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Jennifer Lawrence on why she's returning for 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix'

When are they gonna rename the movie to Mystique & the X-Men: Dark Phoenix - Mystique's Quest ~ The Path of Mystique's Redemption * Mystique Rising?
Does someone who makes millions per movie already really need that paycheque?

Judging by the kind of shit Johnny Depp supposedly bought with his millions, I assume it's never enough/ they'll find something to spend it on.

Does someone actually give a fuck about not-Romijn-Stamos-Mystique's arc? Is there even one?

Haha yes. In retrospect they have expanded the character much more compared to Romijn's time and yet I care very little about Jlaw's version.


Her last few movies after Hunger Games haven't done much. Of course it's about the money. Hope she puts some effort in this time.


you guys really think she did it for money? you know she gets paid even if a movie tanks right?

i mean i heard she's doing ok these days

i'd sooner believe that she just likes working with those folks
She's awesome, but mostly because of Rebecca Romijn's pitch perfect version of the character.
Awesome as a side character. Why'd we have to get main antagoprotagonist mystique's journey for multiple movies now?

Who asked for this?
you guys really think she did it for money? you know she gets paid even if a movie tanks right?

Uhhh, yes??? Hence "she's doing it for the money". What an odd comment.


Don't really get the money comments.

It's her job. She'll always get another gig and almost certainly one that would pay more than this.

Her character comment seems pretty sincere to me. Of course money will be a factor because it's her livelihood. It'll be a factor in every part she takes because it's her job. There will be times when she can take multiple clashing jobs and will choose one.

There are plenty of stories of actors mixing up money makers and passion projects.


Neo Member
Don't really get the money comments.

It's her job. She'll always get another gig and almost certainly one that would pay more than this.

Her character comment seems pretty sincere to me. Of course money will be a factor because it's her livelihood. It'll be a factor in every part she takes because it's her job. There will be times when she can take multiple clashing jobs and will choose one.

There are plenty of stories of actors mixing up money makers and passion projects.

Except she has been on record many times saying she hates the makeup, isn't a huge mystique fan, and isn't into comics at all.


i'd sooner believe that she just likes working with those folks
Were that the case I'd have thought she would have put some effort in her performance in the prior movies. Particularly in Apocalypse she just looked like she didn't want to be there.
I bet they'll do her paint in post- Maybe let her wear a green suit and only paint her face.
Yeah. And of course boatloads of money.
she gets along really well with some of the cast. probably getting paid the most out of the whole crew on this one too or at least tied at the highest.

not a bad deal, work with your friends and make what I assume is 15 million +

its not stopping her from getting other interesting work, hell I don't even fuck with Lawrence since Winter's Bone but mother! looks really cool. I really don't see why she wouldn't take this movie.
Just when I thought my expectations for this movie couldn't go any lower, of course it turns out Mystique is going to be in it.

Watch her "save" Jean from the Phoenix with one of her boring speeches, while Cyclops is knocked out in a corner somewhere.

Mystique will give the final dramatic speech as Cyclops, completing both her usurpation of the franchise and his character's complete cuckholding.

And Christ on a bike I get that Fox believes that having these big stars in the film gives the franchise some credibility, but if we're supposed to care at all about continuity, Magneto is a complete monster in these films. Stop turning him into an anti-hero at every opportunity. He doesn't need to be in every one. We know he's going to stab everyone in the back by the end.

Fans of the franchise don't pay to see Mystique. At least, not a Mystique who isn't interested in doing half-naked kung fu in make-up. Having her hang around as J-Law for 85% of her screentime is a betrayal of the very same character you tried to give to us in the first 4 films of the franchise. Having her barking orders at the X-Men undermines what little character development we have for the kids.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Care about the fans? Then stop playing a character you don't give a shit about.

Care about the money? Be honest you Hollywood shill.

Jennifer Lawrence seems like a lameass person and this statement is more of the same garbage from her lying mouth.

Wow, harsh words.


Can't wait for the adventures of mystique and company in space (not really in space).

Wonder if they'll just give her the Phoenix force instead.

I was going to say the same thing, and I'm not even joking. I could see the studio actually pulling some bullshit like that.

Think I might be done with the franchise after watching Mystique: Apocalypse.


Would anyone really feel less of her if she just said "it pays well"???

No one does anything work related for the fun of it.


Except she has been on record many times saying she hates the makeup, isn't a huge mystique fan, and isn't into comics at all.

I suppose it all comes from the aire of suspicion that she doesn't actually want to be there.

That's interesting. That said, her comments here are just about finishing a long-running character's arc, regardless of how she feels about this specific character or series.
I'm missing the plot here.
She didn't need to do "this".
What is "this"?
Being paid (very well) for doing her job?
But why not? Because some group didn't like her performance? Uh, so what?

I wish people would remember how subjective all that is.

Even if you are a Jennifer Lawrence fan (despite what duckroll says, we do exist), you'd know about her very public disdain for these films and having to put on blue make up. Hence, her character spends the majority of time in the last two films "disguised" as Jennifer Lawrence (or wearing full body armor), despite Mystique being the "mutant and proud" flag-bearer for the first half of the franchise.

Her saying she came back for the character arc and the fans is disingenuous. She very clearly cares about neither. She's doing it because it's a fat payday in a movie guaranteed to make $500 million plus.


With any luck, this is the movie where she goes mute like in the original films.

She wasn't mute in the original films. She just wasn't front and center.

Umm..... why does everyone hate Jennifer Lawrence?

Pushback against the post-Oscar/Hunger Games push she was getting validated by a bunch of small mistakes coupled with not so great movies over the past few years. That and people either caught on to or got tired of the down to earth persona.


The thing that drives me crazy about movie Mystique is I LIKE Mystique as one of my favorite characters... in the comics.

And none of the traits that I love about her in the comics are anywhere in the film, except her blue skin and shapeshifting ability (to be fair, that's par for the course for the X-men franchise).

In the comics, she's a deeply complex and damaged woman who has lived centuries under assumed aliases before finding love with another woman and disguising herself as a man. This woman also had the gift of prophecy to foretell great calamity and Mystique spent decades trying to prevent the future her lover predicted.

She's the mother of Nightcrawler, with whom her relationship is highly disturbed and corrupted. She always acts to save herself, and discarding her own baby to save her own skin is something that both haunts her yet she justifies to herself time and again.

She's the foster-mother of Rogue, and does care deeply for her surrogate daughter, even allowing her to join her adversaries if that's her ultimate wish and looking out for her time and again despite their clear differences of opinion (while, again, often taking measures against her to save her own skin if need be).

She's a villain in the comics straight-up, but one with enough baggage, ambiguity, and bigotry levied against her to somewhat justify it, along with her own glimpses into the future from Destiny to know that altruism alone won't win the war of genocide against her people.

She's SO interesting in the comics... and so DULL in the recent films.


The thing that drives me crazy about movie Mystique is I LIKE Mystique as one of my favorite characters... in the comics.

And none of the traits that I love about her in the comics are anywhere in the film, except her blue skin and shapeshifting ability (to be fair, that's par for the course for the X-men franchise).

In the comics, she's a deeply complex and damaged woman who has lived centuries under assumed aliases before finding love with another woman and disguising herself as a man. This woman also had the gift of prophecy to foretell great calamity and Mystique spent decades trying to prevent the future her lover predicted.

She's the mother of Nightcrawler, with whom her relationship is highly disturbed and corrupted. She always acts to save herself, and discarding her own baby to save her own skin is something that both haunts her yet she justifies to herself time and again.

She's the foster-mother of Rogue, and does care deeply for her surrogate daughter, even allowing her to join her adversaries if that's her ultimate wish and looking out for her time and again despite their clear differences of opinion (while, again, often taking measures against her to save her own skin if need be).

She's a villain in the comics straight-up, but one with enough baggage, ambiguity, and bigotry levied against her to somewhat justify it, along with her own glimpses into the future from Destiny to know that altruism alone won't win the war of genocide against her people.

She's SO interesting in the comics... and so DULL in the recent films.

Mystique's First Class persona goes from frustration at issues that her being a mutant causes to being proud of being a mutant to being a vengeful killing machine even after being told that her actions are gonna mess up mutants in the long run to being pretty apathetic to everything.


I'm not the biggest fan of her work in the X films but damn at the bitches eating crackers in here.

Maybe Dark Phoenix will kill her thus sparing Turner the wrath of X GAF.

The thing that drives me crazy about movie Mystique is I LIKE Mystique as one of my favorite characters... in the comics.

And none of the traits that I love about her in the comics are anywhere in the film, except her blue skin and shapeshifting ability (to be fair, that's par for the course for the X-men franchise).

In the comics, she's a deeply complex and damaged woman who has lived centuries under assumed aliases before finding love with another woman and disguising herself as a man. This woman also had the gift of prophecy to foretell great calamity and Mystique spent decades trying to prevent the future her lover predicted.

She's the mother of Nightcrawler, with whom her relationship is highly disturbed and corrupted. She always acts to save herself, and discarding her own baby to save her own skin is something that both haunts her yet she justifies to herself time and again.

She's the foster-mother of Rogue, and does care deeply for her surrogate daughter, even allowing her to join her adversaries if that's her ultimate wish and looking out for her time and again despite their clear differences of opinion (while, again, often taking measures against her to save her own skin if need be).

She's a villain in the comics straight-up, but one with enough baggage, ambiguity, and bigotry levied against her to somewhat justify it, along with her own glimpses into the future from Destiny to know that altruism alone won't win the war of genocide against her people.

She's SO interesting in the comics... and so DULL in the recent films.

My favorite comics panel of hers is spreading Destiny's ashes.


Mystique's First Class persona goes from frustration at issues that her being a mutant causes to being proud of being a mutant to being a vengeful killing machine even after being told that her actions are gonna mess up mutants in the long run to being pretty apathetic to everything.

That's pretty much the gist for me. In the movies, she ignores destiny, while in the comics she fights against it with every fiber of her being.

My favorite comics panel of hers is spreading Destiny's ashes.

It's beautiful.
Doing it just for a paycheck doesn't excuse her lifeless performance. Tons of actors take roles they don't care for and pull off solid performances.
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