For the last time, hopefully.Peyton vs Brady
In 2016
For the last time, hopefully.Peyton vs Brady
In 2016
End of an eraFor the last time, hopefully.
Will Brady and Peyton hold their arm up together at the end? Will the referee help Peyton back to the tunnel?End of an era
Tune in next Sunday!!!!!Will Brady and Peyton hold their arm up together at the end? Will the referee help Peyton back to the tunnel?
Why is Dolph on this list at all?
Peyton vs Brady
In 2016
LIVE ON NON PPV!Tune in next Sunday!!!!!
All I need is Reigns to enter number one. Then number two enters and it's Barack Lesnar. Bring on that 60 minute Iron Man match with them outlasting all other competitors to the final two.
That's the problem, I had a problem with Hunter consoling that kid who started crying when he was just being a heel. Breaking fucking kayfabe and shit.That's not bad, but you skipped the finish.
HHH or Sheamus throws out both their tired asses and sends all the kids home crying. Confetti everywhere like an NXT title match as he gloats with Vinny Mac raising the winner's hand.
Not that he has the balls to book that...I don't think they're comfortable with real heat anymore
That's the problem, I had a problem with Hunter consoling that kid who started crying when he was just being a heel. Breaking fucking kayfabe and shit.
I'm of two minds on HHH lately regarding this.
Kayfabe is super ultra dead. Like 30 years so.
The degree to which this guy, ostensibly the on screen boss and ultimate bad guy of the show disregards important character building beats both sets a bad example and is something they'd punish anyone besides him, steph, or the part timers/John Cena for doing.
I Google phsyco sid gif and couldn't find the one with him looking intense and fist bumping fans. Can someone hook me up?
Also, where do you go for your gifs?
, Andrews vs Ricochet and Marty vs Thatcher looks cool but god damn that opening just proves how laughable the idea of pushing Kenny Omega as a top heel is. Might as well throw Kikutaro in there for the IWGP reign.O'reilly vs Strong
Rushmore 2.0 is like BDK levels of 'I've only seen this three times yet it feels like it's been over 2 years old. end this shit' tier.
He, hey's just cleaning basic promos of "I'm a bad guy!" with "mwuahahahaha! I am a b a d guy."
Omega is the anime warlord we all need.
If you want an anime warlord then you can watch NOAH and watch Taichi.
It's the same thing and he's been doing it longer. (and it's garbage there too)
Someone and I were talking about how dead it was and I was like, maybe they should try restoring it. But at the same time they kill it by giving us all of this inside shit on the network.I'm of two minds on HHH lately regarding this.
Kayfabe is super ultra dead. Like 30 years so.
The degree to which this guy, ostensibly the on screen boss and ultimate bad guy of the show disregards important character building beats both sets a bad example and is something they'd punish anyone besides him, steph, or the part timers/John Cena for doing.
, Andrews vs Ricochet and Marty vs Thatcher looks cool but god damn that opening just proves how laughable the idea of pushing Kenny Omega as a top heel is. Might as well throw Kikutaro in there for the IWGP reign.O'reilly vs Strong
You think he'll do that spot in the upcoming IWGP Intercontinental Title match? Or anything remotely as ridiculous as that?
He did the dumb chainsaw spot in the match with Taguchi for the junior heavyweight championship at WK9
I just realized that you're the guy with all of the sauces.I hope the Royal Rumble thread has the title "Roman Rumble".
It's never been more justified. Don't mess this up BatistaGAF. It's like a once in a century type of chance.
The pressing question for me tomorrow night when we see the 6th variant of this exact opening... will Roman's shoulders be covered or will he be sporting the sleeveless look?
I'm of two minds on HHH lately regarding this.
Kayfabe is super ultra dead. Like 30 years so.
The degree to which this guy, ostensibly the on screen boss and ultimate bad guy of the show disregards important character building beats both sets a bad example and is something they'd punish anyone besides him, steph, or the part timers/John Cena for doing.
If it's a bad idea, they're reading.Had a weird wrestling-related dream this morning and thought I would share.
Social Outcasts make their way down into the ring to do a promo, looks like Heath Slater has got a belt. Maybe the US Championship? Don't actually remember any words from the dream. After Heath says what he needs to say (assuming he's doing an open challenge thing), some new variation on the Bullet Club theme hits. Three guys come out and stop at the top of the ramp to do their shtick. Not sure who the two guys in the back are (AJ and Gallows maybe?), but the guy out front and holding the mic is Chris Jericho. Didn't actually see a match.
Honestly doesn't sound too far off a typical RAW, so I hope the WWE writing team isn't reading this.
The pressing question for me tomorrow night when we see the 6th variant of this exact opening... will Roman's shoulders be covered or will he be sporting the sleeveless look?
I'm betting on sleeveless to maintain 50/50 booking. Tune in tomorrow night to see if I'm right. I'm ALL-IN on sleeveless.
Who's gonna shoot win the rumble this year?
The pressing question for me tomorrow night when we see the 6th variant of this exact opening... will Roman's shoulders be covered or will he be sporting the sleeveless look?
I'm betting on sleeveless to maintain 50/50 booking. Tune in tomorrow night to see if I'm right. I'm ALL-IN on sleeveless.
He's still the odds-on favorite by virtue of the fact that he's not coming back on TV before the Rumble.Remember that report that came out months ago around the time Rollins got hurt and it said something like HHH was expected to win the Rumble and have a Mania title match with him
And everybody flipped out and cried bullshit because lol at the idea of HHH winning the 2016
And now it's gotten to the point where everyone is hurt and he's one of the only three people who could actually genuinely win it lol
Sounds about right.
I'll show her what's up.