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Jennifer Lawrence on why she's returning for 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix'


She's hot and she's from my adopted town of the 'Ville...so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt....

...but really, who else was calling?


It's been a while but I remember her having virtually no lines unless she was disguised as someone else.



It's been a while but I remember her having virtually no lines unless she was disguised as someone else.

She had lines. They were just really short and to the point. She wasn't giving speeches. She also had a weird subtle reverb in her voice when not disguised.


She had lines. They were just really short and to the point. She wasn't giving speeches. She also had a weird subtle reverb in her voice when not disguised.
Then that's probably why it seemed that way to me, especially compared to JLaw.


- I don't want to do it.

We'll give you more money.

- I'll do it.

Pretty much this.

Haven't really been impressed with her mystique performance.... It always sort of feels like she is just going through the motions.
- I don't want to do it.

We'll give you more money.

- I'll do it.

I really doubt she's struggling for money right now. I don't see threads dedicated around mocking Robert Downey Jr. for wanting more money to be in his Marvel films.

All this hate for Jennifer Lawrence is confusing to me.
Because she likes money and Kinsberg & Co. don't know what they're doing so they made Mystique the team leader instead of Cyclops which is the most ass-backwards thing they could possibly do.

All this hate for Jennifer Lawrence is confusing to me.

Her character sucks ass in these films and she doesn't bring anything interesting to the role at all to make the massive character change worthwhile. She barely even tries.


Dat paycheck? I hear she is very good in Mother. I do like her as an actress but lost a lot of respect for her as a person.
Jennifer Lawrence is wealthy enough and in-demand enough that she didn't even need to do this for the money. I can't imagine why she would want to spend her early mornings getting blue, then up to 12 hours on set for a physically demanding part. She could just do David O Russell movies for the rest of her career if she wanted, probably pick up a handful of acting awards in the meantime.
It's not like she is blue much at all considering the last movie, right?

I just want to know why Mystique is even such an important character in these movies. She doesn't really DO anything.
I've already written off the Dark Phoenix movie. Why the fuck would you give it to a first time director after the middling box-office performance of Apocalypse?

The X-Men series as a whole should never approach this phoenix bullshit again. That's not what the core concept of the franchise is about anyway.

Thank god for the spin-offs.


I really doubt she's struggling for money right now. I don't see threads dedicated around mocking Robert Downey Jr. for wanting more money to be in his Marvel films.

All this hate for Jennifer Lawrence is confusing to me.

Because even if RDJ doesn't have passion for the role/marvel movies (never given any indication he doesn't, just saying) he acts like he does and gives good to outstanding performances everytime. His last two roles were Civil War and Homecoming and he seemed just as into the as his first despite it being like his 8th and 9th marvel movie.

JLaw was already giving up in the second movie and was really phoning it in in the third. She has said multiple times she doesn't like doing it or was walking away when the contract was up or the like but here she is, back in the role because she "owes it to the fans". It reeks of bullshit. If you want more money I'm not gonna fault you but don't act like it's anything more than a better paycheck.


No bald cap? Lies!
Gross. J-law is absolutely abysmal in these films and sucks the life out of Mystique and any energy in every scene she is in. What little interest I had in this new film has taken a major blow.


Care about the fans? Then stop playing a character you don't give a shit about.

Care about the money? Be honest you Hollywood shill.

Jennifer Lawrence seems like a lameass person and this statement is more of the same garbage from her lying mouth.

Is this some kind of satire?

Because otherwise, I do not know. I expect this level of talk from youtube comments, honestly.

Quick edit: yeah, I get it, GAF hates her. Still... why have a thread on this then? Its clear she cant say anything that would recieve a modest reaction.
I really doubt she's struggling for money right now. I don't see threads dedicated around mocking Robert Downey Jr. for wanting more money to be in his Marvel films.

All this hate for Jennifer Lawrence is confusing to me.

My issues with her in the film is that she seems like the main character a lot of the time and the motivating force for all the x kiddies.. on top of that, she spends most of her time in her human form than in her OG form. So because of that, I'd like someone else.


I didn't realize it was possible to dislike Jennifer Lawrence so much until I started coming into threads with her name on them... is it just because people think she's somehow single-handedly ruining the X-men franchise or is this like when everyone started turning on Anne Hathaway for no reason?


I didn't realize it was possible to dislike Jennifer Lawrence so much until I started coming into threads with her name on them... is it just because people think she's somehow single-handedly ruining the X-men franchise or is this like when everyone started turning on Anne Hathaway for no reason?

In the context of this thread, people just don't like her Mystique fam


I didn't realize it was possible to dislike Jennifer Lawrence so much until I started coming into threads with her name on them... is it just because people think she's somehow single-handedly ruining the X-men franchise or is this like when everyone started turning on Anne Hathaway for no reason?

I think she can be a fantastic actress, it's just that she coasts or doesn't give it her all in some things. Plus the Golden Globes incident soured me a little.


sparkle this bitch
Umm..... why does everyone hate Jennifer Lawrence?

She has been the worst part of the Xmen films, while whining it too.

It's not hate directed towards her, as much as her specifically in the Xmen film. She clearly doesn't give a shit in Apocalypse and it shows, she has typically been the worst actor and aspect of the three last flicks, and she has talked about how she doesn't care about the project in comparison to every other lead, such as Jackman, Stewart, McCoy, Fassbender, and McKellen. Who have all clearly loved working with the series. She is a painful sore spot in the franchise right now.

It's why a lot of people want to see her ass bounce.


My contract was up, I didn't have to do another one, but if I didn't do another one, what would her story be? I felt like I owed it to the fans, and I owed it to the character to follow her journey, to be fair to the movies, and not be like, ‘I don't want to do another X-Men!' And then I just never show up and everyone's very confused about the Mystique they've been following for the last three films.

Translation:'Be grateful, plebs, that i still graced this movie with my presence. Tho' to be fair, it's kinda hard to pass-up the money.'

J-Law shouldve just said something generic and vaguely positive like 'We are doing something new with Mystique's character in the movie. I hope the fans would enjoy it.'.
I didn't realize it was possible to dislike Jennifer Lawrence so much until I started coming into threads with her name on them... is it just because people think she's somehow single-handedly ruining the X-men franchise or is this like when everyone started turning on Anne Hathaway for no reason?

It's more that she is a very bad Mystique, and you can tell she doesn't care anymore. I do kind of wonder what would have happened if she wasn't Mystique or not as popular. I imagine there would be less focus on Mystique and other characters would take the lead. That said X-Men movies have been hits and misses.
Because $$$ & she gets to be even more main character now that Jackman is retired. I can already see mystique is the reason why Jean is dark Phoenix because she's a big fan. Then mystique subdues dark Phoenix all by herself at the end.


Mystique is the worst thing in the first class films. Beast is a close second.

Let them both go, save money, reboot the entire franchise with a solid well written plan.


Mystique is the worst thing in the first class films. Beast is a close second.

Let them both go, save money, reboot the entire franchise with a solid well written plan.

Gotta keep those box office numbers (salary quote) up until the next franchise hits! The arthouse/Oscar movies won't help with it!


Flashless at the Golden Globes
She's a great actress but they didnt give her much to work with in the movies. Both Fassbender and MaCovoy got great meaty dialogue while she was forced to hide behind a terrible mask and a terrible character.

She would've been better off as Jean Grey or a new mutant character. Mystique simply isnt interesting enough.

the faults of the script are not hers.
Jennifer Lawrence remains a pretty interesting actor in a lot of the stuff she does, but she's clearly as uninterested in continuing on as Mystique as Craig is at continuing on with Bond. And it's a shame both series are saddled with otherwise-good actors who are unenthusiastic about what roles they're playing for at least one additional film.
She's a great actress but they didnt give her much to work with in the movies. Both Fassbender and MaCovoy got great meaty dialogue while she was forced to hide behind a terrible mask and a terrible character.

She would've been better off as Jean Grey or a new mutant character. Mystique simply isnt interesting enough.

the faults of the script are not hers.
You can't really do much when you force a side character from the comics to become a main character. Mystique is no more important than toad, or blob or sabertooth in the comics.
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