No offense but these were pretty weak. Could never get into Cinema Staff.
Haha, no problem, I don't expect everybody to like a band.
No offense but these were pretty weak. Could never get into Cinema Staff.
Right, So no more Ogre you Asshole for me. Yeah, regarding Cinema Staff, those tracks are not doing anything for me. I simply can't get into the vocals, I'll try to listen one of their albums one of these days so I could get used to them, but those PVs aren't doing anything for me.
Anyway, If anyone of you lives in London, there will be two gigs featuring 3 Japanese Indie bands tomorro and after tomorrow. The first is Bo Ningen. Imagine 60s Rock 'n Roll with added Psychedalia and Noise with a zist of Drone mixed in and you got Bo ingen. They do look like Hippies and their music reflects how different they are. I went to their gig last Year when they came down to London and they are amazing. Hard hitting drums, oscillating guitars, Sabbath-esque riffing and quite dance-able noise music alla around. They will be playing at Hoxton Bar & Kitchen in Old Street and the tickets are around 8 quids.
The other two will be supporting eachother. The first one is Manflu. The band is not Japanese but a mulitnational one where the vocalist is Japanese. Their music harkens back to the late 80's Post-pink/No-wave where funk and atmoshpere was above all with some noise added to the mix. They are not a big band at all and only released an EP which is selftitled, but anyhting that plays an experental Post-punk is OK in my book
The third band is called Deathride and is formed of Ex-Electric Shock dou Jennie and Kaotue. Again, only one of them is Japanese. Their music is cross of Garage and Noise with some electronica introduced.[/QUOTE]
Those bands sound pretty awesome especially Deathride. They have material available for listening?
Those bands sound pretty awesome especially Deathride. They have material available for listening?
They remind me of rega, that's pretty good.
I might buy their songs on bandcamp.
Anyways, I recently fell in love with two bands.
Turntable Films
And the another band, some of you guys might know them, is Fujifabric.
And I happen to like them pre and post-2009, the year the vocalist died. Their new stuff is actually pretty solid.
They do sound alike and her songs are quite good. Thanks for the recommendation.My Generation -
Rolling Star -
Again -
Hard to find studio versions that haven't been modified on youtube.
You forgot the name of the band but I assume it's Who The Bitch.![]()
Seeing Perfume live next month. They may not sing that much live, but they pull off the best party this side of Daft Punk if live dvds are anything to go by. Pure joy.
Seeing Perfume live next month. They may not sing that much live, but they pull off the best party this side of Daft Punk if live dvds are anything to go by. Pure joy.
I hate you.
Woah, NICO Touches The Walls's Te wo Tatake's acoustic version is pretty good. Such a likeable band.
Man, I JUST found out Zazen Boys finally dropped a new album, Stories. I've been waiting 4 years for this. I gave it a single listen so far and I'm totally digging it. I was surprised at first how much it sounded like their first two albums, with a bit of ZB3, a sprinkle of ZB4, and even a tiny bit of Number Girl. I went in expecting a totally different sound considering ZB4, but I'm quite pleased with how this album turned out. I'll no doubt re-listen to it a bunch over the week, so we'll see how my opinion changes/solidifies.
Also I'm extremely depressed that I apparently missed Zazen Boys performing here in Vancouver. I would've given my left nut to have seen that show.
Right now I'm going to give LAMA's album, New!, a listen. I'm a huge Supercar fan, and I'm still waiting for something by Miki Furukawa and Kouji Nakamura to come even close to their Supercar work. Plus Hisako Tabuchi of Number Girl/toddle is in the band? I seriously hope I'm not let down here.
I haven't been in to the Japanese music scene in years, but because of these two albums, I figured I'd drop in a post.
Welcome back
I went form disliking Lama's New! to actually enjoying. Yes, Hisako is in Lama. Initially I kinda expect supercar meets number girl but it really struck me as Miki's solo stuff. It grew on me eventually though.
I thought Force was a pretty great albumI'm gonna have to give it another listen, but I found it enjoyable the first time, though I wasn't really listening to it intently. Some of it definitely sounds like Miki's solo stuff (which itself was like an even more poppy Supercar), but other tracks have a definite Futurama/Highvision/Answer vibe.
I think I liked this enough to be excited about their next release. I'm re-listening to their original single Spell (and B-Side One Day) and I like them a lot more than I remember.
This is kind of a pleasant surprise after how much Kouji's work as iLL sucked. I always assumed he'd have some great solo stuff while Miki would be 'eh', but in the end I liked her solo work a hell of a lot better. I'm glad they're back together, though.
You mean Straightener ?I am sort of addicted to The Stratghtners now. I am conimplaining in owning their new record...
You mean Straightener ?
alt/indie rock with pretty obvious shoegaze influences (a first for a japanese band right?) but stands out with great instrumentation and solid vocals.
I was being sarcastic lolAye, sorry for my various misspellings.
There are quite few of Shoegaze/Post-Punk bands around.
Check Lillies and Remains out.
I was being sarcastic lol
It's just Straightener, not The StraightenersAye, sorry for my various misspellings.
It's just Straightener, not The Straighteners
(Sorry for being an ass but I love this band so much haha)
Listening to HaKU's latest album (making their major debut) at the moment.
They are pretty good. They remind me of Rin Toshite Shigure. If high-pitched voices are not your nemesis you might like it.
I thought Art-School Disbanded long time ago since each and everyone of those band members have like trillion sideprojects.
Well, the lead singer does have a sideproject, killing Boy (already talked about them).
It's just that the lineup changed a lot over the years.
That might be a little bit excessive
You know, Straightener's bassist, Hidekazu Hinata, is in 4 bands (well, Fullarmor isn't very active but still).
The vocalist is in 2 bands + has his solo side project. The drummer and the guitarist are in another band too.
Being in different bands doesn't seem to bother them, so I don't think ART-SCHOOL should stop their activities.
If you need infos, want to listen to new bands... or whatever, just ask, it'll be my pleasure to help you.
Take a look at the previous pages, lots of good bands have been posted already.
Some great other bands we didn't mention would be Bump Of Chicken, Beat Crusaders, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Radwimps...
ThanksI'm mainly looking to expand my musical tastes! I've listened to a little JMusic before, though to be honest most of my exposure was to The Pillows, and a little music from Anime. I'm gonna try to learn the language in what little free time I have, and figured I might as well listen to some good music in said language too.
So honestly, just throw band names at me, anything and everything is fine![]()
Start with Lillies and Remains and never look back. Everything else is secondary
Picture Taken before the drummer left.
Morralist SS - The Fake - Devaloka - You Are Blind - Grind - Wreckage - Broken Reciever
Also, welcome.
I'm gonna share some music I've found through googling. Some JPOP and R&B
家入レオ(Ieiri Leo):
Bless You:
I'm liking her voice.
Superfly and JuJu have already been posted. They're pretty good. I'm loving Juju's ただいま:
Probably well known for this song.
Shota Shimizu:
I love his rendition of Hy's 366日. It's too bad I can't find the full version on youtube.
Sakanaction and Kaela Kimura are really good though. Kimura's 8Eight8 album has a hand full of songs I really like, the same with Sakanaction.
I forgot to post my 2nd favorite Gackt song: - Oblivious
Anyways, The new band of the day is called How to Count One to Ten. They are Instrumentalist Post-Rock band that have similiar landscape sound of A Winged Victory for the Sullen with some added alternative timings and complex rhythms which intertwines melodically which creates this sense of collision between ambient and texture and melody, coalescing into a fresh pop sound.
They have released two EPs this year, which are called, ''1st EP'' and ''Blue Building Block'' which you can buy them from Bandcamp for less than £15 (or around 23 dollars if you are from the states) or if you are like me and don't like the digital route, you can order their two EPs from white Noise Record webside and they are selling it for around £10each, plus shipping fee. I am considering buying it from there, I am just scared about their shipping fee, but from what I have heard, Its kind of worth it.
You can listen to thier tracks on their website.