Corino managed to make a Young Bucks match more unbearable. EVEN MORE UNBEARABLE THAN THE BUCKS.
Don't lie to yourselfI will take Striker over Kelly/Corino alllllllllll day.
That's what the Young Bucks tend to do. Their awfulness infects everything around them in a match. It's not them being awful, it's that their awfulness spreads and encourages others to be like them.
The fucking Young Bucks. Fuck the bucks and fuck RV. I'm still not sure if I'm supposed to hate the Young Bucks ironically or unironically, if I'm supposed to like them ironically or unironically, if I'm supposed to think they're geniuses, or if I'm supposed to think they're idiots. They bait RV into chasing them half way down the ramp so they could hit superkicks and run back to the ring to win by count out. Had that actually ended the match, I'd pop. A whole lot of superkicks. Constant "shit talking" that is so obnoxious and just trying to pop Americans watching online. It's not even funny. It's all HEY THIS IS TOTALLY FAKE LOL type shit. This is and the dumb shit in their spots are why I'll never like the Bucks. I can't suspend my disbelief with them on any level. It's like...musical acting. This is certainly not helped by seeing them do the same spots they've been doing for years, and the same spots Rocky has been doing for years with multiple partners. I would love to know who came up with the spot of Trent doing a huge tope and not being caught at all. That's what you come up with to get Rocky in a 2 on 1 situation? And it didn't even matter, because Rocky won with a roll up anyway. NEW CHAMPIONS. Fuck the Young Bucks.
Data West and Boots should do commentary
You're loking like a total mark right now.
We shit on the Bucks all the time but if they ever got on the WWE roster they'd be the most over thing for about 6 months before our fickle asses turn on them again.
lets quote stro
Pick me up at 7:00.I would actually consider going to a WWE HoF if it had Rude AND Steiners
I would actually consider going to a WWE HoF if it had Rude AND Steiners
Is that a t-shirt about his hair?
I agree with him.
Also I put "loking" into a jobber to english dictionary and came up with nothing, apologies
WWE needs to sign Jordynne Grace
Because it's not a real hall of fameThey should all be in it. I understand why Scott isn't (and his brother is probably just getting the flak by association), but Rude is a mystery to me, unless Vince is STILL hung up on him showing up on Nitro, which was Vince's fault to begin with for screwing Bret over.
I more meant that some of the stories he tells now just sound like nonsense. There are so many "this time they told me I would be champ for a year!" and the like that it just seems like nonsense. I mean, it's Ryback. He was a placeholder big guy.
WWE needs to sign Jordynne Grace
Bucks are great. Stay worked, jabronies.
Have we found our Shooter of the Year already?
WWE needs to sign Jordynne Grace
It was just an odd choice for an example.
Will check out the full match
Both Revival/DIY matches could be five stars.
I really hope they're not going to fuck up the Revival on the main roster.
WWE needs to sign Jordynne Grace
""""""""""""""""""""shot""""""""""""""""""""Meltzer has been shooting for years but yaw marks wanted to give it to the Miz for that one time he shot on someone.
Bret screwed himself though.They should all be in it. I understand why Scott isn't (and his brother is probably just getting the flak by association), but Rude is a mystery to me, unless Vince is STILL hung up on him showing up on Nitro, which was Vince's fault to begin with for screwing Bret over.
Another Eddie Stan? Nah
Bret screwed himself though.
That Dave Meltzer fellow seems like an alright guy and it's weird that some of you want to hate him.