The Elimination Chamber is alright, but I prefer WarGames: The Match Beyond.
Also, I think I'll start calling my bathroom the Elimination Chamber.
What an easy way to get yet another win over youi'll fast forward a chair on your skull ya punk
So what wrestlers should I look out for when I watch WK11 later?
How did Cody do? You can spoil it if you want but I'm interested.
Haha, Bicycle Shorts H wins.
P.S. I didn't mind the spear-into-sledgehammer finish, though.
P.P.S. Although I generally find Triple H's use of the sledgehammer super lame and not believable.
P.P.P.S. Every time JR mentions the Elimination Chamber now... well... you know...
Yep if you have any weapon, use it right or not at all.What do you want him to do, overhead swing onto their skulls, you psychoes?
If life gives you a gun you shootWhat do you want him to do, overhead swing onto their skulls, you psychoes?
Will you be serious?!What do you want him to do, overhead swing onto their skulls, you psychoes?
Its was fine but, at best, the 5th best match on the show. He did some nice work on Juice's leg and was able to get some response from the crowd. They were more into it than Cole and O'Reilly that's for sure.
Not great, but better than I expected. He did ok playing a dickhead heel and if he turns that up a little more, he'll be fine. Indy Cody has been lame overall so far but if anybody can sprinkle magic dust on Cody and make him awesome its the NJPW roster.
Will you be serious?!
I don't know if I should keep responding to you guys and your joshery. But I will. It's a stupid weapon in wrestling because you can't use it properly. It's like your signature wrestling weapon is a gun but you only hit people with it. It's like, why the gun, guy?
HHH's sledgehammer is a case of nothing being better than something. The sledgehammer makes HHH look a bit stupid because he never swings the sledgehammer correctly and thus it never seems like the weapon is hitting with much impact. Plus HHH using the sledgehammer was a bit of "me too" shit since he started using it after a bunch of other people started having signature weapons at the time.
How did Cody do? You can spoil it if you want but I'm interested.
Cheer up, Sanada, you're a champion.
I just feel like it diminishes his character to a chicken shit heel when he tries to come across as THE GAME
His match with Robinson was good fun his heel work was on point and he focussed on the legs, Robinson sold for all his worth on that and it wrapped nicely when the leg work culminated in a failed powerbomb spot for Robinson when the leg gave out. Cody then promptly drilled him to get the win.
Also his facial expressions and heel psychology was right uon the money.
I think that's actually perfectly in character for HHH though. His character has always been a guy who talks himself up as a big ass kicker who's an unstoppable beast, but the reality is that he's a chickenshit heel who does whatever it takes to win. Basically all of the posturing his just HHH trying to convince himself he's a big tough guy when he's actually not.
The Max Landis "wrestling isn't wrestling" video actually did a fantastic job of breaking down how HHH's character is the ultimate B+ player.
How did Cody do? You can spoil it if you want but I'm interested.
Triple H did use the sledgehammer properly that one time after Shawn Michaels' return match. So that's something, I guess.
You'll find an excuse to keep giving Vince your money to shit all over you.Heyman came across like a fuckhead in the 'should Raw be 2 hours' bit. Despite the third hour generally tanking and ratings going down the drain, everyone still shilled the three hour program and anyone who disagreed was a stupid mark who should try and run their own promotion.
Although, it was proabably a work to piss people off to get them to talk about it and keep watching/hate watching.
I dunno. After tonight I feel like it will be really hard to get into WWE programming for a while. Similar to after last years G1.
Between NJPW, Stardom, DDT Universe and Progress I really dont need WWE, but I am an idiot and probably wont cancel my sub.
Cheer up, Sanada, you're a champion.
This would be best for business. It would also give WrestleMania one match worth watching which - as of right now - I'm not expecting it to have.D, Bry and Miz should have a match. No crazy spots needed. Sign a waiver.
Triple H did use the sledgehammer properly that one time after Shawn Michaels' return match. So that's something, I guess.
The cans of Coors Light really ties it all together
NJPW world really isn't that hard to sub to.
Easy to sign up to but if it wasn't for that sweet Google doc of amazing matches I wouldn't be satisfied outside of this mornings show.NJPW world really isn't that hard to sub to.
What google doc?Easy to sign up to but if it wasn't for that sweet Google doc of amazing matches I wouldn't be satisfied outside of this mornings show.
was that a sweep by los ingobernables?
and how was the main event / did Kenny win?
Still too slowI put Undertaker entrances at 0.25x speed
My mini-review of WK11. Spoilers Below.
NJ Rumble:
-Pretty solid, although Elgin kinda got exposed. I mean, his look is just so BAD (even by Hoss standards) and he got outcharisma'd by quite a few guys). ***
RPG Vice/Young Bucks:
-Just because you have a story, doesn't mean the match itself was good. It was flippy indie trash at it's lowest. Interchangable with any of their other shit. **
NEVER 6 Man:
-Pretty good, the right guys went over and looked strong. ***1/4
Cody VS Juice:
-Completely forgettable. Corbin/Kalisto blew this match out last month. Cody has proven in his indie journey that he might have actually been OVERpushed in the WWE as a singles wrestler. **
Tiger Mask W VS Tiger Mask Dark:
-I laugh when people say Ibushi would be wasted in WWE, then watch this shit. Yuck. 1/2*
O'Reilly VS Cole:
-So what was the point of O'Reilly winning then? Hate when outside politics take the teeth out of a storyline. **3/4
--NOTE: Holy fuck was this ever a lukewarm first half.
IWGP Tag Match:
-This was actually really surprisingly fun and good. Ishii just refuses to be involved in something that's bad, by sheer force of will. ***1/2
-I actually REALLY like this as a complete change of pace and showcase. Hopefully this will be the rival KUSHIDA needs to take him to the next level. ****1/2
-Loved it. Having two guys that are overqualified for this spot in the card makes the whole roster feel stronger. Replenishes Goto's character without selling out Shibata. ****1/4
-Best match of the night. Crowd was molten, Perfect kind of characters to clash, and man Tana can still go.
-Omega's entrance managed to hit the daily double of corny AND dated.
-Omega just showed another reason why he's a poor man's HHH, with this long-for-the-sake-of-long unearned epic whose entire first half was a slog. The beginning was filler, and the second half was hot. KUSHIDA and Takahashi did more in a third of the time.
-At least the right guy won. ***1/2
Overall: Worse than WK 10, which was (slightly) worse than WK9. The first half of these things are showing the exact same sluggishness people complain about with Wrestlemania. There's still room for best PPV of the year, i'll put it that way.
It's because kayfabe HHH doesn't know how to swing a sledgehammer
What do you want him to do, overhead swing onto their skulls, you psychoes?
HHH's sledgehammer is a case of nothing being better than something. The sledgehammer makes HHH look a bit stupid because he never swings the sledgehammer correctly and thus it never seems like the weapon is hitting with much impact. Plus HHH using the sledgehammer was a bit of "me too" shit since he started using it after a bunch of other people started having signature weapons at the time.