Cool, I guess? I don't really see what's the big deal about this news. JJ confirms nothing, he's just saying that he'd like to see a gay character, but he hasn't got shit to do with Star Wars anymore. He might as well have said that he would like Star Wars to be about Jar Jar and his pet lungfish and it would've meant as much as this "news".
Yeah, huh, I guess you're right. Why would that guy know anything about the future of Star Wars? It's not like his movie has any connections to the next two. It's not like he would have had the opportunity to talk to anybody who's working on future films.
JJ Abrams, why even bother to say anything? The next time someone asks you about the franchise you were immersed in for several years of your life, shut your jerk mouth.
This is why I hate the internet sometimes.
Well there's a bizarre reaction. You
hate all that nice art? Not even the more sexual images you can find out there, but the sweet romantic stuff? That's pretty dismissive.
It is full of sexual tension, but in the bad way.
There's a word for this: projection.