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Italia GAF |OT| La terra dei cachi

Buona pasqua stronzi, io sono al lavoro e spero vi vada di traverso ogni singola briciola che mangiate.

EDIT: trans: Happy easter I'm at work and I hope all of you choke on every single breadcrumb you eat.

Ho mangiato e bevuto tantissimo, adesso ho un bel mal di testa.

Al meno, mi posso riposare domani.


Neo Member
I'm so full of food I could die. Happy Easter and "little Easter" my fellow Italians!
I recently opened a Youtube channel and I'm preparing an Easter video but it's not ready yet so right now there's only one video... but it's full of Rome, sun and smiles so I feel like sharing it with you!
Keep eating!

Sono permessi post unicamente nella nostra lingua natale?


I'm really glad you enjoyed Sicily :)

Thanks! It was such a success that most of the people who were there will return next year for another trip. But we'll probably go to the mainland then, to the Marché-region. It's supposed to be real nice for cycling, perhaps a little easier than Sicily.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
You skipped traducing the most important concept, it isn't? ;)

traducing? :p

traduce - verb

•to fail to keep <a law that traduces one of our most cherished rights: the right to privacy>

•to make untrue and harmful statements about <my opponent in this campaign may villainously traduce me, but I will not stoop to his level>

traducing - noun

•the making of false statements that damage another's reputation <this endless traducing of candidates has got to stop, or the public will lose all faith in the electoral process>
Ragazzi, can you help me with something ?

I need to buy a new laptop, but I don't know where to look exactly. Amazon Italia seems a bit overpriced, Marco Polo's website does not have the model they have that interested me (out of stock) and Computer Discount... they don't seem to have many offers.

Where should I look ?

edit: oh and we ended up choosing Infostrada for our interwebs at home, thanks for all of those who tried to help me :)


e-key is cheap anche trusted but last time I ordered something they took a while to ship it. What model are you interested in? Amazon is usually my go-to online store for anything nowadays, weird to hear it's overpriced.
I'm not really looking for a model in particular.

I'm trying to keep the price as low as possible (less than 350€) while having good battery life (3 hours, and I'd be getting a spare battery later on), a graphic chip other than Intel integrated graphics, and the possibility to add more RAM.

Marco Polo had a Toshiba laptop that had all of those, but it's unavailable.
I didn't check amazon today (non sono di fretta), but if you think they're good, I'll look into it. I usually rely on them when I'm in France.

I'll look into e-key as well.

Ancora grazie :)


Ma ciao.

Qualcuno qui dentro ha idea di come ci si debba muovere, a livello fiscale, per pubblicare una app su iOS? Temo che, come al solito, farlo dall'Italia sia un mezzo delirio. Ma magari mi sbaglio. Magari. Magari no :/

(it's just a question about the fiscal issues tied to the act of publishing an app on iOS: in Italy we are the greatest in making fiscal & burocracy issues...).




Per carità... un altra cosa avrei dovuto sapere...

Ho bisogno di sonno...

Not sure about what you meant here - "Un'altra cosa che avrei dovuto sapere", maybe? Unlike English, the relative pronoun is required in Italian, else the meaning is altered.
Also, remember: "un" requires an apostrophe when the following adjective/noun/whatever is feminine (like "un'altra").

One more nitpicking thing: you wouldn't really hear anyone saying "ho bisogno di sonno", but rather "ho bisogno di dormire"... :)

PS_ goddamned autocorrect.
Not sure about what you meant here - "Un'altra cosa che avrei dovuto sapere", maybe? Unlike English, the relative pronoun is required in Italian, else the meaning is altered.
Also, remember: "un" requires an apostrophe when the following adjective/noun/whatever is feminine (like "un'altra).

One more nitpicking thing: you wouldn't really here anyone saying "ho bisogno di sonno", but rather "ho bisogno di dormire"... :)

Hai ragione. Il mio cervello è fritto.


"Ho bisogno di sonno" is fine, in my opinion.
I've heard it before.

"recupero qualche ora di sonno" for example is very common.


"Ho bisogno di sonno" is fine, in my opinion.
I've heard it before.

"recupero qualche ora di sonno" for example is very common.

Never heard of "ho bisogno di sonno", it sounds a bit antithetical to me, kinda like asking for being sleepy. But that's me.
"Recupero qualche ora di sonno" on the other hand is totally fine. ^^


Never heard of "ho bisogno di sonno", it sounds a bit antithetical to me, kinda like asking for being sleepy. But that's me.
"Recupero qualche ora di sonno" on the other hand is totally fine. ^^

"Sonno ristoratore" descrive l'atto di dormire.
Avere bisogno di un "sonnellino" anche è ok.

Per logica, "ho bisogno di (un po' di) sonno" dovrebbe essere utilizzabile, no? "Ho sonno" per quanto più comune, mi suona logicamente più antitetico.


Ma ciao.

Qualcuno qui dentro ha idea di come ci si debba muovere, a livello fiscale, per pubblicare una app su iOS? Temo che, come al solito, farlo dall'Italia sia un mezzo delirio. Ma magari mi sbaglio. Magari. Magari no :/

(it's just a question about the fiscal issues tied to the act of publishing an app on iOS: in Italy we are the greatest in making fiscal & burocracy issues...).



Magiustra! I'm sorry I can't help you with your question but it's a pleasure to read you here!


"Sonno ristoratore" descrive l'atto di dormire.
Avere bisogno di un "sonnellino" anche è ok.

Per logica, "ho bisogno di (un po' di) sonno" dovrebbe essere utilizzabile, no? "Ho sonno" per quanto più comune, mi suona logicamente più antitetico.

Ma il punto è proprio questo, sia "sonno ristoratore" che "sonnellino" sono piuttosto netti, non hanno l'ambivalenza del termine 'sonno' posto da solo. Diciamo "sto morendo di sonno" proprio per questo.
"Ho sonno" è grossomodo un equivalente di "sono assonnato"; "ho bisogno di un po' di sonno", invece, già suona un attimo meglio (nella direzione in cui stai andando), ma lo hai mai sentito dire? Io, personalmente, no :lol

Herr K

Ciao ragazzi! Sono studente di Erasmus e cerco una stanza a in affitto Cagliari, sai dove posso cercare? Quanto costano le stanze in questa città?

I'll be there for around 11 months. My Italian is currently shit, so forgive me. I'll arrive by the end of August.



Ciao ragazzi! Sono studente di Erasmus e cerco una stanza a in affitto Cagliari, sai dove posso cercare? Quanto costano le stanze in questa città?

I'll be there for around 11 months. My Italian is currently shit, so forgive me. I'll arrive by the end of August.


Try looking on Bakeca.it or some facebook group, usually these are pretty full of announcements.


Ciao ragazzi! Sono studente di Erasmus e cerco una stanza a in affitto Cagliari, sai dove posso cercare? Quanto costano le stanze in questa città?

I'll be there for around 11 months. My Italian is currently shit, so forgive me. I'll arrive by the end of August.


A friend of mine stayed there 3-4 years ago and he payed 200€/mo for a single room.


Yo Grillo

Where you at

Been trolling a M5S friend since i read the results.




I hope all the people who voted PD in my city also voted for the PD mayor, so the old mayor Cattaneo can fuck off into space and become the next Berlusconi muppet.

Most loved mayor stocazzo.
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