March Climber
Every few weeks it keeps happening, like door-to-door salesmen.omg what's with the xbox influencers' hard sell with the PC?
Every few weeks it keeps happening, like door-to-door salesmen.omg what's with the xbox influencers' hard sell with the PC?
omg what's with the xbox influencers' hard sell with the PC?
I'll agree, but add the switch pro controller to the switch as I have no idea how people use just the switch by itself without cramping your hands.In my opinion,
Switch 2 + PS5 PRO is a perfect kit
for the next 4 years.
yup agreed 100%I play alot of VR between Steam and PS5 and the expierence on PS5 is quite the contrast in comparison, it's a way better user experience.
PSVR 2 just works on PS5 all the time with zero issues ever.
It makes it twice as annoying for people like me who actually own a Series X.This started at the beginning of the year shortly before the “going third party” leaks started.
These guys have been Microsoft’s unofficial marketing since the late 360 days.
The directive is clear, we’re moving away from Xbox consoles and going multi platform, but PC where Gamepass has the best chance of success, so promote that.
omg what's with the xbox influencers' hard sell with the PC?
It makes it twice as annoying for people like me who actually own a Series X.
what are your reasons for sticking with a console?
Yep me too. Steam deck, PC and PlayStation. There really is no reason anymore to item an Xbox.I love console gaming and PC gaming. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Fanboys, answer us![]()
MS knows they will hold an advantage if they can help facilitate a transfer of users from Sonys closed console ecosystem to PC. ‘Change the battlefield’ so to speak. Not to mention that such a shift, a marginalization of consoles, will only weaken Sony.omg what's with the xbox influencers' hard sell with the PC?
I'm in the same boat - literally. Same GPU, Steam Deck as my main PC gaming platform. I work as a Linux Sysadmin for a large DC and can't be bothered to even use my PC in the evening past maybe some self-studying or watching YouTube while gaming on my PS5 (sometimes Series X). I don't want to hook my PC up to my TV, I don't want to play with settings, I don't mind aiming with a controller, I don't mind 60 FPS, I don't mind not playing on Ultra. Just 3 years ago I really cared about all of the aforementioned (I was definitely a PCMR affiliate, never aggressive about it though) - then my daughter was born and getting to play at all was a treat. A console fits the bill.I have a PC with a 4070 and still do the vast majority of my gaming on consoles and handhelds (and Steam Deck). The user experience is much slicker, there is generally less fucking about trying to get games to run, you can have a physical collection on a shelf and the consoles are powerful enough now that there is not a noticeable difference from the high settings in many releases. You get the occasional game where the PC version just blows console out the water (Cyberpunk, Black Myth) and some genres are just better on PC (RTS games, Baldur's Gate 3), but that's what the 4070 is for.
I've never liked this argument. Money should not be a defining factor in personal choice. Just because I can afford a $100k AMG doesn't mean I should buy one instead of a $25K Elantra if all I need is a car to get me places.I'd think if it's a person's main hobby and they have the money (and want to do a lot more than just gaming) they would tend to go for the better more flexible platform. But in the end I'd just put it in the "who cares" box.
While it's not as archaic as a lot of people make it seem you know that it's not as simple as that. I have my PC set to to automatically login, launch steam at startup and launch into BPM which is about as console like as I can get (I built a ITX build because I like moving it back and forth between my desk in the living room and the tv stand) but that doesn't mean it's as easy as a console because despite being able to use my Dualsense trackpad as a mouse for random there are still times I gotta get up to go get my keyboard and mouse.3 clicks of a mouse on Steam vs. two clicks on a pad? When was the last time you tried to game on PC?
MS knows they will hold an advantage if they can help facilitate a transfer of users from Sonys closed console ecosystem to PC. ‘Change the battlefield’ so to speak. Not to mention that such a shift, a marginalization of consoles, will only weaken Sony.
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about..I've never liked this argument. Money should not be a defining factor in personal choice. Just because I can afford a $100k AMG doesn't mean I should buy one instead of a $25K Elantra if all I need is a car to get me places.
I know a lot of people that can very easily afford a expensive gaming PC but don't own one because they don't feel like they need one or they just don't care because their PlayStation or Xbox does everything they need it to do. The most responsible people I know money wise simply buy what they need versus what they can get.
Absolutely. While PC gaming is smoother than it has been, I also have less and less patience for any kind of bullshit at all the older I get.Plug 'n play. Simple as that. I'm 40 years old. I don't have time for bullshits.
Marching orders
Marching orders coming down the pipeline
Just wait the leak price of the Pro is going to be $599 (which I tend to believe and have said all along) and people are going to say something like "If you are willing to spend that just buy a budget gaming PC"
AccurateYou should really be quotingHeisenbergFX4 from January and earlier.