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Journey |OT| Perfect Strangers


That's another thing..I jumped on the Flower bandwagon hard back then and felt a bit burned. Definitely could have waited, and would have benefited from all the sales/price drops it eventually got. I think Journey will get treated the same. $15 won't break me, but yeah it's just a simple decision I have to make. Don't worry, I'm not looking for some sort of purchase justification, was just wondering how long the game offered that "first time feeling" and whether it was worth it for me to jump in now or wait. I'm looking forward to it either way.

My first playthrough took me 1 hour and 55 min. to be exact.. But it felt MUCH longer.. the game draws you in and you forget time.. I never thought about the playtime (ok I had to test it for my review) when I played it.. 2 hours sounds like nothing, but it feels just perfect for a game like this.

Later on me and TTP went throught the game getting all the collectives and secrets.. took just over 2 hours, because he knew his way around..

After a week I have probably been playing the game for 10 hours.

Agent X

I played a complete run through Journey last night. It's a very beautiful game.

I'll play through it again soon and experiment with different play styles, such as focusing on exploration. Yesterday I chose to cooperate with other players that I encountered, but next time I might try to explore the landscape on my own to see what I can discover.
This game...the most amazing thing happened to me near the end, brought me to tears for the second or third time. (Spoilers, obviously. Don't read unless you've finished the game.)

Near the end of the game, after you "die" and are flying up the mountain, I lost sight of my traveling partner who had been with me for most of the game. I stopped and waited and looked around for a while, but couldn't find him. I thought he'd left or had been disconnected or something. So after a little bit, I decided to just carry on alone. I proceeded up the mountain, and then as I neared the top, off in the distance I saw...his signal.

He got to the top of the mountain before me, and waited for me. I don't think I'd ever been so happy while playing a video game in my entire life. After all that he and I had been through, he waited for me.

I just...I love this game so much.

Same thing man. Some bro stuff going on in this game.

I just wanted to
Grab the other guys hand while forcing our way through the snowy mountain.


that feel when you're cape is freezing and you notice your signs disappearing... so you get as close as you can to your partner... <3

No I'm not gay, I just love you guys ;]


Played it start to finish last night, what an unbelievable experience.

It was so good that for a second I thought I had dreamed it when I woke up this morning.

thatgamecompany really outdid themselves this time. just.... fricking amazing.

and that sand! best sand ever, sorry Uncharted
and that sand! best sand ever, sorry Uncharted

I feel like they used similar tech, but Journey's is a lot more fleshed out because... well... it can. There isn't as much as uncharted on screen so it really helps them bring out that shimmer in the sand.

I want more people to play this game.

I hope my friend does...

He said this.

I don't care if its right, but I hate seeing thatgamecompany. I hate their name, I hate their employees, and I hate watching them succeed. I recognize they are trying to advance video games as a whole, but I they are doing it in the wrong way and should they ever largely influence the rest of the industry, it will only be for worse.

The game I am referring to is a indie title available on PSN, and they were contractually obliged to make their third game on PSN anyway. So the money, could have just made a shitty game. But instead they made Journey, a game about running across the desert with visual effect and audio porn the whole time to keep you going. No dialogue, no story, limited game play, just a face value fuck fest. They did a good job, the game looks amazing.

Heres the problem. thatgamecompany, owners of the most contemporary indie hipster ironic pretentious company name around, are strong believers in games as art. So much so that it is their goal to prove it with every game they release. flOw, Flower, and now Journey seek to prove games as an artistic medium. HOWEVER, they seek to achieve this by the old standards of art (largely visual), rather than creating something new, not calling it art, but creating enough high quality material that is unique to video games and causes people to actually take notice.

If shit like thatgamecompany's theory on vidya infects the rest of the industry and not just the indie scene (which it already has, their idea is not unique) then games will lose any kind of individuality in media and become old and tired, until somebody revolutionizes them.

(other cases against shit industry: Skyrim, Dark Souls, Amnesia, Super Mario 3D Land, Katamari games, etc etc)

This is someone going to school for game development. -___-
Incredible game. Unfortunately, I was paired with travelers who didn't know that singing in flight recharges the other's cape (even though I was trying my best to get this point across by singing nonstop while in the air with him/her - you'd think someone would realize that your cape is recharging everytime the other person sings, but no.. apparently not), so unfortunately, I didn't have the best companion experience.

I also had a companion who didn't seem to understand the concept of floodlights and being caught in one. lol

I did pick up a good one up towards the end of the journey, though, by abandoning my previous one to meditation for a few minutes (aka a cigarette break), and we finished the journey together. Wish I had met him from the beginning -_-


Has alr1ghtstart decided to just leave the OP as it is? I think it's past time it's changed. Now that's I've finished the game, I was hoping I could go there and look at the things I've been avoiding til now; reviews, videos, gifs, the trophy list.

There actually is a purpose to a good OP, which this game has! I've seen it!
I went though it last night and had lots of fun. It's funny because I thought I went through the game with the same person and it was actually 5 different people. We went to the end of the segments together, how in the world am I supposed to stay with a single person.

Loved it by the way. Having seen the first 'level' of the game in pictures so often I was sure what to expect. I really enjoyed the visual throughout the game. Not much of a puzzle game but there enough insentive to try and find things that aren't directly in front of you. I'll probably go through it a few more times this weekend.
This guy is your friend?

He's a smart guy, but he has a very old school Nintendo outlook on games.
He's one of those guys that says stories will get in the way of games.

you haven´t seen Phosphor´s outbreaks on these boards before I assume.. lol

Lol, are you implying this is what I said? I get pretty hot headed, I won't lie. I'm VERY passionate about my games, politics from game developers, the "journalists" associated with the industry... etc.

Very passionate. Since I was in junior high I highly scrutinized companies and such.


Lol, are you implying this is what I said? I get pretty hot headed, I won't lie. I'm VERY passionate about my games, politics from game developers, the "journalists" associated with the industry... etc.

Very passionate. Since I was in junior high I highly scrutinized companies and such.

no no.. sorry... just that he fits you temper as a friend.. ;o)

Yo Gotti

By far the most amazing game I've seen all year.

It makes me wish more games did voiceless, random coop. It's so simple and so much fun.

I haven't beaten it yet but I'm sad to hear that it's short. I think I could play this game for forever.
no no.. sorry... just that he fits you temper as a friend.. ;o)



Has alr1ghtstart decided to just leave the OP as it is? I think it's past time it's changed. Now that's I've finished the game, I was hoping I could go there and look at the things I've been avoiding til now; reviews, videos, gifs, the trophy list.

There actually is a purpose to a good OP, which this game has! I've seen it!
Scroll down in the OP :)


Played through the entire thing last night and loved every second of it. Each level pretty much hit all the emotional notes I think they were aiming for and the visuals were picturesque enough that I would sit and enjoy the view for a few seconds (much to the chagrin of my partners.) I was paired up with pretty useful partners for most of the journey and I think they were aware of most of the ways to recharge your scarf (or if not they picked up on it through my chirping.)

Briefly started a second play through and love the implementation of
the level select hub in the starting area, just because it was so unassuming the first time through.
Tried my best to get the trophy for crossing the bridge, but I'm almost positive it'll take 2 people and I have no idea how easy it'll be to stop people from doing it the 'right' way.



This is someone going to school for game development. -___-
You judging his opinion like that is the proof that you are doing what you accuse him of. You're too close minded. Sure he's a bit extreme but everything he says I can agree with and it makes perfect sense. What is a game? Gameplay first. What's in thatgamecompany's games? Not much.

As for the stories that get in the way of games I quite agree there too. Not that stories actually get in the way of games but rather that developpers are too focused on stories and not enough on gameplay. I don't want movies, I want GAMES. Gaming is an active hobby while movies/cinema is a passive one. You should be able to influence your environment and change it but that's a bit utopic. So you must at least be able to feel immersed and active in your world. Following a tight script can be interesting if it's well made (Half-Life 2 for example) but it's pretty limited if you haven't got an interesting, innovative gameplay.

This blog post perfectly summarizes what I think of the videogames industry nowadays :


Scroll down in the OP :)

Haha, dumb, interent "give it to me now!" mentality at its worst on my part. "I clicked and didn't see it immediately, waaaah!"

Sorry, alri1ght. Thanks, Lik.

Still think the two should be flipped, but whatevs.
I feel like they used similar tech, but Journey's is a lot more fleshed out because... well... it can. There isn't as much as uncharted on screen so it really helps them bring out that shimmer in the sand.

I want more people to play this game.

I hope my friend does...

He said this.


This is someone going to school for game development. -___-

I have friends doing game develloppement and they are saying the exact opposite..
it's one thing to dislike thatgamecompany games but to dislike their desire to expand the scope of videogames as a whole is silly when you're going into that field.. There is enouigh place for different publishers to have a different vision. And Journey & Flower DO tell a tale..


You judging his opinion like that is the proof that you are doing what you accuse him of. You're too close minded. Sure he's a bit extreme but everything he says I can agree with and it makes perfect sense. What is a game? Gameplay first. What's in thatgamecompany's games? Not much.

To each his own.

*goes back to sand surfing while giggling hysterically*
I have friends doing game develloppement and they are saying the exact opposite..
it's one thing to dislike thatgamecompany games but to dislike their desire to expand the scope of videogames as a whole is silly when you're going into that field.. There is enouigh place for different publishers to have a different vision. And Journey & Flower DO tell a tale..

Exactly, he's more into the programming while I'm more into design. As I said before, he's never really liked anything outside Nintendo. No offense to fans of the company, but they seem to be some of the most closed minded on what a game should entail. His favorite games are on GBA and NES... which are obviously heavy gameplay driven. I don't know, whatever floats his boat though man. I'm sure he'll butt heads a lot with other developers whenever he gets to that stage.


Just got done playing this with a companion. It's a game that knows exactly what it wants to do, and every aspect of it is fine-tuned towards that end. The, shall we say, lean gameplay mechanics don't bother me one bit, although I did feel that the barriers, such as they are, were a bit too obvious at times. It's a pretty tight funnel, but it is certainly the prettiest funnel I can think of.

Truth be told, I was honestly expecting the game to end right on the final ascent and thereby revealing the markers as the graves for travelers before; very satisfied it did not go in that direction, to say the least!

Also, the stone serpent revelation did make me jump just a little bit.


It seems to me that people often forget that video games are a visual medium. This supposed "purity of design" you see in old Japanese video games is a measure of technical limitation, as the desire to tell a story is there if an abstraction. Yes, I believe a game has to be rewarding on a purely interactive level, but it doesn't have to have a complex, underlying gameplay system. The idea that that's all video games are is silly, and antisocial to me, because if all one wants is mastery over a system there are several perfect games out there to play, including Chess, Go and soccer. Why waste your time playing fundamentally inferior games? And so, "What's in thatgamecompany's games? Not much," is incredibly close-minded to me. It's aesthetically engaging and obviously moving to a lot of people. It's also enjoyable to move about in the sand and "play" with another person as two little children would do. To me there is nothing more valuable the medium can offer than that.
I bought Flower and "played" it like, twice. I don't regret it, it's a wonderfully relaxing tech demo.

I've managed to convince myself that this has more going for it, so I'm going to be giving it a go. It already looks better, has a non-six-axis camera control option, and a character with a jump button, so I figure even if there's no real game to speak of within, it's already better than Flower.


Just got done playing this with a companion. It's a game that knows exactly what it wants to do, and every aspect of it is fine-tuned towards that end. The, shall we say, lean gameplay mechanics don't bother me one bit, although I did feel that the barriers, such as they are, were a bit too obvious at times. It's a pretty tight funnel, but it is certainly the prettiest funnel I can think of.

Truth be told, I was honestly expecting the game to end right on the final ascent and thereby revealing the markers as the graves for travelers before; very satisfied it did not go in that direction, to say the least!

Also, the stone serpent revelation did make me jump just a little bit.

I actually threw my controller up in the air... it landed on my sleeping wife.. was totally not expecting it, and with sony´s 7.1 headset I was more than "living" the game


It seems to me that people often forget that video games are a visual medium. This supposed "purity of design" you see in old Japanese video games is a measure of technical limitation, as the desire to tell a story is there if an abstraction. Yes, I believe a game has to be rewarding on a purely interactive level, but it doesn't have to have a complex, underlying gameplay system. The idea that that's all video games are is silly, and antisocial to me, because if all one wants is mastery over a system there are several perfect games out there to play, including Chess, Go and soccer. Why waste your time playing fundamentally inferior games? And so, "What's in thatgamecompany's games? Not much," is silly and incredibly close-minded to me. It's aesthetically engaging and obviously moving to a lot of people. It's also enjoyable to move about in the sand and "play" with another person as two little children would do. To me there is nothing more valuable the medium can offer than that.

There is something to be said for rating games which are almost tech demos, however beautiful, lower than games with both great aesthetics and mechanics.
You judging his opinion like that is the proof that you are doing what you accuse him of. You're too close minded. Sure he's a bit extreme but everything he says I can agree with and it makes perfect sense. What is a game? Gameplay first. What's in thatgamecompany's games? Not much.

As for the stories that get in the way of games I quite agree there too. Not that stories actually get in the way of games but rather that developpers are too focused on stories and not enough on gameplay. I don't want movies, I want GAMES. Gaming is an active hobby while movies/cinema is a passive one. You should be able to influence your environment and change it but that's a bit utopic. So you must at least be able to feel immersed and active in your world. Following a tight script can be interesting if it's well made (Half-Life 2 for example) but it's pretty limited if you haven't got an interesting, innovative gameplay.

This blog post perfectly summarizes what I think of the videogames industry nowadays :

Errm... so it's all the artists fault? Some of the "best" and most popular games this gen have mediocre graphics... or fantastic ones. There is no correlation of gameplay mechanics/"fun" to graphical fidelity. If you can find one, I'd like for you to show me.

Stories and cinematic experiences in games aren't "passive" like watching a movie would be. You engage the story and become (buzzword time!) immersed into the world, more so than ANY movie ever can. Games aren't Tennis for Two anymore, the game industry is one that is so complex that it infringes on so many mediums. CGI, musical, narrative.. etc.

Anyway, don't want to derail the thread anymore than I already have.

By the way, the GAMEPLAY MECHANICS of this game are fantastically done. ;]


Played through the entire thing last night and loved every second of it. Each level pretty much hit all the emotional notes I think they were aiming for and the visuals were picturesque enough that I would sit and enjoy the view for a few seconds (much to the chagrin of my partners.) I was paired up with pretty useful partners for most of the journey and I think they were aware of most of the ways to recharge your scarf (or if not they picked up on it through my chirping.)

Briefly started a second play through and love the implementation of
the level select hub in the starting area, just because it was so unassuming the first time through.
Tried my best to get the trophy for crossing the bridge, but I'm almost positive it'll take 2 people and I have no idea how easy it'll be to stop people from doing it the 'right' way.

The bridge is much easier than you think! Keep experimenting!


There is something to be said for rating games which are almost tech demos, however beautiful, lower than games with both great aesthetics and mechanics.

I agree, particularly when writing for the general public. Cloud was a tech demo, while Flow was a glorified tech demo. To me, Flower was not successful because flight was obtuse. I found it cumbersome and it didn't interest me; I was just playing to further the story, which is also the problem I have with games like the Uncharted series. That said, I think Journey succeeds because movement feels rewarding on its own, and it serves as framework for this beautiful world. The mechanics and aesthetic are deeply intertwined in a very traditional, gamey way and it's actually fun. I think it might even entertain you for a few minutes. : )


I've got a lot of constructive criticism. I liked it overall, but I'm not a sucker for "games as art" projects like this, nor do I feel any attachment to them. Is it safe to post here or is this circle jerk territory? Haven't read anything beyond the awesome OP.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I've got a lot of constructive criticism. I liked it overall, but I'm not a sucker for "games as art" projects like this, nor do I feel any attachment to them. Is it safe to post here or is this circle jerk territory? Haven't read anything beyond the awesome OP.

Never be afraid to share your opinion in a "circle jerk" thread, haha.
I've got a lot of constructive criticism. I liked it overall, but I'm not a sucker for "games as art" projects like this, nor do I feel any attachment to them. Is it safe to post here or is this circle jerk territory? Haven't read anything beyond the awesome OP.

This is GAF, 60% of the time, it's full of contrarians all of the time.
I've got a lot of constructive criticism. I liked it overall, but I'm not a sucker for "games as art" projects like this, nor do I feel any attachment to them. Is it safe to post here or is this circle jerk territory? Haven't read anything beyond the awesome OP.

If it's constructive, go ahead, if it's just "i dont like it because it is what it is" do it elsewhere. You seem level headed though. ;]


What an amazing game. Just barely managed to see my companion's id after the credits and sent him a message. So totally worth the money.
Later on me and TTP went throught the game getting all the collectives and secrets.. took just over 2 hours, because he knew his way around..

After a week I have probably been playing the game for 10 hours.

Wait. I didn't think you could choose who you co-op with. Can you?

Getting Trine 2 and Sly Raccoon 1 HD for free, plus this game one week early. It's a good day to be a PS+ member.

Trine 2? Is that EU only?
Would thatgamecompany ever license out their grass and sand tech? Also, I hope for Sony's sake that they did everything in their power to tie them down.
This game...the most amazing thing happened to me near the end, brought me to tears for the second or third time. (Spoilers, obviously. Don't read unless you've finished the game.)

Near the end of the game, after you "die" and are flying up the mountain, I lost sight of my traveling partner who had been with me for most of the game. I stopped and waited and looked around for a while, but couldn't find him. I thought he'd left or had been disconnected or something. So after a little bit, I decided to just carry on alone. I proceeded up the mountain, and then as I neared the top, off in the distance I saw...his signal.

He got to the top of the mountain before me, and waited for me. I don't think I'd ever been so happy while playing a video game in my entire life. After all that he and I had been through, he waited for me.

I just...I love this game so much.
I wonder of if i was playing with you..im bbkeezie. I was compelled to wait for my partner as well .
Btw this game is so worth the money. Its amazing from the one playthrough already
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