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Joseph Gordon-Levitt about voting for lesser of two evils (AMA)

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Wouldn't the lesser of two evils be Trump, because he gives us the best shot of burning the country to the ground and creating in its place something far better, while Hilldawg would just be more of the same? /s

Friend of mine legitimately used that logic while I was arguing with him. He was going to vote Trump because he saw no way for the US to recover when half the country has no backbone and the other half has no brain.

Which, well, it's close to my logic when I voted for Sanders in the primary, with the caveat that we needed some righteous anger rather than to burn the place down, but still. Dayum.
Are you reading something else?

No. But read the quote. He says "Same goes for Hillary and Trump" but he specifically doesn't say "It's why I'm voting for Hillary over Trump."

Now, that's likely what he means, given the context of the rest of the quote, but he does not explicitly say it.


English majors, what can you do with us.


Just gonna leave this here, said by a guy smarter than anyone here.


I like Carlin, but that is inane.

If you are drowning in a river, and I'm walking along the bank, am I not obligated to attempt to save you?

Or can I, as you seem to indicate, only be held responsible if I throw you a rope and you still drown?

I think we know the answer to this.

In many countries it is a crime to leave a person in a state of helplessness.

What Carlin, as funny as he was, didn't understand is that choosing to do nothing is still an actual choice.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
All you guys saying you're not voting at all, better not be seeing you bitching about whatever happens politically.

If you don't vote, you have no right to complain imo.
1) He's dead and the damage is already done.
Trump said he would choose justices just like Scalia. His #1 pick is William Pryor, the biggest enemy of Roe v Wade.
2) ISIS benefits irregardless of candidate, but sure, Trump's hate and fear-mongering will benefit them more in some intangible way.
ISIS actually used Trump in their videos for their recruitment. He benefits ISIS way more.

Now with these two points in mind, are both Hillary and Trump horrible?
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