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Jon Jones tests positive for steroids after UFC 214, title stripped

I'm not a Jones fan but I have very mixed feelings about this.

Part of me is not shocked, and kind of happy to see Cormier somewhat justified, he is a fantastic role model and I wish we had more people like Cormier, who have overcome insane adversity through hard work.

On the other hand however. Jon Jones is perhaps the most talented Mixed Martial Artist we have ever seen. It was believed by a lot of people he would be eclipsed eventually after dismantling Shogun. He was seen as the first of a new generation, a generation who have trained specifically in MMA for a lifetime. That eclipse has yet to happen, Jones has taken all comers and defeated all of them handidly.

It is so disappointing to see one of the most talented and clever fighters we have ever seen, defeated not by a superior opponent, but himself.


My brother texted me this and I LOL'ed. Fuck. The UFC can't catch a break lately. Between this and the beating that PBF is about to put on Connor, LOL indeed!

Anyway, I've been saying this for years- Jon Jones is a piece of shit. It's time for a lifetime ban from the UFC for this dude. He's had 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances already. Fuck him.

Mobius 1

Should not have been given this chance, yet there it is. Surfuckinprise. I don't understand where people are finding sympathy for this imbecile.

idk how the fuck i forgot OJ. Jones has to be a close second though


Literally the worst cheater in sports. If youre gonna cheat, at least make sure you have a top notch team around you like GOAT cheater Lance Armstrong.


I feel so bad for DC.

Whole situation is just nonsense. With this and the Kyrie/IT trade, the Sports world was kinda crazy today.

For DC, man I feel for the guy. I'm not really a fan of DC and JJ, but you can tell when he lost dude was crushed. JJ literally broke him, and I felt like DC might retire because he knew he'd never beat Jon.

And now you find out your number 1 rival took steroids, again. Unfairly won your belt, again. Crazy.


Dude had the potential to be the greatest even after tons of fuck ups. I knew he wasn't ready to change once I heard him on the Rogan podcast. He couldnt say he was done partying for good. I'm sure he can come back and still make a killing but talk of greatest ever wont be. His whole career is in question now.
Jon Jones is one of the biggest clowns in sports history. Just a scumbag outside and inside the octagon. I'm sure he still has plenty of fans though because he wins************* tho!

Daniel Cormier has been so abused by this guy and it's unbelievably frustrating.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Should be looking at a lifetime ban at this point, NFL should probably test his brothers too.


How many times was Jones tested before they brought in the new stricter USADA testing? I suspect that maybe he's been on steroids his entire career? Maybe he literally can't perform without them?

That's got to be the only explanation for why he would use them again so quickly - life time roider? He did always seem freakishly strong considering his long gangly frame, especially when he was younger and was really skinny yet throwing around bigger opponents with ease.

Even if he wasn't a life time roider there will always be a question mark over his career. With Silva and Jones both having tested positive in the past GOAT has to be GSP now?
How many times was Jones tested before they brought in the new stricter USADA testing? I suspect that maybe he's been on steroids his entire career? Maybe he literally can't perform without them?

That's got to be the only explanation for why he would use them again so quickly - life time roider? He did always seem freakishly strong considering his long gangly frame, especially when he was younger and was really skinny yet throwing around bigger opponents with ease.

Even if he wasn't a life time roider there will always be a question mark over his career. With Silva and Jones both having tested positive in the past GOAT has to be GSP now?

My gut says he wasn't on roids in the prime of his career when he was younger. He just has that long frame, is incredibly athletic, and a very talented and smart fighter.

If I had to guess, the partying, drugs, and getting older has destroyed his body. He's using roids like a crutch like many older fighters wind up doing to return to their prime era state.
30 would be considered his prime

But yeah...if he was that heavy on drugs then who knows how much damage he did to himself.

It just blows my mind he would go back to using after the ordeal he just went through especially on a steroid that has been in the test pool for YEARS.

Self sabotage ?

I don't know....there aren't a lot of things that make sense in this situation and I mean I'm guessing he has gotten tested a lot for this fight...
Honestly this has really knocked the wind out of my sails

I honestly thought the guy had turned his life around. Dana can't give him any more chances now.
Meltz said that the stuff he was taking would potentially give the lowered te ratio he got for the questionable test results found during Jones Cormier 1 as well.
i've just been doing a quick read around and it doesn't sound like Tbol is found in any type of med or anything like that. He'll make a great heel in wwe


if true

1) strip Jones of the title

2) cancel his contract

3) lifetime ban from the UFC

4) Gustafsson vs Oezdemir title eliminator/interim title

if true

1) strip Jones of the title

2) cancel his contract

3) lifetime ban from the UFC

4) Gustafsson vs Oezdemir title eliminator/interim title


They should, but given all the debt they have I have no faith in them doing it.

Maybe this will be the last straw though.


How many times was Jones tested before they brought in the new stricter USADA testing? I suspect that maybe he's been on steroids his entire career? Maybe he literally can't perform without them?

That's got to be the only explanation for why he would use them again so quickly - life time roider? He did always seem freakishly strong considering his long gangly frame, especially when he was younger and was really skinny yet throwing around bigger opponents with ease.

Even if he wasn't a life time roider there will always be a question mark over his career. With Silva and Jones both having tested positive in the past GOAT has to be GSP now?

Trust me, this guy has been on steroids for the large majority of his career. This isn't something you just pick up and try and get caught a couple times. You need to royally fuck up, and they KNOW how to beat these tests even still today. But they get greedy.... this was a fight test he failed... this douche had plenty of time ot beat the test.


Jones was a mistake, purge him from the history books. Daniel Cormier, greatest LHW, never lost to someone who wasn't doped or coked up.


They should, but given all the debt they have I have no faith in them doing it.

Maybe this will be the last straw though.
They went with the redemption angle and Jones even fucked that one up. There is no possible way to market him after this. They'll have to drop him.

I hope.
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