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It All Began With... Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep |OT|


jaundicejuice said:
Just completed Ventus' campaign, now that just leaves Aqua. It was definitely more enjoyable and fairly easy the second time through. That could be because I now know what it is I'm supposed to do, or Ventus' camapign was simply that much easier than Terra's.

Oh shit, I over-wrote Terra's complete file when I started to play Ventus campaign, am I going to have to replay Terra's campaign now?

yes :(


jaundicejuice said:
Damn it. What am I missing out on without that save file?

Basically the ending. Not just the secret ending either.

Just skip all cutscenes and put it on normal and you can breeze through in like 3 hours I'm sure. Although if you want the secret ending, make sure you complete all profiles on at least proud mode.
I can see why people say Aqua can get ridiculously over-powered. I just unlocked the Bladecharge command style, which effectively doubles, if not triples the reach of her keyblade and the AoE finisher is pretty devastating.
I beat Aqua's campaign earlier today and based off of what I saw on youtube, I will be replaying Terra's quest to get back that save file I overwrote since it looks like I'm missing out on a cool boos fight. Just don't know when I'll get to doing that exactly.

Overall Birth By Sleep was pretty fucking rad. Yeah, I said rad. Kind of glad I saved Aqua's campaign for last, while she started off weak, she was easily the most powerful of the three by the end of it. Bladecharge and Ghost Drive were pretty ridiculously powerful command styles.

Now it's on to Kingdom Hearts, going to play through the rest of the series, for the first time, in chronological order. It'll be interesting to see how the series has evolved.


jaundicejuice said:
I beat Aqua's campaign earlier today and based off of what I saw on youtube, I will be replaying Terra's quest to get back that save file I overwrote since it looks like I'm missing out on a cool boos fight. Just don't know when I'll get to doing that exactly.

Overall Birth By Sleep was pretty fucking rad. Yeah, I said rad. Kind of glad I saved Aqua's campaign for last, while she started off weak, she was easily the most powerful of the three by the end of it. Bladecharge and Ghost Drive were pretty ridiculously powerful command styles.

Now it's on to Kingdom Hearts, going to play through the rest of the series, for the first time, in chronological order. It'll be interesting to see how the series has evolved.

You beat BBS first ? Prepare yourself for a huge downgrade then.


Just picked up this game, everything was going well until I got to the first boss in Terra's campaign... holy shit this is hard. Any suggestions? (I'm playing on proud mode)


aerts1js said:
Just picked up this game, everything was going well until I got to the first boss in Terra's campaign... holy shit this is hard. Any suggestions? (I'm playing on proud mode)

Leveling up is ridiculous effective in this game. Just go fight monsters until you are a few levels higher and you'll beat everything with ease.


So I think I'm at the last boss in Terra's campaign.. Any suggestions on how to beat him? It's pretty tough...

I love the game though! Great graphics and music! and you know what? the story isn't half bad.


aerts1js said:
So I think I'm at the last boss in Terra's campaign.. (fighting himself) Any suggestions on how to beat him? It's pretty tough...

I love the game though! Great graphics and music! and you know what? the story isn't half bad.

Block. Counter. Block. Counter.
Man, I still need to beat this. I'm still at the end of Terra's story... which is still my first play through.

The reason I've set it aside for so long isn't because I dislike the game but because I liked it TOO much. The combat more specifically. I would play just to constantly fight, level up slots (whatever they were called), swap them out for lower levels, level those up, create new abilities, level those up and so on because the combat here is THAT enjoyale. The thing was, I sort of burnt myself out I guess plus new games came out so I sort of stuck it on the back burner.
aerts1js said:
So I think I'm at the last boss in Terra's campaign..
(fighting himself)
Any suggestions on how to beat him? It's pretty tough...

I love the game though! Great graphics and music! and you know what? the story isn't half bad.

Umm... spoiler that, dude. What the hell.


Just beat Terra's campaign and wow! I have to say that overall I'm very impressed. As much flack that kingdom hearts gets on Neogaf this is shaping up to be one of the most fun I've had with a game in a long time.

Onto Ven's campaign!


Great Game! I just finished all three campaigns and it's definetely better than Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. The gameplay, graphics, and music were incredible and the story wasn't half bad although I was starting to grow tired of it by the end of the third campaign.

Although I do have one question. I beat all the campaigns on proud mode and the only secret report I'm missing is #5. Where do I find it?


aerts1js said:
Although I do have one question. I beat all the campaigns on proud mode and the only secret report I'm missing is #5. Where do I find it?
Have you gotten the report from the Arena mission yet? Can't remember the # but that's the one I couldn't find during normal gameplay as well. It can only be acquired in one of Terra's Arena missions...?

Glad you enjoyed it :D
RadioHeadAche said:
By comparison the first game is really, really slow with the combat. I don't think I can play KH1 again as a result (among other things).

Oh god yes. Even the DS titles are more polished. Gameplay-wise, anyway.
I've been stuck on a boss fight for like a month now, and haven't had the desire to go back to this game because of it.

I'm in the fissure before the Keyblade Graveyard, and the fight that comes up is just ridiculously hard for me for some reason. I'm either severely underleveled, or doing it wrong. I'm level 32, but he kills me really, really fast. :(

Any tips for this fight?

EDIT: Nevermind...dodge rolling constantly and shotlocks helped a lot. That fight was pretty annoying, still.


LTTP. I started this game a few months ago, but was sidetracked with other games. I'm on my 1st campaign (Aqua) and fighting
2nd fight against Vanitas in Never Land
and I CANNOT beat him :-(. I grinded a bit cause I kept dying, I'm level 24 now. I think I'm doing better than when I fought him at first, since I was level 20. I'm using Magic Hour, some projectile magic and Bubble Blaster. Is there a trick to getting HP boost commands? I could really use some more HP cause I'm getting tired of one to two hit kills.
Chairhome said:
LTTP. I started this game a few months ago, but was sidetracked with other games. I'm on my 1st campaign (Aqua) and fighting
2nd fight against Vanitas in Never Land
and I CANNOT beat him :-(. I grinded a bit cause I kept dying, I'm level 24 now. I think I'm doing better than when I fought him at first, since I was level 20. I'm using Magic Hour, some projectile magic and Bubble Blaster. Is there a trick to getting HP boost commands? I could really use some more HP cause I'm getting tired of one to two hit kills.

Any particular attack you have issues with? Aqua and Ven both have very good dodging (as opposed to Terra's, which sucks), so if worst comes to worst, mash Square until you see an opening to drop a Firaga in his face, then repeat.


I think the problem is that I lose lock on him a lot when he goes underground. And when I don't see him, he pops out of the ground and it usually kills me or puts me near death. Maybe I should just have more Cure spells/potions equipped. Magic Hour is my go to attack since it teleports me right to him. I think maybe I'm just being too aggressive and fighting him like a regular enemy. I usually dodge all over the place, but I usually get pegged by an attack when he's behind me and I don't anticipate what he's doing.


After leveling up a lot, I finally was able to beat him. Finished Aqua's story, started Terra, and man, this game is awesome. I'm completely enamored by the game again, and I feel like I shouldn't have many problems for the rest of this game. I'm playing on Critical mode, and had to level up a bit, but I haven't had too many issues. I guess Aqua's was the most difficult? Can't wait to finish the rest of the game, and what a delight this game is after being completely disappointed with 358/2.


Chairhome said:
After leveling up a lot, I finally was able to beat him. Finished Aqua's story, started Terra, and man, this game is awesome. I'm completely enamored by the game again, and I feel like I shouldn't have many problems for the rest of this game. I'm playing on Critical mode, and had to level up a bit, but I haven't had too many issues. I guess Aqua's was the most difficult? Can't wait to finish the rest of the game, and what a delight this game is after being completely disappointed with 358/2.

You are in for a treat when it comes to the overall final boss.
Chairhome said:
Can't wait to finish the rest of the game, and what a delight this game is after being completely disappointed with 358/2...

as a non-kh fan (hated/quit the first one, mostly enjoyed & finished kh2), i continue to have very fond memories of this game. one of the best looking, & most addictive, rpgs on the psp, whether you like the series or not...
And now I have it! Even from the few minutes I've spent with the game, the command deck is super-fun to use, the battles themselves are really fluid, and it easily blows every other game in the series out of the water in this regard.

Also, holy shit this game is gorgeous.


I actually haven't messed with the command board much. Its there a big benefit? And man. It took me a few hours to beat terra's final boss. I think I was tired last night, only took a few tries this morning and I finished it. Working in ventus's campaign now. Can't wait to finish it!
Chairhome said:
I actually haven't messed with the command board much. Its there a big benefit? And man. It took me a few hours to beat terra's final boss. I think I was tired last night, only took a few tries this morning and I finished it. Working in ventus's campaign now. Can't wait to finish it!

Boards can get you new commands and give a massive XP boost to the ones you already have.

Also it's the only way to get Pete's D-Link and you need to win them in the Mirage Arena in order to get everything.

I suggest going to the Mirage Arena whenever you wanna play the Command Board.
Square Enix did wonders with the character animations in this game, but...I can't help but think they went a wee bit too far with
Master Xehanort.
Literally every scene he's in has him gesturing wildly with his fingers in a way that makes him look as if he's milking a giant cow. :p

Oh, and fuck the command board. Never before have I been so inclined to bash Tigger's head in.
Electivirus said:
Oh, and fuck the command board. Never before have I been so inclined to bash Tigger's head in.



See where it says "Hand" right under "Roll"? Use that, as it's your only advantage over the AI players.

Don't spam it obviously, or you won't be able to buy board pieces. Use your proper judgement.

For example: If you are moving over an area with a lot of enemy owned board pieces, use something like Two Dice to have a higher chance of avoiding them or GP protector so you don't lose any points if you land on one.

Here's a list man, learn it: http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Command_Board#Effects


ok just got the game. What do I need to know about the KH storyline to enjoy this?

Only played part 1 for 40% and that was quite some years ago :)
hertog said:
ok just got the game. What do I need to know about the KH storyline to enjoy this?

Only played part 1 for 40% and that was quite some years ago :)
You don't need to know anything to enjoy this. I guess just know that Sora is the Jesus/chosen one/whatever of the KH universe.


Just got the game an hour ago, its installing i cant wait to play this! Anyway KH is one of my Favorite RPGs after i beat this i am importing Final Mix like i did all the others :)


Despite the difficulties I had with certain bosses (spending maybe two hours on a few of them, having to leave, grind, then come back on some), I finally beat this game and I loved it. The best KH game by far, I really hope the 3DS version delivers. The story and the combat made this game spectacular. I finished the game on Proud with Aqua then Critical for the rest of the game. The Secret Movie was nice, too. I'm not totally sure I understand everything, due to my fuzzy memory of the previous games, but wow, what a great game.
Melhisedek said:
Guys I have only played the first KH, will I be ok with the story if I play this next?

The story has a lot of little nods to the rest of the series, though it's for the most part self-contained.


Ventus campaign is so much better than Terra's.

I finished the game with Terra first. Thought it was fun, but it felt a little like "Kingdom Hearts lite". While the combat and general mechanics were great, everything else felt very uninspired. Bland levels, almost no story, weak cutscenes, weak character...

Now I'm about halfway through Ventus campaign and it feels like a proper Kingdom Hearts game, with more interaction between the player and Disney's characters and stories, with more interesting levels. Kinda wish there were a better selection of Disney worlds though.

Combat feels better too, since Ventus is faster. Story is still complete nonsense though, but hey, it's Kingdom Hearts, so that's to be expected.

I really miss Donald and Goofy though. They were a big part of why the story was fun to experience, dumb or not.
heringer said:
Ventus campaign is so much better than Terra's.

I finished the game with Terra first. Thought it was fun, but it felt a little like "Kingdom Hearts lite". While the combat and general mechanics were great, everything else felt very uninspired. Bland levels, almost no story, weak cutscenes, weak character...

Now I'm about halfway through Ventus campaign and it feels like a proper Kingdom Hearts game, with more interaction between the player and Disney's characters and stories, with more interesting levels. Kinda wish there were a better selection of Disney worlds though.

Combat feels better too, since Ventus is faster. Story is still complete nonsense though, but hey, it's Kingdom Hearts, so that's to be expected.

I really miss Donald and Goofy though. They were a big part of why the story was fun to experience, dumb or not.
Yeah, the game is sort of designed so that the combat gets a bit deeper with each story. (You'll have a blast with Aqua.)

If I recall correctly, Ventus' progression through the story was designed to be like Sora's romps through Disney Worlds in KH1 & KH2, which is why Ventus interacts and becomes more generally involved with the Disney characters in their respective worlds throughout his story.


heringer said:
Ventus campaign is so much better than Terra's.

I finished the game with Terra first. Thought it was fun, but it felt a little like "Kingdom Hearts lite". While the combat and general mechanics were great, everything else felt very uninspired. Bland levels, almost no story, weak cutscenes, weak character...

Now I'm about halfway through Ventus campaign and it feels like a proper Kingdom Hearts game, with more interaction between the player and Disney's characters and stories, with more interesting levels. Kinda wish there were a better selection of Disney worlds though.

Combat feels better too, since Ventus is faster. Story is still complete nonsense though, but hey, it's Kingdom Hearts, so that's to be expected.

I really miss Donald and Goofy though. They were a big part of why the story was fun to experience, dumb or not.

Are you saying that because he's another Sora (look-alike) derivative? Probably so. Also, don't be so fast to hate on Terra; he's good for what he is. I played Ventus first, so it was a little annoying to have to move over to Terra, but it was okay, for what it was. His dodge was kind of nice, and needed timing and polish to incorporate into combat, whereas Ventus was kind of...yeah. He was like my easy mode.

If you think Terra is bad though, jesus, wait until you get to Aqua. Couldn't get out of the second world's zone for almost an hour because of her health/defense/physical offense. I mean, goddamn, playing her makes you a defensive master at the game, or bust. Seriously, you get so good at evading attacks that going back to another character becomes a cakewalk. I was busting out combo's like a mofo, with my hands skewed to the side, to scroll through magic, attack, and then dodge, all subsequent to each other in short amounts of time. Goddamn, I thought my concentration wouldn't reach such a high again.

Ventus wouldn't be quite so bad if he didn't get two immensely powerful arena-clearing self-healing moves in the endgame. As it stands, he's an utter joke.
Aqua was so boss. The only character with Ultimate Commands that don't take up two slots.

Ventus is just broken from the start. Doesn't he have the highest natural defense to go along with his speed? How does that even make sense?
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