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Italia GAF |OT| La terra dei cachi


"Morning! Would someone be so kind as to help me with this:
Io li conosco! Sono stati soli Enzo e tuo papà lì? (è che Maria chi ha ballato con tuo papà?) E tuo papà ha parlato troppo velocemente; non l'ho capito... Venite in California!"

The bolded part is pretty clear (and it looks correct to me), his father talked too fast and you could not understand him, then you prompt them to come to California.
I'd use "padre" instead of "papà", but i guess you want to be more informal. :p

The non bolded part is less clear; i'd need to know the context, to tell you how to put it.
Can you write it in English?

So far i'd translate it as:
"I know them! Have Enzo and your father been there, alone? (Is Maria the one who danced with your dad?)"

This is how i'd interpret it, but not how it translates correctly, mind you.

Thanks for the response!

Is papà more something a child would say?

The only thing off in your interpretation is the second sentence. I mean to ask: "Were only Enzo and your father there?"
I know them! Were only Enzo and your father there? (Is Maria the one who danced with your dad?) And your dad talked too fast. I didn't understand him. Come to California.

The context:
A couple of the people interviewed in this video are my cousins. Of course I recognize them, so the first part is a lighthearted exclamation more than anything. The only people, however, I could clearly recognize in the video were Enzo and my cousin's father, though later on the father is dancing with a girl who is probably his granddaughter, Maria (but last time I saw her was seven years ago, when she was 4, so I don't recognize her clearly).


Thanks for the response!

Is papà more something a child would say?

The only thing off in your interpretation is the second sentence. I mean to ask: "Were only Enzo and your father there?"
I know them! Were only Enzo and your father there? (Is Maria the one who danced with your dad?) And your dad talked too fast. I didn't understand him. Come to California.

The context:
A couple of the people interviewed in this video are my cousins. Of course I recognize them, so the first part is a lighthearted exclamation more than anything. The only people, however, I could clearly recognize in the video were Enzo and my cousin's father, though later on the father is dancing with a girl who is probably his granddaughter, Maria (but last time I saw her was seven years ago, when she was 4, so I don't recognize her clearly).

Ok, so the way i'd say it, would be:

"Li riconosco! C'erano solo Enzo e tuo padre lì? (era Maria, la bambina che ballava con tuo padre?) Tuo padre ha parlato troppo veloce; non sono riuscito a capirlo.. Venite in California!"

"riconosco" is closer to "recognize"
"c'erano" is a shortened form of "ci erano" and can be translated in this context as "Were they there?"
"bambina" is of course "female children".

And "papà" is more akin to "dad" or even "daddy", whereas "padre" i more like "father"; given the context it's fine though, since he's your cousin and the nature of the message is informal.


Ok, so the way i'd say it, would be:

"Li riconosco! C'erano solo Enzo e tuo padre lì? (era Maria, la bambina che ballava con tuo padre?) Tuo padre ha parlato troppo veloce; non sono riuscito a capirlo.. Venite in California!"

"riconosco" is closer to "recognize"
"c'erano" is a shortened form of "ci erano" and can be translated in this context as "Were they there?"
"bambina" is of course "female children".

And "papà" is more akin to "dad" or even "daddy", whereas "padre" i more like "father"; given the context it's fine though, since he's your cousin and the nature of the message is informal.

Grazie, UrbanRats. Mi hai aiutato tanto!
Ciao a tutti , sono utente neogaf da poco ma vi leggo da parecchio. Purtroppo , sebbene riesca a comprendere bene l inglese scritto, sono una frana quando si tratta di scrivere in inglese xD
Ora provo :

Hi, i'm a new neogaf user but i read neogaf from long time.Unfortunately, i am not very skilled when i have to write in your language although i can understand it well when i read it


So, the topic is back? Nice thing, but I think it's quite ironic that looking back at the past messages, I can see fear of instability for the then upcoming elections...
and that was an understatement. :D

No signs of spring here, we're still in a gray, rainy, cold repetition of November...

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
After going there recently for conference purposes, Italy is probably my favourite country in Europe...and I haven't even been outside of Milan/Rome. The people are ridiculously nice, the touristy stuff (which I'm usually not a fan of) is incredible, and the food is as amazing as its reputation.

The problem is this: the coffee and ice cream available in Canada now make me depressed. Toronto's supposed to have some good Italian gelato places...I'm hopeful.
It's been a while since I wanted to bump this topic back, but the situation gets more and more depressing each week :/

I'll be leaving the country for a few years in a couple of months, all this makes me really wonder what will I find when I come back... if I come back at all.

Oh well, let's try to lift the mood a little with some nice pictures:

Appennine Colossus, near Florence

Sorrento, near Naples

Val di Funes, near Bolzano

Sardinian Sea, near Tortolì

Could you summarize it for me, please? I heard about it on the radio today but all I know is that's it's taking more time than expected.

The political parties cannot reach an agreement on who to elect.
Since there is no one with a definite majority they couldn't reach the minimum number of votes to elect someone.
The candidate will be elected president only if more than two thirds of the Assembly vote for him/her. The parties however are currently split in thirds with each proposing their own candidate.
At first the Center Left tried to ally with the Center Right to elect Marini, but that failed since some people from the Center Left party refused to vote for that candidate that was proposed by the Center Right.
Since then they've been trying to vote each their own candidate or not voting at all, so this situation will keep going for a while longer...

The minimum number of votes will decrease with each attempt, so in the end they will elect someone, it might take some time though.

It's a bit confusing I know, but I'm struggling a bit to wrap my head around it myself...


What's your thought on Maurizio Crozza, Italia GAF?
He had some amazing characters in the Mai Dire days, i've followed him a bit in a couple of his newer things, like CrozzaItalia and whatever he did after that, but i didn't appreciate his political commentary as much, and most of his humor kinda fell flat on me, the times i've tuned in to his show on Sky.
Stuff like "Hoplà Silvio Style" is kind of outright bad.

In general, i much prefer Antonio Albanese's political stuff, his characters are truly amazing on multiple levels.

Il ministro della Paura, for example (The minister of fear) or, ofcourse, Cetto LaQualunque (though with the movie he went a bit overboard).
Ciao ragazzi di ITA-Gaf!

Sono un vicino francese da Grenoble. Mi piace l'Italia perché ho studiato un anno a Torino (al Poli in 2006-2007). Non aspetavo tanto del paese (e non parlavo l'Italiano cuando sono arrivato quindi avevo paura un po') ; ma c'era tanto che mi ha piacuto, mi sono innamorato coll'Italia.

Purtroppo non lo parlo piu e non lo leggo piu adesso, sto dimenticando tutto. Un pecato perché potevo vivere in Torino con la mia "conoscenza" (non grande ma abastante) della lingua.

Cerchero passare qualche giorni in Italia in giugno o luglio per proffitare del paese.

Naturalmente, mi spiace per gli errori d'Italiano.


From my Facebook feedback, I had a good laugh at this

There's a topic wich i wanted to bring in here, let's talk about ways of saying in italian\english.

For example, i know that our "tra l'incudine ed il martello" is "between a rock and an hard place" in english (which is the first act of Uncharted 2)
An english guy told me that our "ad occhio e croce" is translated with something like "hitch hiking", but we were both quite drunk so i have doubts about this to be realistic.

If you know more, bring it on, i want to learn them all!
From my Facebook feedback, I had a good laugh at this

There's a topic wich i wanted to bring in here, let's talk about ways of saying in italian\english.

For example, i know that our "tra l'incudine ed il martello" is "between a rock and an hard place" in english (which is the first act of Uncharted 2)
An english guy told me that our "ad occhio e croce" is translated with something like "hitch hiking", but we were both quite drunk so i have doubts about this to be realistic.

If you know more, bring it on, i want to learn them all![/QUOTE]

That picture is very very funny!

Doesn't hitch hiking mean "fare autostop"? Like hitching a ride on the highway?
I can't find anywhere a correlation between this and "a occhio e croce" (which means "more or less").

I find it very funny that two of the most common in Italy are referred to Rome also internationally:
Roma non è stata costruita in un giorno -> Rome wasn't built in a day
Quando sei a Roma fa' come i romani -> When in Rome do as the romans do

"Modo di dire" can also be translated as "figure of speech".

EDIT: A few others "off the top of my mind" (no direct translation I think, it means something that you just know and don't want to bother looking for the right answer, sorry I'm lazy! XD )

Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani -> A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Prendere due piccioni con una fava -> Getting two birds with one stone
Dagli un dito e si prendono tutto il braccio -> Give him an inch, and he will take a yard

Literal translations of the three above would be:
An egg today is worth a hen tomorrow
Getting two pigeons with a bean
Give him a finger and he'll get the whole arm

Literal translations are always funnier!


That picture is very very funny!

Doesn't hitch hiking mean "fare autostop"? Like hitching a ride on the highway?
I can't find anywhere a correlation between this and "a occhio e croce" (which means "more or less").

I find it very funny that two of the most common in Italy are referred to Rome also internationally:
Roma non è stata costruita in un giorno -> Rome wasn't built in a day
Quando sei a Roma fa' come i romani -> When in Rome do as the romans do

"Modo di dire" can also be translated as "figure of speech".

EDIT: A few others "off the top of my mind" (no direct translation I think, it means something that you just know and don't want to bother looking for the right answer, sorry I'm lazy! XD )

Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani -> A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Prendere due piccioni con una fava -> Getting two birds with one stone
Dagli un dito e si prendono tutto il braccio -> Give him an inch, and he will take a yard
Yes hitch hiking is indeed "autostop",that's why i was doubtful about that.
Thanks for your trhee figures of speech, i already knew the pigeons one but totally forgot about that one.

Also, "insalata russa" is "italian salad" in Russia:D
Oh, before I forget. Today is April 25, Liberation Day in Italy.

It marks the anniversary of the day World War II officially ended in 1945 in Italy.
The day in which most major towns in the north were liberated from Nazi control and their army was forced to retreat further north.

Yes hitch hiking is indeed "autostop",that's why i was doubtful about that.
Thanks for your trhee figures of speech, i already knew the pigeons one but totally forgot about that one.

Also, "insalata russa" is "italian salad" in Russia:D

I didn't know that! XD


Heading to Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, and Venice in a few weeks. I've never left the U.S., so I'm expecting this trip to be pretty eye-opening (and fun) for me. Any GAF recommendations on things I should do while in the country would be rad (there for about a week and a half).


Heading to Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, and Venice in a few weeks. I've never left the U.S., so I'm expecting this trip to be pretty eye-opening (and fun) for me. Any GAF recommendations on things I should do while in the country would be rad (there for about a week and a half).


I suppose you are landing in Rome right?

I don't know your itinerary but you are going to pass near Pisa so I suggest a stop in the city. If you want to visit the famous tower only you will need 3 hours at least(without climbing it), if you care about visiting the city you better reserve an entire day.

I suggest to walk from the train station to the "Piazza dei Miracoli" it's a 40-45 minutes walk and you will be able to visit the most important sites in the city centre and the main commercial street.
You can go back using a bus.
If you care about Science and PCs there is a museum, unfortunately the area is currently under renovation but it's open.

Rome public transport system is a mess, but you come from the us so I don't know if you're used to it, anyway plan accordingly because there is so much to see and experience in Rome and you better not miss anything.

If you want to see a videogame museum in Rome, try the Vigamus, I've never been there but don't expect too much.

Florence is awesome and the city centre only should take you some days.

If you need more detailed information don't hesitate to ask me, but I don't live in the cities you are planning to visit (except Pisa) so I can't go into detail for every aspect.

General remainder:

- don't eat where other tourists are eating, it's generally expensive and not as good as regular restaurants but you are probably going to find the food awesome anyway.

- try new things, we have awesome food and wine is great. If you are into street food we have that too. more details on request.

-Italians aren't good english speakers, if you need help or indications ask young people (18-30 it's better)

-if people seems rude, they are but they don't really mean it.

-Rome city centre is safe, Florence and Pisa are totally safe, mafia is not a big thing(no corleone stuff) on the surface in the central and northern region(our cities should be safer than the average of american big cities). Maybe you should avoid train station between dusk and early night and generally pay attention to wallet, phone and camera on the bus or metro but this is an universal rule.

Enjoy Italy.
Despite the similarities, Europe is different from the Us and southern and eastern countries have more differences, so it should be a really interesting experience for you.


Heading to Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, and Venice in a few weeks. I've never left the U.S., so I'm expecting this trip to be pretty eye-opening (and fun) for me. Any GAF recommendations on things I should do while in the country would be rad (there for about a week and a half).

when in Florence, you'll want to visit the Uffizi Gallery. Do a favour to yourself and buy the tickets on their web site (this is the ticket site http://www.b-ticket.com/b-ticket/uffizi/, on Google you'll find very hideous sites wich will make you pay more for nothing more), you'll save up to an hour of wait
Where was this topic earlier?

Meh. Se dico "Perché voglia questo," voglio usare il congiuntivo per volere, o il indicativo?


Where was this topic earlier?

Meh. Se dico "Perché voglia questo," voglio usare il congiuntivo per volere, o il indicativo?

Depends on what you want to say.

Like this it translates to "For me to want this..", for example "for me to want this, you're gonna have to do better than that".
Val di Funes, near Bolzano

Ah Villnösstal, I used to work there for a year after my back injury. Quite the scenic place. Especially the initial part of the valley which is basically a narrow canyon. Driving up those winded roads in winter was quite terrifying, even for me.

If anyone of you is visiting or wants to visit South Tyrol, check out "Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures" Aside from having an amazingly well conserved castle, with a small but tidy collection of historical armor, furniture and weaponry, it also offers a uniquely beautiful scenery and a great "Canyoning" Tour:



btw, that's actually me jumping there. The sense of claustrophobia and dread when jumping down there in that narrow pool is surreal.
Giuro che domani aggiorno... Giuro!!!
Se non lo faccio mi becco un avatar di vostra scelta e lo tengo per una settimana!
Vediamo se adesso mi passa l'attacco di pigrizia!

I swear I'm updating tomorrow! Promised!
If I don't do it I'll get an avatar of your choice and keep it for one week.
Let's see if I can keep being lazy like this!


Also, mods might want to move this to Community per the new rules.


Giuro che domani aggiorno... Giuro!!!
Se non lo faccio mi becco un avatar di vostra scelta e lo tengo per una settimana!
Vediamo se adesso mi passa l'attacco di pigrizia!

I swear I'm updating tomorrow! Promised!
If I don't do it I'll get an avatar of your choice and keep it for one week.
Let's see if I can keep being lazy like this!


Also, mods might want to move this to Community per the new rules.

I'm preparing some MLP avatars,just in the case.
I'm preparing some MLP avatars,just in the case.

I was hoping no one saw that XD

Time limit is today's midnight Italian time.
Don't expect much, I'll just add a couple categories in the OP and post some more pics here.

I was thinking of asking for a title change too, any suggestions?


Photo of the Day

Torricella Verzate, Pavia province. Maps

Wow. I'm visiting Italy in a few months. This picture (along with the others on here gets me hyped) The first time I went to Italy, I thought it was ok. Was with my parents at the time, and Pisa was my favorite. I'm hoping to have a different experience this time. Hopefully the weather will be good in late Sept, early October.


I was hoping no one saw that XD

Time limit is today's midnight Italian time.
Don't expect much, I'll just add a couple categories in the OP and post some more pics here.

I was thinking of asking for a title change too, any suggestions?

Italian GAF | Goodbye Malinconiah

Wow. I'm visiting Italy in a few months. This picture (along with the others on here gets me hyped) The first time I went to Italy, I thought it was ok. Was with my parents at the time, and Pisa was my favorite. I'm hoping to have a different experience this time. Hopefully the weather will be good in late Sept, early October.

wow, It's not likely to enjoy Pisa besides the amazing Piazza dei Miracoli and, as you visited it some years ago, it was in a far worse shape.

It's recovering in these years and there are very interesting riqualifications project done and planned, there is more to see than the leaning tower. The city isn't as pretty as Lucca or Siena but it has a bigger and more variegate offer.

If you plan to visit Tuscany again let me know I can't give you some suggestions especially on the central and western part (Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Siena, Grosseto provinces)

Monteriggioni (Siena province, Tuscany)
you know it from Assassin's Creed.


@Rikkun: I'm not in Pavia, it's a photo from flickr I guess.
Just in time! :D

I'll never bet my avatar again, I swear :p

I'll ask a mod to change the title as soon as E3 will be over, they must be quite busy right now!


Maledizione, we need more italian users / football fans in the Football Community OT thread. We are even prepared to welcome an interista or two. :p

Anyway, just wanted to say salve. I'm actually Slovenian, but Italy is my favourite country. Keep this thread going, I lovin' it.
I recently discovered this thread and have been following it for the last few weeks, and I love it. This is my first post to Italia GAF, and hope you guys are accepting as all the Italians I know! I live in Colorado in the United States, but I am 100% Italian both my nonna and papa are from Italy (Sicily and Naples).

I try to keep the Italian traditions, culture, and definitely cuisine in my life as much as possible. Hope to talk to you fellow Italia GAFers soon!


Italian GAF | Goodbye Malinconiah

wow, It's not likely to enjoy Pisa besides the amazing Piazza dei Miracoli and, as you visited it some years ago, it was in a far worse shape.

It's recovering in these years and there are very interesting riqualifications project done and planned, there is more to see than the leaning tower. The city isn't as pretty as Lucca or Siena but it has a bigger and more variegate offer.

If you plan to visit Tuscany again let me know I can't give you some suggestions especially on the central and western part (Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Siena, Grosseto provinces)

Monteriggioni (Siena province, Tuscany)
you know it from Assassin's Creed.


@Rikkun: I'm not in Pavia, it's a photo from flickr I guess.

My wife planned the trip around Lake Como, Venice, and the Tuscany area. She loves the hill towns. I've been looking for some nice Gardens, Fountains, Parks. I'm starting to get excited.


@Rikkun: I'm not in Pavia, it's a photo from flickr I guess.
Ah, I see :D
Maledizione, we need more italian users / football fans in the Football Community OT thread. We are even prepared to welcome an interista or two. :p

Anyway, just wanted to say salve. I'm actually Slovenian, but Italy is my favourite country. Keep this thread going, I lovin' it.

Lasciali là gli interisti zio porcone, bella Zabo forza Juve :D
I should really tour central Italy one day, places like Toscana, Emilia Romagna and Umbria.
I've always been fascinated by the atmosphere and scenery you can see on TV or in magazine's pictures.

So far I've been to Rome (obviously), Venice, Trentino-Alto Adige, northern Lombardia (I want to visit Lecco and Bormio again!! *_*) and a good chunk of Southern Italy with Siracusa being my favorite place so far.

Places I must visit one day include Bologna, Torino, Firenze and many others!


I should really tour central Italy one day, places like Toscana, Emilia Romagna and Umbria.
I've always been fascinated by the atmosphere and scenery you can see on TV or in magazine's pictures.

So far I've been to Rome (obviously), Venice, Trentino-Alto Adige, northern Lombardia (I want to visit Lecco and Bormio again!! *_*) and a good chunk of Southern Italy with Siracusa being my favorite place so far.

Places I must visit one day include Bologna, Torino, Firenze and many others!

I live in Bologna, it's worth a 1-day visit nothing more. Albeit being famous for its food, if you're looking for a real food experience i suggest you moving to Modena (Osteria Francescana is not expensive) or moving on the modena countryside (the "Terre dei Castelli" is a masterpiece of cheese, wine, balsamic vinegar etc.... oh and now you find the famous Duroni, the best kind of cherries!!!!)

Maledizione, we need more italian users / football fans in the Football Community OT thread. We are even prepared to welcome an interista or two. :p
Anyway, just wanted to say salve. I'm actually Slovenian, but Italy is my favourite country. Keep this thread going, I lovin' it.

I'm not into football, but the average italian football fan just knows its team and nothing more.
I live in Bologna, it's worth a 1-day visit nothing more. Albeit being famous for its food, if you're looking for a real food experience i suggest you moving to Modena (Osteria Francescana is not expensive) or moving on the modena countryside (the "Terre dei Castelli" is a masterpiece of cheese, wine, balsamic vinegar etc.... oh and now you find the famous Duroni, the best kind of cherries!!!!)

A friend of mine lived in Bologna for a couple of years and told me it's a very nice and progressive city. I'd like to visit it.

Siena > Firenze.
Unless you're looking for something specific (Uffizi and the like)

Siena is a must stop too!
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