I'm down with getting along. Shit would suck if they shut this place down. The atmosphere is a lot different from the rest of the board, OT especially.We'll all get it if we don't make nice!
I'm down with getting along. Shit would suck if they shut this place down. The atmosphere is a lot different from the rest of the board, OT especially.We'll all get it if we don't make nice!
They're probably going to hold it hostage until August.No archive for the first MNW episode? That sucks.![]()
If TNA can survive, then so can we.I'm down with getting along. Shit would suck if they shut this place down. The atmosphere is a lot different from the rest of the board, OT especially.
Tell agian why isnt Doplth getting push?
This is WrassleGAF's Steroid Scandal.
You have my word that Heel and Dream will be removed from the community.
It's my time then because I've been clean from day one!
Fandango is kind of great when he's working his date rapist gimmick.
Name names and the reasons you think they are "working gimmicks."
I got a PM from a mod, so I need to talk about some things.
We need to get our shit in order or else we're going to be NBA-GAF'd. And that'd fucking suck. This is our home, so we need to get our house in order and get our shit together.
It starts with us here. So let's get shit back on track. Fix all this shit. Talk it out, beat it out, cry it out, whatever. Let's get past hating ourselves and enjoy some goddamn wrestling before we lose our home. We're not making some other place to go, we're not splintering anything, we're getting our shit fixed because we're not some Halo-GAF or some shit. Let's shape up.
So here's a list of things that I think will help, and I'd appreciate it if you all can help me out here because I like this goddamn community.
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
2. Let's tone down the vitriol towards each other, gimmick or not.
3. No more accusing people of gimmick posting unless your name is Horse. Because that was a goddamn gimmick and we all know it.
4. No personal attacks for a while, even in jest. Just let it calm down a bit.
We need to bring fun back, keep it playful, and not try to get one over on each other. We can have a decent goddamned community, but we're in danger now and we all need to rally and hit that hot tag to get Omerta back in action and the mods going back to ignoring us.
Will you all help me? I'll do all the things on that list.
JBL Face!! LMAO!!!
Fandango twerking.
Someone gif this
lol... Fandango got that one off.
Oh my
lol this is amazing
I'm not your boy toy
Fandango > Ziggler
That was the best dance performance I've seen since Shawn Michaels at In Your House.maggle the striations are getting to me
Don't. We need to just drop it. Pointing fingers will obviously help no one.
Ambrose match was okay live.
Bret next. Time to perk up.
Wow that's exactly the kind of thing a gimmick poster would say. I think we need to get these witch hunts started RIGHT NOW.
But friend Heel is cool
What the Dust brothers were looking at off screen.
Don't. We need to just drop it. Pointing fingers will obviously help no one.
Thanks for the spoilers, Ithil /Carnby
Starting a witch hunt sounds like something a gimmick poster would do in order to save face, Sokantish
You have my word that Heel and Dream will be removed from the community.
Serpentine Heel cannot be trusted. Thanks to him, my good friend sien916 is no longer among us. I would advise all of you to watch it.
Random observations:
-Cena is over. Now. Then. Forever.
-Cena merch is everywhere...TONS of kids, and even some women and...grown men. There is really no reason to have a Cena shirt as a grown man unless you have kids
Real talk I don't get the Miz hate
Except for all the awesome.
Seriously, if you don't like this, you probably just don't like wrasslin. This is fun, and easily the best thing he's ever done.
I dig this Miz character. Seems very confident and like he owns it. "Get ready for your closeup" could be a good catch phrase.
This totally stood out to me when I went to Raw last year, too. Either it doesn't get across on TV, or it's only in certain towns, but I was fucking amazed at how many parents and their kids were decked out in FULL Cena gear. Headband, shirt, wristband, towel, cap, t shirt, jean shorts... fuck.
There's a reason why his entrance is a walking commercial for his merch. Insane.
Thanks for post, Sunny. I'll chill out.
Long past due. I don't think it's going to help though.
Gimmick post accusations come from the fact that people come into the thread just to shit on things that a majority of people here seem to like. Then when someone calls them out it gets turned into a joke that gets repeated for the next month. Nothing's going to change if that keeps happening.
Yeah, he has like a Johnny Cage type gimmick, I like it. Plus he's the funny third wheel in the Jericho-Wyatt feud, he's not above humiliating himself for entertainment.
Bry-Force will shoot when shot from here on out. Aight?
That's how you put on a figure 4 kiddos
I got a PM from a mod, so I need to talk about some things.
We need to get our shit in order or else we're going to be NBA-GAF'd. And that'd fucking suck. This is our home, so we need to get our house in order and get our shit together.
It starts with us here. So let's get shit back on track. Fix all this shit. Talk it out, beat it out, cry it out, whatever. Let's get past hating ourselves and enjoy some goddamn wrestling before we lose our home. We're not making some other place to go, we're not splintering anything, we're getting our shit fixed because we're not some Halo-GAF or some shit. Let's shape up.
So here's a list of things that I think will help, and I'd appreciate it if you all can help me out here because I like this goddamn community.
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
2. Let's tone down the vitriol towards each other, gimmick or not.
3. No more accusing people of gimmick posting unless your name is Horse. Because that was a goddamn gimmick and we all know it.
4. No personal attacks for a while, even in jest. Just let it calm down a bit.
We need to bring fun back, keep it playful, and not try to get one over on each other. We can have a decent goddamned community, but we're in danger now and we all need to rally and hit that hot tag to get Omerta back in action and the mods going back to ignoring us.
Will you all help me? I'll do all the things on that list.
I got a PM from a mod, so I need to talk about some things.
We need to get our shit in order or else we're going to be NBA-GAF'd. And that'd fucking suck. This is our home, so we need to get our house in order and get our shit together.
It starts with us here. So let's get shit back on track. Fix all this shit. Talk it out, beat it out, cry it out, whatever. Let's get past hating ourselves and enjoy some goddamn wrestling before we lose our home. We're not making some other place to go, we're not splintering anything, we're getting our shit fixed because we're not some Halo-GAF or some shit. Let's shape up.
So here's a list of things that I think will help, and I'd appreciate it if you all can help me out here because I like this goddamn community.
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
2. Let's tone down the vitriol towards each other, gimmick or not.
3. No more accusing people of gimmick posting unless your name is Horse. Because that was a goddamn gimmick and we all know it.
4. No personal attacks for a while, even in jest. Just let it calm down a bit.
We need to bring fun back, keep it playful, and not try to get one over on each other. We can have a decent goddamned community, but we're in danger now and we all need to rally and hit that hot tag to get Omerta back in action and the mods going back to ignoring us.
Will you all help me? I'll do all the things on that list.
Its great he is feuding with Jericho. He needs to stay heel for now because the fans are really close to turning him face.
yeah in that promo he was very close to it until jericho said his shut the hell up phrase.
I got a PM from a mod, so I need to talk about some things.
We need to get our shit in order or else we're going to be NBA-GAF'd. And that'd fucking suck. This is our home, so we need to get our house in order and get our shit together.
It starts with us here. So let's get shit back on track. Fix all this shit. Talk it out, beat it out, cry it out, whatever. Let's get past hating ourselves and enjoy some goddamn wrestling before we lose our home. We're not making some other place to go, we're not splintering anything, we're getting our shit fixed because we're not some Halo-GAF or some shit. Let's shape up.
So here's a list of things that I think will help, and I'd appreciate it if you all can help me out here because I like this goddamn community.
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
2. Let's tone down the vitriol towards each other, gimmick or not.
3. No more accusing people of gimmick posting unless your name is Horse. Because that was a goddamn gimmick and we all know it.
4. No personal attacks for a while, even in jest. Just let it calm down a bit.
We need to bring fun back, keep it playful, and not try to get one over on each other. We can have a decent goddamned community, but we're in danger now and we all need to rally and hit that hot tag to get Omerta back in action and the mods going back to ignoring us.
Will you all help me? I'll do all the things on that list.
Bry-Force will shoot when shot from here on out. Aight?
Or you could just be the bigger man about it. And if by Bry-force, you mean getting super-defensive about Bryan when someone says something negative, maybe it's best that you just let some criticism slide -- or at least realise that differences in opinion are fine.