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Jennifer Lawrence on why she's returning for 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix'


I don't hate Jennifer Lawrence, but I'd rather not see her phone in Mystique again.

Eh, this movie was probably gonna suck anyways.
I don't hate Jennifer Lawrence, but I'd rather not see her phone in Mystique again.

Eh, this movie was probably gonna suck anyways.

Nah I'm sure it'll be great, they'll find a really good way to "ground" the Dark Phoenix Saga while also including Space Empress Lilandra.


In the context of this thread, people just don't like her Mystique fam

I think she can be a fantastic actress, it's just that she coasts or doesn't give it her all in some things. Plus the Golden Globes incident soured me a little.

It's more that she is a very bad Mystique, and you can tell she doesn't care anymore. I do kind of wonder what would have happened if she wasn't Mystique or not as popular. I imagine there would be less focus on Mystique and other characters would take the lead. That said X-Men movies have been hits and misses.

Gotcha. I definitely wouldn't call Mystique her best work but I don't remember it being particularly offensive either. As a person she's always seemed pretty honest and chill to me. And I mean everyone likes to get paid that kinda goes without saying, that doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't give a shit. Not trying to lead the J-law defense force but I like her so I was just curious. lol


I'm a bit weary of this "Jennifer Lawrence and the X-Men" series. Mystique is a cool side characrer, but we really need an X-men movie with a more fleshed out X-MEN team.
I'm sick of Mystique in these movies, but it's not like the next one has any shot at being good anyway. Apocalypse was already trash, and I doubt Kinberg has it in him to pull out anything better.


She's not going to be blue........but she'll be rolling in the green.



Worst Xmen actress. Drains all the life out of these new movies. I don't want to see any more of her Mystique.


Un Rama
They should probably stop talking about this new X-men movie now. The more I hear the less I'm ever going to see it.


I am confused

why do they need to keep the mystique actress ever

when mystique's whole power revolving around looking like anyone she wants
I'm actually surprised at her decision. It seems like she hated playing the character, and it's not like she's struggling for acting roles or needs the extra money.
She may not be struggling for work, but she'll probably make for one X-Men movie what she'll make for 10 mother!'s.

Even if money's not a problem, a LOT of money is hard to say no to.
I really like Lawrence, I really do, and I'm sure she's a fine person in real life. I also appreciate her doing films like Mother, good or bad. I just wish she was a bit more honest with the reason she's returning to this franchise, when it's clear that it's not because of the fans, it's the mula, that and putting Mystique at the front of the franchise again is gonna be disappointing. Focus on some new characters.

Seriously. This is the seventh main one.

Fox still hates his ass. At least he had bigger role in the last one, mind you that movie was still a mess.


J Law is the Roman Reigns of X Men. No one likes her in the role, but someone in charge has decided she as Mystique needs to be the face of the franchise. Its so weird, she's a fine actress in other things, yet she's the worst part of these movies.
Thank god, I'd hate for people to be confused by the X-Men franchise because a character is suddenly played by entirely different actor.

I was just gonna post this, her saying

And then I just never show up and everyone’s very confused about the Mystique they’ve been following for the last three films.

Makes it sound like she somehow thinks they would just... drop Mystique from the X-Men movies!? Does she honestly think they wouldn't simply recast her? Especially when they could just do something as simple as keep her in her "natural" blue form for the majority of the movie when she isn't morphing into someone else, making the change in actress even less noticeable?


My understanding is that there are no fans of her performance as Mystique, so what the fuck is she talking about?


One of the reasons I like First Class the best of this new trilogy is that it kept the focus on Charles and Xavier. Mystique was just a supporting player. Turning her into the main character was baffling, and it was made even worse by her looking so bored everytime she's on screen.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
I like JLAW, but mysituque is just such a dull character in the movies

Give the focus on my girl rogue.


Care about the fans? Then stop playing a character you don't give a shit about.

Care about the money? Be honest you Hollywood shill.

Jennifer Lawrence seems like a lameass person and this statement is more of the same garbage from her lying mouth.
lol chill

she's out here to get paid, like every other actor ever


Father? You mean mother, right?

Nope, her shapeshifting is that good. It's one of the many untold tales of X-men characters. Like Wolverine was going to be really a mutated Wolverine, and many of the second wave X-men characters(Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus) were originally going to be DC characters.
She was the worst thing about the last movie, and there was quite a lot of bad things with that last movie.

She wants the money. That's cool, cash in while you can. Just don't be a liar about it.


My biggest fear is that Mystique will end up being a host for the Phoenix Force, then end up sacrificing herself. On one hand, it would finally get rid of J-Law. But on the other, it would be all about Mystique yet again.
She's a fine actress when she tries. Ultimately her problem is she doesn't in her Mystique role, which sticks out when paired against McAvoy and Fassbender. Both who, even in Apocalypse's schlockiest moments, put in the work. That said, I feel there are larger problems at play with X-Men Dark Phoenix, so I'm not sure it'll be the place where she can deliver a solid Mystique performance.
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