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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Big Month Meltz


So KO Vs. Finn at WM for the belt right??? He isn't going to drop it to Oldberg right?
I've made like a dozen posts in the last 5 months but I signed up anyway. I need my big break!
So they did a cruiserweight tournament

apparently they're doing a womens tournament and a tag tournament

forget all that, I want to see a HOSS TOURNAMENT

how to qualify:

did you need a dude to drive you down the ramp at the rumble because you're a fucking hoss? if yes, YOU QUALIFY
Only if they sign more hosses, I don't wanna see Kane fighting Strowman or some shit


quoting for a new page and because i hope DM signs the dotted line

Ladies and Gentlemen, the GAF WRESTLING FEDERATION is back!

What is the GWF?
WrassleGAF members compete in simulated matches in WWE 2k17. It's a fake wrestling, only faker. It's purely for fun and something we can all laugh about.

How do I enter?
Send me, Sephzilla, a PM with the following information. Then I will create a wrestler NeoGAF Sports Entertainer in game for you. Just be warned that I might take a few creative liberties with your appearance and entrance. Also, I'm going to try to keep movesets mostly simply (aka, mostly movesets of existing wrestlers), because otherwise it will take an eternity to make everyone.
-- Who's your favorite wrestler. This will help me determine what your wrestler's move set will be. I'd probably prefer if you name an active one though. Preferably a WWE one too. Just because it makes assigning moves easier for me. But if you hate making it easy for me, name some obscure guy.​
-- What is your finishing move?​
-- Do you want to be a face (good guy) or heel (bad guy)? Note: This can change over time​
-- What is your GAF avatar? This will help with what your appearance will be​
-- Any other miscellaneous information you want included, like if you want to tag team with someone​

Is anything else involved?
Beyond entering? No. Just show up to watch! Maybe have some fun little smack talk too.

Where will we be able to watch this?
On Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/sephzilla
There will likely be Youtube archives as well

Can I tune in even if I'm not in it?
Absolutely. We need to see who's actually a draw around here!

When will we be able to watch this?
I'm tentatively planning on this being a once a month event type deal. Doing it weekly might ruin the novelty of it, plus there's already enough weekly wrestling to watch. I'll let you know when the first GWF show will happen and then we'll go from there.

How are matches/booking determined?
Any joking smack talk between GAF members could provoke a match at a GWF Special Event! I don't have influence over how WWE 2k17's shitty AI works, so the winner/losers are random and unpredictable.

Misc. Information
I'm probably going to cap the size of GWF to 20 or so people, at least for now, because if it gets too big it might get hard to manage. I'm going to take overflow entrants though, so fear not. Also, I don't mean to sound exclusive, but I'm probably going to give preference towards WrassleGAF members who post more frequently versus lurkers when it comes to making the roster. Consider that incentive to post more! We're good people!

Should I take this stuff seriously?
No, this is for fun!


HBK literally looked like a homeless guy they found roasting out in the sun on the streets of Texas and shoved in front of a camera. He looks awful.


and skinny jeans, Seph.
They're not that skinny. I mean, I'm thin, though, so they'd probably be skinny on you, SomewhatRound. Oooooooh!

Note: I don't actually know SomewhatGravy's body type.

A tiger driver 91
Zach is my mortal enemy so I will tag with him.

That's the spirit! I don't even care about Data West anymore!

But that was my boy Marcus Cor Von.

What is happening right now?



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
that is a lot of belts on the Young Bucks


I should get me down to London town at some point for some wrasslin'...

Edit: don't they carry around the Superkick Championship belts?


Royal Rumble Hot Takes:

1. Of any of the final four: Bray or Jericho should've won.

2. Reigns being in the actual rumble match is fucking idiotic. If Reigns had won against Owens, would Owens have been in there?

3. AJ should've won against Cena. Let AJ be the guy that Cena can't beat. Show that AJ is actually a damn wrestling force to be reckoned with. It'd make the Cena victory payoff even better down the line.

4. Having no real surprise entrants in the rumble makes it a fucking snooze fest. The Royal Rumble crowd will lean more towards the older/millenial crowd and we fucking LOVE nostalgia. That or have some random NXT call-ups. Why wasn't there a battle royale or something at NXT Takeover for a spot in the actual rumble?

As soon as Reigns started down the ramp Strowman should have blindsided him and wrecked him

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Royal Rumble Hot Takes:

1. Of any of the final four: Bray or Jericho should've won.

2. Reigns being in the actual rumble match is fucking idiotic. If Reigns had won against Owens, would Owens have been in there?

3. AJ should've won against Cena. Let AJ be the guy that Cena can't beat. Show that AJ is actually a damn wrestling force to be reckoned with. It'd make the Cena victory payoff even better down the line.

4. Having no real surprise entrants in the rumble makes it a fucking snooze fest. The Royal Rumble crowd will lean more towards the older/millenial crowd and we fucking LOVE nostalgia. That or have some random NXT call-ups. Why wasn't there a battle royale or something at NXT Takeover for a spot in the actual rumble?

Owens did the exact same thing last year, actually. He was in a huge no-DQ match and took a billion bumps and then appeared for the Rumble.
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