It's fantastic that this got funded so quickly! That's a good sign for America, really. Yes, I doubt that this will overturn the results of the election, but we need audits like this to know that our system actually is still fair. If you don't recount you don't know, and I think there is reason to want to be sure these counts were right, for as unlikely as it is if there is any chance something was messed with, we need to find that out! And regardless, this kind of thing should be done regularly anyway to make sure things are accurate.
On a related note, much of the Pennsylvania vote uses electronic voting machines with no paper record, so there's no real way to recount them. Seriously, they need to get rid of those and go back to paper; with no record, there's no way to be sure if the vote was actually legitimate or not. It's a huge issue in any close election. After the mid '00s most states got rid of no-record electronic voting machines, but not Pennsylvania apparently, sadly enough... unfortunate.
But yeah, regardless of the unlikeliness of the results being overturned, I'm all for this effort and hope the recounts happen. The Green Party's useful sometimes, apparently, such as when the Dems are being too nice to push for something like this... seriously, you don't win when you won't fight for your values and candidates. Even if it's unlikely, push for every vote you can.