Where is the pain the ass then?
I use my PC every day:
1. push power button
2. power on the controller
3. use the controller to flick through the games
4. click on a game and it starts
5. play the game
6. exit the game by clicking quit in the menu
7. back in the games library again
Is this painful?
This is Steam big picture mode.
I try to avoid other launcher’s games or set them up to start from Steam. Can start Gamepass games from Steam, Epic games.
In rare occasions when a keyboard is needed I use a wireless keyboard with touch pad. That’s annoying. But hardly a pain in the ass. And it’s rare enough that the keyboard is always dusty.
For me I have a couple extra steps. I’m not having a separate PC for work and gaming—set up wise that’s not an issue as I have my desk near a 65” TV in my office/mancave, so the TV is just a third monitor essentially.
But I have to disable that display when working as I often have the TV on when working and windows will open on it sometimes etc. So to get a game going I have to reenable the display and then launch Steam in big picture mode.
But yeah, it’s not a huge pain in the ass or anything. I just haven’t bothered upgrading it (GTX 970, so very dated) as I realized:
1) I just don’t care about graphics/performance enough to pay the premium over consoles (though the gap is narrowing some).
2) Hate kb/m controls (or using them after working with them a ton of hours every week) so I miss that benefit.
3) Didn’t find any PC exclusive games I enjoyed. Just didn’t end up enjoy things like 4X games (Civilization etc.), RTS, MOBA, CRPGs, sim games etc. never liked competive shooters or PVP games in generation etc. So I was just playing the same games I’d be playing on console with a bit better graphics and higher frame rates—which are nice but not that big a deal to me.
4) Sony (and some times Nintendo) first party games end up getting a lot of my time most years so I just wasn’t gaming on PC much given the price I paid for it.
Anyway, I’m open to switching to PC down the road, but—as I posted before—it would take Sony porting their games to PC more consistently and quickly. I’m not waiting 2+ years post launch to play what end up being a ton of my favorite games each generation as someone that mostly enjoys narrative driven, cinematic games these days.