If hr did that, Hollywood fight scenes wouldn't be so crappyThis guy single handedly changed Hollywood fight scenes.
If hr did that, Hollywood fight scenes wouldn't be so crappyThis guy single handedly changed Hollywood fight scenes.
He won't even meet his own daughter from a mistress and spoke out against democracy in China and you are asking if it's possible?
Nobody will ever make movies like Jackie did again. Insurance and workplace safety standards are so different now than they were in '70s/'80s Hong Kong; nobody is allowed to put their body on the line the way they were back then, even if they're willing. Jackie was such a perfectionist, and so ready to film a simple shot hundreds of times or hurt himself to make it look right on camera.
Not to mention a lot of the time Jackie was writing, directing, starring in, choreographing the action scenes, being his own stuntman, and singing the theme song over the ending credit montage of him injuring himself. The man is a legend the likes of which we'll never see again.
Lol this guy...
Way to try to ruin a topic about this mans achievement by throwing in some of your political bs.
Westerners have a built-in hate of "communism" and therefore China thanks to media and social conditioning since birth. The reality is that nothing is black and white in this world. Part of the actions taken was necessary; maybe America would have preferred China to open up and give in, but that did not happen in the end and there is no reason to antagonize a different perspective years and path after. We can only try to improve on the world we have now.
Just commenting on what I see in every thread that has something to do with China here on GAF and the general Western-dominated zeitgeist as a whole.
In 2012, Chan complained to the Chinese press that Hong Kong "had become a city of protest" and suggested that free speech be curtailed.
"People scold China's leaders, or anything else they like, and protest against everything," he told Southern People Weekly, a publication based in Guangdong province, on the other side of the border with Hong Kong. "The authorities should stipulate what issues people can protest over and on what issues it is not allowed."
Three years prior to that, at an event with Chinese business leaders in the island province of Hainan, he even speculated whether Chinese people deserved to have freedom. Here's the Associated Press report from then:
"I'm not sure if it's good to have freedom or not," Chan said. "I'm really confused now. If you're too free, you're like the way Hong Kong is now. It's very chaotic. Taiwan is also chaotic."
Chan added: "I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want."
Fair but points deducted for being a millionaire spokesperson for an oppressive fake communist regime?
I have trouble holding old people's views against them. He's 60. The world has changed since he developed most of his views. Like Clint Eastwood being a conservative. Who cares? Well all be out of touch one day tooFair but points deducted for being a millionaire spokesperson for an oppressive fake communist regime?
Also double damn GAF algorithm.
It's not merely a western, anti communist knee jerk criticism. On multiple occasions Chan has been critical of those in Hong Kong who prefer to exercise democratic values. Plenty of people in China and other countries have a problem with governments severely limiting free speech and other freedoms.
He's easily my favorite martial arts actor but he has kind of been a communist stooge.
They don't have an awards player to promote this fall like Tucker does (Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk)What's wrong with Owen Wilson or Johnny Knoxville?
His fall in Project A is more brutal.
He broke his neck on it as far as I remember. And then the outtakes showed he did it again, just to show he wasn't afraid.
Or was it that one fall in Operation Condor that he broke his neck?
What's this gossip shit? Can't we just appreciate the man's work?
The speaking out against his daughter is a strike against him but who cares about the democracy thing in China. China is way too big with population to even have a semi feasible democracy. There is probably over 100 million people in the third world who are uneducated. That system can't have a democracy.
Lol this guy...
Way to try to ruin a topic about this mans achievement by throwing in some of your political bs.
His kicks are so hard he's kicking that 2 years in a row of white people only winning in the arse.
TIL jackie chan is an awful person![]()
One of these things is a political position.Start a fucking Cosby appreciation thread and see how it goes.
What you said is the real bs.
One of these things is a political position.
The other is a serial rapist.
Let's not go there.
This guy single handedly changed Hollywood fight scenes.
It's like Hitler comparisons. It's just a false equivalence.So are you implying a person can only be criticized if that person is a serial rapist? If not why can't we go there?
Are you American? Have you looked up your own history? Have you gotten your own act together? Don't even get me started on minority oppression and America's pervasive gun problem.Is rooting for an authoritarian regime that abuses human rights in order to make money for himself not a heinous act?
You realize his daughter's MOTHER made the decision to raise her without Jackie Chan involved in their life, right? He had an affair and the mom didn't want him involved.Is disowning his own daughter just for being born not a heinous act?
There's "not liking a guy" and then there's comparing him to a serial rapist.Again, I didn't insert myself into this thread until a poster asked the ridiculous question of "how can anyone not like this guy?". If you lots don't like it, take it up to that poster, not me.
Burn it.Loved him in Rush Hour.
It's like Hitler comparisons. It's just a false equivalence.
Are you American? Have you looked up your own history? Have you gotten your own act together? Don't even get me started on minority oppression and America's pervasive gun problem.
You realize his daughter's MOTHER made the decision to raise her without Jackie Chan involved in their life, right? He had an affair and the mom didn't want him involved.
There's "not liking a guy" and then there's comparing him to a serial rapist.
Saw some folks on Twitter earlier (Markman and prog maybe?) talking about the top 5 Jackie films of all time today, and I was kind of surprised in trying to look some of them up on Amazon how there's not really any formal releases of a lot of them, or the ones that do exist are either clearly not official US releases, or are super old. Wheels on Meals etc. Wouldn't mind grabbing some of his stuff but I'm surprised at how hard it seems like that might be?
It irritated the hell out of me when I finally watched Wheels on Meals and Dragons Forever and then went to Amazon to buy them and found nothing. It really is too bad what happened to Dragon Dynasty because I imagine they would have released copies eventually (though they did screw up a couple releases, like Jet Li's The Enforcer being dub-only and Police Story 3 being the short American cut with terrible soundtrack).
Think Armour of God 2 is possibly my favourite film starring him. The final fight with him going Superman always cracked me up.
I can cite my sources. Can you cite yours?Wow. That and false information is basically your entire post, plus a sprinkly of an ad hominem attack.
Thanks for the advice. For a little while a couple years ago I was trying to hunt some down from different regions but there were so many versions, combined with the fact that there are so many pirated versions and it is hard to tell what is a legit product over the Internet, that I gave up. While you are offering up help though, if you know which company put out the best versions of older R2 Stephen Chow films, I would appreciate that too.If you guys are serious about tracking down his old films, the best way is either region 2 DVD's (Hong Kong Legends) or HK (Fortune Star either region 0 or 3) DVD's. The Blu's are all upscales with remixed soundtracks (added foley sounds) except for Accidental Spy. There are a few japanese true HD Blus with the english dub, but no english subtitles if you want the cantonese track.