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I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day

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You should probably maintain this a little bit better. Like others said, maybe even try switching to drinking more water instead of anything else. It's better for you and I find i much more refreshing than soda anyways. But even too much water is bad, just try to cut back some.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I drink 2-3 diet red bulls or diet monsters a day. I'm doomed.

Dude stop, I developed heart problems from doing EXACTLY that. After a mere 6 or so months of doing it.

Since I've been working out they've gone away pretty much though.


Stop fucking drinking this shit. You are already addicted. Diabetes is no joke and also:

Cons for drinking diet cream soda (or soda at all!):

- wastes more money
- you kill your body
- you addict yourself to it (even if you don't realize it)
- diabetes
- your teeth will rot if you lost the genetic lottery
- different sugar can make you feel depressed, it changes brain receptors

Soda should be forbidden completely.

Water is a life elexir! The more you drink it, the more you will realize that water has a taste (and yes water tastes different).


Also @ Energydrink drinkers

Yes, you will die sooner than other people (way sooner) because you hearts get stressed and damaged. This no joke and you can land in the hospital quicker than you know. One friend of mine needs an operation soon, because his heart is a wreck from all this shit. :)
It is hard as fuck, but after I cut almost everything that fucked up my health I ended up feeling a lot better. Had to go through a terrible phase of withdrawal though.

Sometimes people here think I'm a freak because I don't drink Coke.


I have cut out soda and other sugary drinks though I replaced it with diet soda and water. I find it really hard to ween myself of diet soda completely.
I cut soda from my diet about 2 months ago and it feels pretty good. I mostly drink water, orange juice, apple juice. Soda just isnt good for you. Energy drinks arent either. Key is moderation. So make sure you balance your diet out and drink some water more than you do the soda.


A quick google search of aspartame and insulin sensitivity as you guys suggested has me a little shook. I'll try to lower it down to one 2 liter bottle a week but i don't think i could ween myself off it completely.


A quick google search of aspartame and insulin sensitivity has me a little shook. I'll try to lower it down to one 2 liter bottle a week but i don't think i could ween myself off it completely.

That's fine. You'll be fine. The fact that you rinse your mouth after soda gives a pretty clear picture that you take care of yourself.

We all gotta die someday.


Carbonation can wreak havoc on your stomach, especially if you're predisposed to GERD or something similar.

I swear I don't read such strange stuff in non-US forums. Nearly everyone is drinking carbonated water here in Germany and also in other parts of Europe. Carbonation isn't bad for you. Yes, when you're predisposed to GERD you might get some minor problems which go away when you stop drinking carbonated water. But how many people are predisposed to GERD? It's like saying "nuts are bad for you because some people are predisposed to allergic reactions!!!!". Please just stop this misinformation. Thanks.

Carbonation and sodium. It seems like you can scare the shit out of some US citizens with those two words...


A quick google search of aspartame and insulin sensitivity as you guys suggested has me a little shook. I'll try to lower it down to one 2 liter bottle a week but i don't think i could ween myself off it completely.

Yeah, because your taste buds are addicted to the taste. ;-) Just stop it completely and be surprised how much better you will feel after one week.


Yeah, because your taste buds are addicted to the taste. ;-) Just stop it completely and be surprised how much better you will feel after one week.

Not only that, but once you stop carpet-bombing your tongue with sweetness, you'll find that other foods taste so much better. You've completely altered your sense of taste and you've lost the ability to appreciate anything that isn't as sickeningly sweet as soda is.


You drink soda every day and are worried about if a chemical in it will kill you... Both the unhealthy lifestyle you're clearly living and the chemicals in diet soda will catch up with you sooner, rather than later.

I really don't understand how people can drink soda all day. Probably one of the worst liquids you could put in you body on a daily basis.


You drink soda every day and are worried about if a chemical in it will kill you... Both the unhealthy lifestyle you're clearly living and the chemicals in diet soda will catch up with you sooner, rather than later.

I really don't understand how people can drink soda all day. Probably one of the worst liquids you could put in you body on a daily basis.

Yeah they drink soda all day because they are addicted to the taste. My mum drank almost exlusive cola and coffee for more than 20 years (except for when she was pregnant with me). She is 45 now and is not allowed to drink cola or other sodas anymore, because she killed her gut with it and he taste buds cannot taste certain things anymore. That's also the reason that I am so angry if people do not take that serious.

It is okay to have a coke here and there, but it should be something special which you really don't drink often.
I'm just picturing Brock Lesnar chugging diet cream soda out a big plastic bottle with the refrigerator door open and about 20 cats milling around his feet.


how are you, B!TCH? How is your day going, B!ITCH?
If anything you need to up your intake of soda to at least 2 liters a day. It's not making you more healthy but it's not making you any less healthy either, now is it?
Why not just not take the chance and don't drink something that tastes disgusting?

I can understand taking risks by putting absolute garbage into your body if it's awesome, but come on.
I'll rectify this issue:

But in all seriousness, cut out the soda man, even "diet" soda is terrible for you. I cut out all soda years ago and I have zero regrets.
That stuff is delicious, so I can't blame you. I doubt the aspertame will do too much to you.

The acid, however, will rip through your stomach. Expect to have GERD or some other Acid Reflux type symptoms pop up soon.

Maybe cut down to 1 liter a week?

I can't even fathom just drinking water or tea... that's so incredibly bland. I need some taste.
If you don't drink copious amounts of water along that you will definitely start getting kidney stones at some point at the very least.

That amount of soda, diet or not, is not good for you. Try cutting it back down to just one 2l a week or one 1l a week. The amount you're drinking sounds like an addiction.

You don't want kidney stones nor damaged stomach lining. You don't need to go cold turkey, just start gradually cutting down. Hell, if you cut down heavily to what I and others have suggested then you don't even need the diet soda (unless you're diabetic).


Never drank diet, but I used to have over a liter of mt. dew per day. Finally quit, for good I hope. Even after just a week I already felt better and lost some weight. I doubt you'll lose weight if you quit diet (since it has 0 calories), but I'm sure you'll feel better. You should give it a shot instead of hoping it won't give you cancer. My theory is that we know that water is good for you and aspartame might be bad so why not just go with water, juices in smaller amounts WITH fiber, tea, milk? If you need caffeine, drink coffee straight with no sugar and maybe a little milk and its not the end of the world.


Part of it honestly depends on how much water you're drinking in addition to that cream soda nonsense. I probably drink this much Diet Coke on a daily basis, unfortunately, but I also am really careful to drink at least 3 or 4 liters of water a day as well, which I've been told helps flush it out of my system. Plus, almost everybody in this thread should probably drink more water anyways. It's incredibly what drinking a lot of water can do for your system.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, you have nothing to worry about unless you're drinking like a rat would. You're fine, Heavy. Keep on keeping on.


Regardless of the risks to your health, 6 liters a week is too fucking much. Why not drink water? Or sweet tea? Or anything besides carbonated soda.

Lol, I'm drinking one 1.85l bottle of Diet Cherry Coke every day.

To the OP: don't worry about it. If you enjoy it then keep drinking it. Life is too short, you might end up giving it up, making yourself miserable and then get run over by a bus the next day.

I've been diabetic since I was five and have regularly been drinking it since I was a kid. I'm now 44 years old so have been drinking it for nearly 40 years.
Aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer, but if you're going to drink it then you need an off-balance factor. An off-balance factor is something to help keep your corresponding weight factors in control. A low fat bagel or a cereal like Honey Nut Cheerios is probably the best way to start your morning. The latter can even lower cholesterol.

Also realize that any artificial sweetener is, at the very least, better than stevia which is just as bad as corn syrup. That aspect of it is not a problem. You'll likely want to stick with salads (go crazy with the dressing to make up for calories) since you won't get your daily metabolic rate from 0 calorie diet sodas.
Yeah I'd definitely like to see some sources for that claim. Please.

Also the claim that aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer is interesting, since others are saying the opposite here.


Black Canada Mafia
It's bad for your teeth, but no evidence shows that amount to be bad for your health in any other way.
Aspartame has been well documented to give you cancer, but if you're going to drink it then you need an off-balance factor. An off-balance factor is something to help keep your corresponding weight factors in control. A low fat bagel or a cereal like Honey Nut Cheerios is probably the best way to start your morning. The latter can even lower cholesterol.

Also realize that any artificial sweetener is, at the very least, better than stevia which is just as bad as corn syrup. That aspect of it is not a problem. You'll likely want to stick with salads (go crazy with the dressing to make up for calories) since you won't get your daily metabolic rate from 0 calorie diet sodas.

Please provide evidence that aspartame will give you cancer. Also, please make sure that whatever you're linking has shown that aspartame causes cancer given a reasonable/feasible amount of aspartame is consumed.

If you could link some studies explaining how a low-fat bagel can off-balance the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body, I'd really enjoy reading up on it.
I used to eat bowls of sugar. I drink probably 3 or 4 cans a pop a day. I switch to ginger ale when my tummy hurts.

Ohhhh diet.. yup. You are already dead.


Black Canada Mafia
A quick google search of aspartame and insulin sensitivity as you guys suggested has me a little shook. I'll try to lower it down to one 2 liter bottle a week but i don't think i could ween myself off it completely.
Did deeper and you'll see a lot of criticisms. Many studies have checked for insulin responses, and the majority have not found any. The gut bacteria study is also heavily scrutinized for lumping all sweeteners together, aspartame was not the sweetener used in that study.

The vast vast majority of studies show no negative health effects with aspartame. If one out of 10,000 studies show that there is no global warming, you're not gonna suddenly believe that one study and ignore the other 9,999.


There was a year, maybe a year and half, where I drank Monster every morning at work (sometimes twice, and once three times in a day, which was really rough) and definitely noticed some weird tugs and aches around my heart after a while. I've dropped them completely and had a stress echo of my heart (for unrelated reasons) and that came back with a clean bill of health, but that shit will definitely fuck you up.

Also gave me these lower back aches too, for some reason.
All that matters is nutrients, hydration, calories, and control.

If you can control yourself, and don't deprive your nutrients by taking supplements, drink water, and watch the calories, then you are fine. A Calorie is a Calorie.

Hell, I lost 10 pounds with thick burgers and twinkies alone like a year ago, just to see if I could.

Why do people always say shit like this? It's incredibly dangerous thinking. Yes, if you eat less calories than you BMR you'll lose weight, but you're going to fuck up your health if you do so with shitty food, and you'll only be a less heavy fat fuck if you started off as a fat fuck (not saying you did)
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