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i've never seen so much buzz over portables

You know how rabid Nintendo fans are. Perhaps we could get one massive sticky that would get 80000 replies and 2,000,000 page views.


i dont even think there was as much buzz at gc, ps2 or xbox launch. theres no reason. "yay! lets get excited over rehashes and ports we already played!!!!"


BeOnEdge said:
i dont even think there was as much buzz at gc, ps2 or xbox launch. theres no reason. "yay! lets get excited over rehashes and ports we already played!!!!"

This is what I think whenever I see a DS (and PSP, albeit to a lesser extent) circle jerk topic too


All I see is a whole lot of love for DS, and a whole lot of hate for the PSP.

I've never seen a console/handheld not released bashed so much since the XBox. The PSP is getting SO much hate on these boards.


I agree, it became silly when people made 5-6 different "official" threads, each one about separate NDS games. Why not keep it all in one thread? :|


rollin' in the gutter
BeOnEdge said:
i dont even think there was as much buzz at gc, ps2 or xbox launch. theres no reason. "yay! lets get excited over rehashes and ports we already played!!!!"

This is exactly why people are getting excited. All of the games are not rehashes and ports.


BeOnEdge said:

Yes, because spending $1500 on a laptop is exactly what I want to do to play Mario 64 on a toilet! Great suggestion.

And that doesn't even consider my feeling about emulation!


0G M3mbeR
I can't wait until the first person posts that they dropped their styilis in the crapper and had to dig it out with their hands :)


Sp3eD said:
I can't wait until the first person posts that they dropped their styilis in the crapper and had to dig it out with their hands :)

That happened to me once... But not with a stylus, with a cellphone. And I just soiled the toilet, and hadn't flushed. :(


yeah, all these DS threads are getting out of control. Makes reading GAF a chore.

please, stick to at least 4 threads.


Nintendo just took the first step in their effort to revolutionise the industry… So it’s expected there will be a lot of attention.


nubbe said:
Nintendo just took the first step in their effort to revolutionise the industry… So it’s expected there will be a lot of attention.

my god....

need some rolleyes


It's not so much that NDS is a new portable system.

It's more that the NDS is a different kind of system. Yamauchi, crazy man that he is said earlier that console gaming is stale and that graphics can only go so far. But with two screens and a stylus, I'm hoping it allows for something truly different to the world of gaming. Something that was never offered before.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
All I see is a whole lot of love for DS, and a whole lot of hate for the PSP.

I've never seen a console/handheld not released bashed so much since the XBox. The PSP is getting SO much hate on these boards.
It happens all the time when the 'unwanted' but powerful combatant enters this market. I've seen what has been said before the Xbox launch, and have seen some newsgroup discussions before the PS1 was launched. Ridiculous and laughable...

Kon Tiki

BeOnEdge said:
i dont even think there was as much buzz at gc, ps2 or xbox launch. theres no reason. "yay! lets get excited over rehashes and ports we already played!!!!"

Which is why the NintendooDS is getting so much buzz. It is not an PS3/Xbox 2 announcement with the same old games we already played 1 million times before. It is something fresh and new.


Marconelly said:
It happens all the time when the 'unwanted' but powerful combatant enters this market. I've seen what has been said before the Xbox launch, and have seen some newsgroup discussions before the PS1 was launched. Ridiculous and laughable...


Keep telling yourself that pal. For all the love NDS is getting now, I think everyone soon forgets how badly it was bashed in its incepction and conversely the PSP was hailed as the greatest thing ever at its announcement, but now is sometimes seen in a less than favorable light (Due to lingering questions of price, battery life, launch lineup, etc). Also, please don't act like the PSP is some romantic underdog, many people on this board (and other places) support the PSP over the NDS. The fact of the matter is both systems have fanboys, and conversely both systems have trolls/haters.

I also love how you sympathize with the plight of the Xbox, which is laughable considering you're a Sony fanboy. I've always disliked how fanboys are quick to denote other fanboys as the worst people on the board, when in truth all of you are a problem.


I decided one thing from all these PSP/ DS topics ... I'm sticking with my GBA SP. Mainly because I can't justify buying a new portable, but that's beside the point!




Honestly, I havent seen much buzz for the DS in real life. Maybe in the game shops they have little DS promotionals but people are talking about the PSP a lot though.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Keep telling yourself that pal. For all the love NDS is getting now, I think everyone soon forgets how badly it was bashed in its incepction and conversely the PSP was hailed as the greatest thing ever at its announcement, but now is sometimes seen in a less than favorable light (Due to lingering questions of price, battery life, launch lineup, etc).
It's all in the ammo, and the amount of it, isn't it? However, new market entries always have very 'special' treatment from the side of the already entrenched. I'd be very surprised if you haven't noticed that.

I also love how you sympathize with the plight of the Xbox, which is laughable considering you're a Sony fanboy.
Whether I sympathize with it or not, does not change the fact just how much ridiculous hate and misinformation was spewed towards it on pretty much every multi-console board that I know.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Society said:
Which is why the NintendooDS is getting so much buzz. It is not an PS3/Xbox 2 announcement with the same old games we already played 1 million times before. It is something fresh and new.

I donno, looks like the same dang castle to me

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I've always disliked how fanboys are quick to denote other fanboys as the worst people on the board, when in truth all of you are a problem.
Btw, before calling other people names, you should maybe make sure to try to talk about and/or defend Nintendo a bit less. Because, you know, being less transparent, is just that - less.
Kiriku said:
I agree, it became silly when people made 5-6 different "official" threads, each one about separate NDS games. Why not keep it all in one thread? :|

Hey, good thinking. While we're at it, let's keep all PS2 game discussion to one thread, all Xbox game discussion to one thread, Gamecube, etc...


Catchpenny said:
Hey, good thinking. While we're at it, let's keep all PS2 game discussion to one thread, all Xbox game discussion to one thread, Gamecube, etc...

This place is 70% like GameFAQs as is; might as well go for the full meal deal
Society said:
I think he meant a official Nintendo Gamer's Summit thead.

Sure, but there was one and it got unreadable due to the size. The same thing happens at other events. You have a pre-E3 press conference and then individual topics for GT4, MGS3, Going Commando and so forth pop up. Or Zelda and Resident Evil, whatever.

Come on, every time a new Halo 2 tidbit comes out, or the 672nd piece of Zanzibar footage pops up, it gets a new thread. I don't think this is any worse.


BeOnEdge said:
i dont even think there was as much buzz at gc, ps2 or xbox launch. theres no reason. "yay! lets get excited over rehashes and ports we already played!!!!"
So you started this thread just to troll?


hyperbolically metafictive
i don't really care about the ds, but i'm glad all the information isn't in one huge thread. those get completely unreadable. we're not all here 24 hours a day. i, for example, am only here 16 hours a day.
if MS released a xboy - BOE would be fapping away. Fuck this bs. get with the programme or go back to playing your tits + ass (c-) games.
drohne said:
i don't really care about the ds, but i'm glad all the information isn't in one huge thread. those get completely unreadable. we're not all here 24 hours a day. i, for example, am only here 16 hours a day.

This is very true. Look at the official conference thread. I would never use that as a mean of searching through for information. This is just silly, and the complaints are even worse.

It's going to die down, good lord, get over it.

We might as well keep all the E3 news in one topic then. Or make an official thread for each of the console makers.

Meh, just give it a week.


theres nothing "different" or "revolutionary" about the DS. geez. I dont get the PSP hate either. same stupid rehashes and ports but more functionality. i'd rather watch movies or play music than scribble off mssgs to people. thats what text mssging on a cell phone is for. i'm not rushing out to buy either one either. bought an SP and have used it all of 15 times. i guess these things are fine for younger people but i know damn well half the fanboys are grown ass men. where's there time for it? ur lunch break at work? at home after work on ur couch?

"The amount of whining about it FAR outweighs the enthusiasm"

all of it sucks. we are ramping up to the greatest console christmas in ages and people are going berserk over old games on old tech.


now that i think about it PSP/ps2 psp/ps3 cross compatibility may be the best function either portable offers. starting on the road and continuing at home and vice versa is a pretty damn cool idea.


drohne said:
i don't really care about the ds, but i'm glad all the information isn't in one huge thread. those get completely unreadable. we're not all here 24 hours a day. i, for example, am only here 16 hours a day.

wow I agree with drohne. wtf is wrong with this world :D

EDIT: I don't see people whine about all the halo2 threads.


Marconelly said:
Btw, before calling other people names, you should maybe make sure to try to talk about and/or defend Nintendo a bit less. Because, you know, being less transparent, is just that - less.

If you look through my posting history I doubt you'll find much defending of Nintendo. I wonder if I'd find the same about Sony looking through yours, hmmm..........
BeOnEdge said:
theres nothing "different" or "revolutionary" about the DS. geez. I dont get the PSP hate either. same stupid rehashes and ports but more functionality. i'd rather watch movies or play music than scribble off mssgs to people. thats what text mssging on a cell phone is for. i'm not rushing out to buy either one either. bought an SP and have used it all of 15 times. i guess these things are fine for younger people but i know damn well half the fanboys are grown ass men. where's there time for it? ur lunch break at work? at home after work on ur couch?

"The amount of whining about it FAR outweighs the enthusiasm"

all of it sucks. we are ramping up to the greatest console christmas in ages and people are going berserk over old games on old tech.


now that i think about it PSP/ps2 psp/ps3 cross compatibility may be the best function either portable offers. starting on the road and continuing at home and vice versa is a pretty damn cool idea.

I'd say you're being pretty narrow minded.

There's two things that I find interesting about the DS which hasn't really been fully exploited before.

1.) The implementation of the DS as a Multiplayer system. The fact that its both wireless and capable of Multing with only one cartridge makes it incredibly versatile. I think it may be one of the best designs for multiplayer games. Previous methods either required for you to split the tv screen (into halfs or quarters) or to play over a wired network. But with this you get the best of both worlds, a dedicated screen all to yourself plus the ability to multi with the people (friends) around you..and all capable with just one cart.

2.) The advantage of a touchpad, as I see it, is that it allows for customizable controls to be displayed for any game made on the DS, in addition to the pre-set button layout already present on the unit. This allows for much more freedom on the developers part when it comes to designing how they want their game to control. This in and of itself isn't necessarily "revolutionary" but it does allow for very different forms of play on the same unit...which certainly isn't a bad thing. A good illustration can be seen on the submarine demo that utilized many guages, sliders, and buttons.


"So you really started this thread just to troll......"

no i started this thread because theres a page full of damn DS threads. theres no reason.

" A good illustration can be seen on the submarine demo that utilized many guages, sliders, and buttons."

its another form of control. input. no different than a light gun, dance pad, power glove or any other accessory. yes it enhances gameplay but at the end of the dy its simply another method of control.

Kon Tiki

guess these things are fine for younger people but i know damn well half the fanboys are grown ass men. where's there time for it? ur lunch break at work? at home after work on ur couch?

How about in place of making retarded threads?
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