*Calling the Hayato thing a "notepad" is definitely a misnomer - it's merely a clever way to get a DLC code to you.
Game arrived this morning! Only had time to get it set up and play a quick versus match with my daughter (also a JoJo's fan). Thoughts so far:
It takes a long time to get the game ready to play. I didn't time it, but it felt like a good 10-15 minutes to get everything done.
- Buy, download & install Shiggy/Harvest DLC - 300 yen, 2000 KB download
- add Kira DLC
- add & download compatibility pack from the store - 171 MB
- Launch game - mandatory install
- "Campaign data check" - lengthy enough to be annoying
- Trophy install/check
The "press start" splash screen is an ad for DLC, or appears to be - Shiggy and Kira splashed across it. Left a bad taste.
Characters are locked not only in story, but also in Versus, which is a bad way to do it. I didn't mind P4A's method of locking characters in story mode, because it was tied to the presentation of that mode. Everything was available for Versus out of the gate, and it's locked here. Not a good decision.
As I said, I only played one match, but the actual game seems like exactly what I wanted: a JoJo's fighting game with a cool look and tons of fan service. I do like that movement changes for the stand characters (at least Josuke) based on whether their stand is out or not. We had fun.