on everything, including that gigantic expensive complex building they bought in LA of all places.

If they had taken this slow like other video game personality-based streaming orgs (such as OTV or OTK), they would have still been alive regardless of Frosk's rant. They were instead operating like we were all still living in the old 2000s Cable TV Network generation and imploded.

Oh God GIF by DuroflexWorld


It looks like they yanked down the G4 channels on YouTube. The cheap bastards. I will see if someone preserved it on archive.org.

Dr. Claus


Sorry man, I like truths over narratives 🤷‍♂️

You keep telling yourself that. You are the one pushing a narrative here. We have had more than enough evidence posted here and the numerous other G4 threads that Frosk had a massive role in their downfall.

But its easier for you to tow that ideological line and dismiss her involvement.
You keep telling yourself that. You are the one pushing a narrative here. We have had more than enough evidence posted here and the numerous other G4 threads that Frosk had a massive role in their downfall.
So instead I should believe that a single speech viewed by a subsection of the internet bankrupted an entire business organization?

Dr. Claus

So instead I should believe that a single speech viewed by a subsection of the internet bankrupted an entire business organization?

Nice strawman, kiddo. No where did I or anyone else here state she was the sole reason they went under, just that she had a large role in their downfall. I would ask you to actually read what is posted, but we both know that won't happen.
Nice strawman, kiddo. No where did I or anyone else here state she was the sole reason they went under, just that she had a large role in their downfall. I would ask you to actually read what is posted, but we both know that won't happen.
I won't respond condescendingly like you have, instead I'll just post proof. Here you go:

Here are pictures of their unnecessarily large, expensive building:



See, the thing is, I think an issue here is that you think I'm approaching this from a 'Frosk defense force' angle. No, I'm approaching this from a business angle.

I don't care about Frosk nor do I know what hole she crawled into after G4 2.0 collapsed. It's easier to take account of mishaps and failures when it's printed for all to see in monetary value and recorded accounts, not hearsay and rumors.

Also Dr. Claus Dr. Claus do me a favor and don't 'Ctrl + F "Frosk"' and cherrypick a quote. I know you're better than that so I won't treat you in such a manner. I just ask that you please read the entire article.
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The massive layoffs and drop in viewership just happened to be a happy coincidence after the Frosk meltdown...lol
They may have been heading in that direction, but I don't know how you can deny that she was a large part in accelerating that fall.
The massive layoffs and drop in viewership just happened to be a happy coincidence after the Frosk meltdown...lol
They may have been heading in that direction, but I don't know how you can deny that she was a large part in accelerating that fall.
The fall was going to happen regardless of her speech.

There's an alternate version of events here where the speech never happened, they still fell, and this thread would still exist. That's my point.


Wow, that's a bad take (the top-voted one). Typical for Reddit.

His recent quotes hardly sound like he is "having fun." For example:

"I regret spending the better part of my life in your (virtual) company. Catering to idiot gamers was a miserable experience."

"It sucks to regret a quarter-century of effort, but it sucks more to pretend it was worth it." (i.e., he regrets his career and believes his efforts were wasted).

"Time to go away and try to find something good before I expire."

And if Trump voters get their teeth smashed in, that's good.

That is not someone "having fun." That is a very unhappy, angry man. Also, he deleted his Twitter/X account. You don't do that if you're "having fun."
The reality is that Twitter puts people in boxes intentionally with makes you "engage" for better or worse. In this case with him admittedly starting fights all the time, of course that box they put him means he's going to be fighting, which is sad because I actually loved his book recommendations (I own several based off what he posted) and postings about things he enjoyed, he's genuinely insightful in that way, but do you really think that bot is going to push that to people when they get a handful of likes and responses? Nah, it'll get post that are literally engineered to get a response out of you. I can't imagine what people see in Twitter anymore, I usually lurk with alternative websites, the ones left anyway, for anything I really care about.

Dr. Claus

The massive layoffs and drop in viewership just happened to be a happy coincidence after the Frosk meltdown...lol
They may have been heading in that direction, but I don't know how you can deny that she was a large part in accelerating that fall.

Exactly. Frosk played a large role in the precipitous drop in viewership, helped further divide the limited community, pushed reddit and discord groups to instantly ban *anyone* critical of what Frosk stated (thus further stoking the flames), and lost them a ton of money.

Yes, they were poor with money. Yes, they had issues with upper management. Both those are true. But ideologies like March will fight tooth and nail to dismiss the actions of the mentally deranged Frosk because she pushed the same regressive, hate-filled ideology that they believe in.
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