KronikBreakin necks, Cashin checks
KronikBreakin necks, Cashin checks
Was ishii vs shibata a work or a shoot?
Shenmue fans are on par with Sonic fans.
Yakuza is superior anyway.
Those headbutts weren't a work.
Goddamn those headbutts were stupid as FUCK.
Those headbutts weren't a work.
Goddamn those headbutts were stupid as FUCK.
You think AJ's cutting the hair? I know people think it makes him look like some emo try hard but I think it looks badass especially after a match.
You think AJ's cutting the hair? I know people think it makes him look like some emo try hard but I think it looks badass especially after a match.
You think AJ's cutting the hair? I know people think it makes him look like some emo try hard but I think it looks badass especially after a match.
Shenmue fans are on par with Sonic fans.
Yakuza is superior anyway.
Watching New Years Dash on NJPW World and Striker is UNBEARABLE. Suggesting that Cheeseburger should no sell like Road Warrior Hawk.
Balor Club screws Roman in the Rumble, it's coming y'all!
Kind of ridiculous to think they thought it was a good idea to bring back Striker and not Ross. But hey, you get what you pay for.Watching New Years Dash on NJPW World and Striker is UNBEARABLE. Suggesting that Cheeseburger should no sell like Road Warrior Hawk.
Every single person on that roster is there to feed Reigns or to hit the credibility glass ceiling that is the Cena feud.Balor Club sounds like a good group for Reigns or Cena to destroy.
He looks like a goober with short hair. He's better off looking like a tryhard than a goober.
Looks OK when he pushes it back (or when he was wearing the mask during his WK10 entrance), but otherwise it looks dumb as fuck. Still a better look than the bland TNA version.
Be real, dude gave Cena a run for his money for number one handsome man in the mid 00s
But dude looks fierce as fuck now with the mane.
It's funny how much freedom the website has because it's not on TV. RAW basically has it so nothing but RAW exists (including Smackdown), NXT acknowledges to an extent but often doesn't use exact names (like continuing the Steenerico feud but as though they've always been called Owens and Zayn), but here's freely calling Bálor Prince Devitt and listing out all the New Japan titles.
Still no TNA mentions, mind.
OT worthy yet?
We will need to poll A.J.'s devoted following in the gay community.
Here's the good side-
I bet NJPW brings in Go to help their main roster out and Go gets away from Mr Vice President Marufuji
Are there folks left in All Japan who would jump to NJPW before they jump to NOAH?
SO watching the NJPW show from last night, why would they give Anderson and Gallows the pinfall win over their tag champs (yes it was a ten man but still) if they know that they are leaving.
Just bad booking
Isn't NOAH now kind of like NJPW? I mean, the guy booking it works for New Japan..
NXT acknowledged Bullet Club and NJPW when they did that three-part fearurette on Balor's career.
Nominally separate, and you could be a bigger fish in a smaller pond in NOAH than New Japan. In any case, the death clock is ticking for All Japan, and I want to see those guys (especially the juniors) move on.
Are there folks left in All Japan who would jump to NJPW before they jump to NOAH?
The more time goes by, the more the idea of AJ debuting at the Rumble looks like a lock.