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i've never seen so much buzz over portables

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
If you look through my posting history I doubt you'll find much defending of Nintendo. I wonder if I'd find the same about Sony looking through yours, hmmm.........
I actually did look, and most of your posts are Nintendo related, many of which are made in some kind of Nintendo praise or defense mode. You clearly care. So I think I have some grounds to call you up on the name calling, because your posting strategy doesn't seem to differ much from mine (I do defend things I like, and that includes Microsoft's products like Pocket PC, btw) but I pretty much never go into threads to troll things other people like, to insult them (or create troll threads like this one is for example)


Still Tagged Accordingly
Alex Anderson said:
You know how rabid Nintendo fans are. Perhaps we could get one massive sticky that would get 80000 replies and 2,000,000 page views.
It's not just Nintendo fans... there are two portables coming out.


I can't believe people are complaining because we are excited over a new portable console coming out soon. It's not like you don't need to read the threads. On top of that we are being called fanboys because we are excited for something. Why so bitter?
BeOnEdge said:
"So you really started this thread just to troll......"

no i started this thread because theres a page full of damn DS threads. theres no reason.

" A good illustration can be seen on the submarine demo that utilized many guages, sliders, and buttons."

its another form of control. input. no different than a light gun, dance pad, power glove or any other accessory. yes it enhances gameplay but at the end of the dy its simply another method of control.

troll. your thread is about "portables" and your taking potshots at the DS as illustrated by the above post Its evident that the DS news is fotrthcoming - DS has been very quiet for ages unlike the PSP; of course there is going to be that many threads; people have been wondering what will be released for the DS "there's no reason".. sure there is - didn't see you having a whinge when PSTwo + PSP news were released.

Well, if you think the DS controller isn't that smart; why not post it in the DS thread. Even I have doubts about how playable it can be. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! ... I am reserving judgement til I get one / play one.


BeOnEdge said:
not bitter. just not a portable fan so i just dont understand it all. voicing my opinion.QUOTE]


your opinion = worthless
BeOnEdge said:
its another form of control. input. no different than a light gun, dance pad, power glove or any other accessory. yes it enhances gameplay but at the end of the dy its simply another method of control.

It is another form of control...but the part that I find most interesting about it is that its much more adaptable than say a light gun or dance pad when applied to a variety of applications.

If I'm a developer and....
If I want the screen to display a keyboard, it can.
If I want the screen to display all the 'move sets' of a character, it can.
If I want the screen to act as a 'virtual mouse,' it can.
If I want the screen to put context sensitive commands selectable to player at any given time, it can.

Like Isaid nothing revolutionary, but it should prove to be a very interesting feature that can be applied to a game to enhance the expercience or make it more intuitive.

...I'm still much more excited about the muliplayer capabilities that the DS will have. Personally, I know some of my comrades are planning to purchase the DS so I look forward to having the ability to easily game against one another, anywhere.


So...you complain that there is so much "buzz" over portables, and instead of ignoring it, you instead decide to contribute to the "problem" by creating a NEW thread, which only serves to talk even more about said portables? What was your intended outcome? That people would see this thread and go "You know, he's right....damn the fact that there have been recent expos and press conferences, new media, new details, and the launch date is about 6 weeks away...I really do need to STFU. Talk about videogames on a videogame forum? The nerve of me".

Protip: Anit-buzz is still buzz.


thats nice, giant.

"If I'm a developer and....
If I want the screen to display a keyboard, it can.
If I want the screen to display all the 'move sets' of a character, it can.
If I want the screen to act as a 'virtual mouse,' it can.
If I want the screen to put context sensitive commands selectable to player at any given time, it can."

nothing that couldnt be done on 1 screen in a window and buttons. pretty much. i'd rather see something like this done with eyetoy or something.
BeOnEdge said:
thats nice, giant.

"If I'm a developer and....
If I want the screen to display a keyboard, it can.
If I want the screen to display all the 'move sets' of a character, it can.
If I want the screen to act as a 'virtual mouse,' it can.
If I want the screen to put context sensitive commands selectable to player at any given time, it can."

nothing that couldnt be done on 1 screen in a window and buttons. pretty much.

You're right, but its easier, nicer, even more intuitive having the option to just directly input the command than having to navigate through menu systems. It can potentially make the play expercience more enjoyable, the game play quicker and even make it easier to learn how to play the game (i.e. smaller learnig curve); this as far as I'm concerned is a nice addition.

Like I said nothing revolutionary, but it should prove to be a very interesting feature that can be applied to a game to enhance the expercience or make it more intuitive.


"i'd rather see something like this done with eyetoy or something."

To be Honest, I don't think the eyetoy could enhance the overall gameplay for a variety of games. Its incredibly fun for the games that are dedictaed and designed for it though. I see a touch panel as being a subtle addition to enhance established forms of gameplay. (One that is being overplayed, unfortuantley). The advantage of the touchpad is that its an adaptable controller input...meaning, less menus or the inclusion of context sensitive buttons that appear as you need them.


shuri said:
BOE is just pissed because all this DS talk took away from the outrun2 wanking fest :(

:( SO!!!!


this is what people are excited over. something that looks no better than GBA and you can STEER with the stylus? WTF??? take a moment and do an imaginary steer motion as if you're holding a stylus. doesnt that feel stupid?
BOE, what does it matter if people are excited about portables? Just as you are a graphics whore, some people enjoy fun, innovative nintendo gameplay and dont care about lesser resolution and filtering. Go play your xbox and stop worrying about understanding everyone elses tastes.


"some people enjoy fun, innovative nintendo gameplay"

i'm one of those people and if this were being demonstrated with the DS i'd be all over it.
As of now, I believe the implementation in Ridge Racer DS, is at best, questionable. However, it is unfair to judge and ridicule an entire system's potential on the premise of a couple games. Keep in mind, the excitmenet about the DS seems to be about what the system can potentially do; as well as, the amount of support that it is expected to have.
Of course, many games will be uninspired or downright bad...but on the flip side, there will also be many good games that utilize the systems capabilities.

On a side note: It just appears you're taking a 'glass half empty' approach to it. And if so, that fine, all gamers have their preferences and priorities. Just understand that others differentiate from yours.
People are just beginning to see demonstrations of the games, and are excited about the possibilities. You honestly can't find anything to be excited about in multiplayer and possibly online wario ware, mario 64, animal crossing, advance wars, mario kart, metroid? Or the possibilities of the new franchises Nintendo is cooking up? Pictochat? Wireless demo downloads? Pokemon stats? Really nothing works?


wireless is cool, pictochat? meh. never played pokemon in my life, 1/2 of the games i've seen use the 2nd screen for something pointless like a map and again i'm not a portable guy so it just doesnt seem appealing. and let me announce something. I OWN A VIRTUAL BOY.
"and let me announce something. I OWN A VIRTUAL BOY."

You found Virtual Boy appealing enough to purchase, and you're complaining about DS? :D

P.S. I own a Virtual Boy as well. :) And all the games released for it except for Waterworld and Baseball. (Bought at Blockbuster for 10 bucks each) VB Wario Land and Nester's Funky Bowling are great! :)


So if you're not a portable guy, STFU and let those who are enjoy the news. Your bitching isn't going to change them, and their enthusiasm isn't going to sway you.
Do you own a GBA? Any games you like? If you don't then I'd say yea most hope for appreciating DS at this point in time is out the window. But if you're being jaded because 1/2 the DS games aren't teh innovative then I feel I must tell you that its that way on all systems.
"1/2 of the games i've seen use the 2nd screen for something pointless like a map"

Not true at all. Mario 64 has a map, and.......I'm waiting........but wait, Mario 64 has minigames that use the stylus, so even that doesn't fit your criticism.

Feel the Magic, Mr. Driller, Spiderman, Ridge Racer, Wario Ware......no map, actually use 2nd screen.

Where are these fabled "half the games have maps"?????????? Name one game that just has a map for that matter.
As far as the second screen (i.e. the touchscreen) is concerned...I'm going to make a prediction:

I believe the most practical use for the DS' touchpad is as a 'developer made' specific control scheme. Where you can instantly input a command from the displayed button layout they make available. A good illustration of what I'm talking about is EA's Spiderman 2 game.

But just because the option is there doesn't mean it will be used...so they'll probably have games that use the screen to show a map, cute animations, or whatever other nonsense, which is fine as long as the game is FUN. The most important part of any game is that it should be enjoyable. If they're not, then the developers aren't doing their jobs right.


metroid and mario kart. PWN3D.

i have an SP, fave games yoshis story and wario ware. played the hell out of it the first week then just wore off i guess. i have about 10 games for it. Virtual boy was WAY more innovative than the DS is. WAY more. i dont see how anyone cant see that. I have like 8 games for that. owned the original gameboy as well. with the little time i have to play games i'd rather be playing them on a regular console. I will say ridge racer on the psp has me leaning toward a purchase, so did its e3 showing but i'm still waiting for a solid price. even then i'd probably wait. i just bought my SP this year. no rush. i wish i were as unhurried with regular console launches.

"Why do people still fall for this bullshit BoE stunt?"

stunt? wtf are u talking about? just cuz i'm not on the hype train in the circle jerk car its a stunt eh? alriiightythen!
BeOnEdge said:
wireless is cool, pictochat? meh. never played pokemon in my life, 1/2 of the games i've seen use the 2nd screen for something pointless like a map and again i'm not a portable guy so it just doesnt seem appealing. and let me announce something. I OWN A VIRTUAL BOY.

Keep in mind that not all games will take advantage of all of DS' features. Believe it or not, not ALL games have to use both screens, so if one of the screens are "useless" it's probably because they just added something in order to not leave it empty. But I haven't seen many DS games with "useless" screens, keep in mind that the DS is a portable and it's screen is too small for it to display an on-screen radar/map, which is why some games have the map/radar on the lower screen, it makes complete sense.

Personally, I might like to see just a little less emphasis on touch screen, this is finaly Nintendo's first handheld with FOUR face buttons, and I'd like to see them be put to good use....in a fighting game. I know there was some fighting game(s) shown for PSP.
"1/2 of the games i've seen use the 2nd screen for something pointless like a map"

"metroid and mario kart. PWN3D."

Yes, I am indeed PWN3D. There are obviously only 4 games coming out for DS, because this is the only way your "half the games" comment would be true.

And since Metroid uses the touchscreen for control, it's not just a map, so there. I have to give you credit, you did indeed manage to name ONE game that just uses the touchscreen as a map. :D


maybe not just a map but something that doesnt need to be done in 2 screens. take spiderman. why does it need a second screen? why does ridge racer need a second screen? so you can hold gas with 1 hand and control the stylus with the other? that doesnt even seem practical for god sake.
Well, actually...

Metroid Hunters touchscreen is enabled with 'mouse like' support, a map, and touchscreen buttons and controls.

It makes sense that if you use the touchpad as a means of movement that whatever image/info you place underneath it, should not be interative as well; thus making a map/radar a rather good choice.

edit: grammar
Spiderman uses its second screen for a really cool special move selecting feature. The special moves are depicted in picture form and you select them with your finger and then execute them with the L button. Looks really neat, and effectively cuts down on the number of buttons you need to use without dumbing down the control scheme.
BeOnEdge said:
maybe not just a map but something that doesnt need to be done in 2 screens. take spiderman. why does it need a second screen? why does ridge racer need a second screen? so you can hold gas with 1 hand and control the stylus with the other? that doesnt even seem practical for god sake.

You're missing the point...it doesn't NEED to have 2 screens...BUT its easier that it does have a second touch screen. Try not to think too innovative and apply a more practical minded approach to the applications of a touchscreen. It can be used to make inputting commands faster, quicker, and easier. Its not necessarily a revolution...but its very practical.

As far as RRDS...thats a case where it seems they're trying to be too innovative for the sake of innovation...and not necessarily fun...I reserve judgement on the game though.


you know i just realized i am a portable fanboy. i have purchased more games on my cellphone than on my GBA this year. i bought burgertime yesterday. :lol i guess its the fact that a cellphone is as portable as u can get, the games are cheap as hell, and most of the games are classic twitch games that you can play while on the crapper at work. cellphone gaming owns the portable sector. games are being downloaded at an insane rate.


audiovox 9300 or something. i've bought ms pacman, tetris, puzzle bobble, frogger, qbert, blue blocks, burgertime and some others i've deleted already. free demos own too. service with verizon. you cant beat games for 6.49 or 2.49 monthly if u dont think ur gonna keep it. tons of crap gets released every month. if cell tech keeps going at the pace it is and the game stay as cheap as they are, i could seriously see both sony and nintendo getting crushed later on unless one of them hooks up with a mobile phone co. japan already has damn cell phones that can play ridge racer!!!


king zell said:
So you really started this thread just to troll......

I dunno whether he started this thread to be a troll or not but you know what?

BeOnEdge said:
theres nothing "different" or "revolutionary" about the DS. geez. I dont get the PSP hate either. same stupid rehashes and ports but more functionality. i'd rather watch movies or play music than scribble off mssgs to people. thats what text mssging on a cell phone is for. i'm not rushing out to buy either one either. bought an SP and have used it all of 15 times. i guess these things are fine for younger people but i know damn well half the fanboys are grown ass men. where's there time for it? ur lunch break at work? at home after work on ur couch?

"The amount of whining about it FAR outweighs the enthusiasm"

all of it sucks. we are ramping up to the greatest console christmas in ages and people are going berserk over old games on old tech.


now that i think about it PSP/ps2 psp/ps3 cross compatibility may be the best function either portable offers. starting on the road and continuing at home and vice versa is a pretty damn cool idea.

....that some brutal honesty for yo ass! And I couldn't agree more with this comment. Thanks for having the balls to tell it like it is!

*quietly waits for PSP launch* :D

xsarien said:
Sorry, do you need room for five more Outrun 2 threads?

Nope...100 more![/i] :D

shuri said:
BOE is just pissed because all this DS talk took away from the outrun2 wanking fest :(

And he aint the only one! :mad:


banned for what? for not bringing hand lotion? please. people like you make me sick. "OH MY GOD!!! HE DOESN'T AGREE WITH THE MAJORITY!!! BAN HIM NOW!!!" get a life.
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