"Morning! Would someone be so kind as to help me with this:
Io li conosco! Sono stati soli Enzo e tuo papà lì? (è che Maria chi ha ballato con tuo papà?) E tuo papà ha parlato troppo velocemente; non l'ho capito... Venite in California!"
The bolded part is pretty clear (and it looks correct to me), his father talked too fast and you could not understand him, then you prompt them to come to California.
I'd use "padre" instead of "papà", but i guess you want to be more informal.
The non bolded part is less clear; i'd need to know the context, to tell you how to put it.
Can you write it in English?
So far i'd translate it as:
"I know them! Have Enzo and your father been there, alone? (Is Maria the one who danced with your dad?)"
This is how i'd interpret it, but not how it translates correctly, mind you.
Thanks for the response!
Is papà more something a child would say?
The only thing off in your interpretation is the second sentence. I mean to ask: "Were only Enzo and your father there?"
I know them! Were only Enzo and your father there? (Is Maria the one who danced with your dad?) And your dad talked too fast. I didn't understand him. Come to California.
The context:
A couple of the people interviewed in this video are my cousins. Of course I recognize them, so the first part is a lighthearted exclamation more than anything. The only people, however, I could clearly recognize in the video were Enzo and my cousin's father, though later on the father is dancing with a girl who is probably his granddaughter, Maria (but last time I saw her was seven years ago, when she was 4, so I don't recognize her clearly).