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Jay Z removes his albums from Apple Music and Spotify

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Shawn Carter, known professionally as rapper Jay Z, appears to have removed his entire solo album collection from Apple Music overnight. Now, when searching for "Jay Z" on Apple Music, only songs in which he collaborated on with other artists are available to stream on the service in the United States and elsewhere.

Jay Z co-owns Tidal, a rival streaming music service, so his decision to remove his discography from Apple Music could be for competitive reasons. Kanye West, another stakeholder in Tidal, also implied that there might be some animosity between Apple and Jay Z in a series of tweets last year.

Jay Z's albums appear to have been removed from Spotify recently as well, however, so his decision might be unrelated to any potential feud with Apple. Spotify on Twitter today said it can "confirm that some of Jay Z's catalogue has been removed at the request of the artist," but it did not provide a specific reason.



That's my biggest problem with these music service.

Me, as a mere music lover, don't want to engage in the politics of the music industry.


Nah. Fuck this.

Dude had a really good run up to maybe black album

American gangster was pretty good too
How about that Kingdom Come, BP3 and magna carta clear straight classics
Also Watch the throne wasn't forgettable disappointing album


Do these artists expect us to pay for multiple music streaming services just to listen to their music? foh...


Sprint (I don't use their service) gave me 6 months of Tidal for free. I like the service. I wouldn't pay $10-$20 a month for Jay Z.


It was at one point, all his old albums were removed a while back.

Really? I've been living in Europe ever since Spotify got big and never checked it when visiting back in the States but while he had all his albums up at one point, Blueprint never seemed to be there. At least it never was once Tidal became a thing. So maybe it was also regional for Spotify streamers.
No just no. I'm not about to let my favorite rapper get slandered on Neogaf. Jay-Z has some great albums.

Too late. No doubt he's made some bangers in his career but he's always had the best producers giving him their best beats. I've never got is GOAT status


i don't fuck with apple music, but still

And nothing of value was lost.

like dont get me wrong - #naswon, and jay's last decade has been buttcheeks - but he's a top 10 artist with arguably 2 classics under his belt in the day. losing the first half of his discography is a real loss.

It was at one point, all his old albums were removed a while back.

oh for real? damn, nevermind then

Most overrated rapper in the game. Blueprint is fire but everything else is meh

haha serious post? FOH, even with that dilla avy


/salute off the strength of owning enough of your own catalog to even be able to decide where it does and does not appear in the first damn place.

Im not much of a fan of his either but I have no real problem with this.
It's been 12 years since his last good album, meh. With that said it sucks because even if you push your copy of his albums to Apple Music so that you can listen to them on all your devices they still won't play. That's annoying because I listen to Reasonable Doubt, BP, Black Album all the time.
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