Maybe Cena's just a huge Ichiro fan.
Ichiro still with the Yankees? I was at his first Mariners game, it was pretty cool.
Maybe Cena's just a huge Ichiro fan.
Burial at a random PPV confirmed,WHAT HAVE THEY DONE!?It's over for Reigns. cena activated his vampiric powers.
every week huh?
just like a daniel bryan beating durr hurr.
Ichiro still with the Yankees? I was at his first Mariners game, it was pretty cool.
I've never been on the Bo Dallas hype train, but the way he ran over El Torito was pure comedy. Old school wrasslin trolling.
Roman Reigns' push so far is eeehhhhhh. I'm not sure if he has what it takes to take control and make the push his own. Feels very formulaic right now.
13 more days til Bork.
I don't even know what I'm going to wear for his return!
stro really telling me to shut the fuck up? from a guy who got banned because he couldn't shut the fuck up?? stro was the one that told me that it's ok to call another man a cunt.
how come we know when Brock is showing up? Is he for real showing up soon?
Just tell him that "sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you".
Is this a work?I got a PM from a mod, so I need to talk about some things.
We need to get our shit in order or else we're going to be NBA-GAF'd. And that'd fucking suck. This is our home, so we need to get our house in order and get our shit together.
It starts with us here. So let's get shit back on track. Fix all this shit. Talk it out, beat it out, cry it out, whatever. Let's get past hating ourselves and enjoy some goddamn wrestling before we lose our home. We're not making some other place to go, we're not splintering anything, we're getting our shit fixed because we're not some Halo-GAF or some shit. Let's shape up.
So here's a list of things that I think will help, and I'd appreciate it if you all can help me out here because I like this goddamn community.
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
2. Let's tone down the vitriol towards each other, gimmick or not.
3. No more accusing people of gimmick posting unless your name is Horse. Because that was a goddamn gimmick and we all know it.
4. No personal attacks for a while, even in jest. Just let it calm down a bit.
We need to bring fun back, keep it playful, and not try to get one over on each other. We can have a decent goddamned community, but we're in danger now and we all need to rally and hit that hot tag to get Omerta back in action and the mods going back to ignoring us.
Will you all help me? I'll do all the things on that list.
We need to keep our Takis.We're in dangerous territory and may lose our sponsorship.
Babygirl, actions speak louder than words.Why does Roman gotta talk so quiet? Can hardly hear him.
I think the best part may be that bean breath doesn't know what's going on yet.
Roman broke the script, Cena was upset, Roman is in the dog house.Cena's face when Roman raised his arm....I think he was shook, legitimately. No one gives Cena the rub!! He doesn't need your pity!
It's not for me. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it until October. Hence, my attitude.I'm confused. Why are you happy about this? Since you watch the product, isn't it in your best interest for it to do well?
Plus, it may not be perfect, but I think the Network itself is certainly worth supporting. It's how I wish all sports companies would work. If I could get a similar product with NHL, I'd be ecstatic.
Wrestling fans are the only group of people I know who would say PPVs are a ripoff at $60 and should be $20 (as I said constantly at the time.) When the WWE lowers that to $10 a month and adds a pretty great on-demand library that will only grow with time, people actively want it to fail.
Why? If you just don't like the current product, then stop watching Raw and watch the old stuff on the Network itself. The Network is great, and people who want it to fail kinda bother me.
If you don't like the old stuff on the Network, then... I guess you just don't like (western) wrestling at all anyway, which means I'm further confused why you watch in the first place.
Anyone know if they're replaying the Monday Night War thing after MITB or am I out of luck?
Gotta wait until August.Anyone know if they're replaying the Monday Night War thing after MITB or am I out of luck?
Nope. Not available in the archive, either. Gonna have to wait for the series proper to start before you can watch it.
Guys we need to talk.
And more specifically we need to talk about sour graps "but he's not Daniel Bryan" comments. It's stupid. It's really fucking stupid. Daniel Bryan is great, he is. He is an amazing wrestler. He is a very mediocre mic-worker, yes, but he compensates well by delivering intensity in the ring. WWE for the longest time didn't think he had what it takes to draw crowds and they were wrong. He's not on the level of Cena and he probably never will be, but that's okay, nobody else is either. Some could be, but not all of them. That's fine. It's good. Bryan is great.
Bryan is also injured. In fact, Bryan is so injured there is no timetable on his return. Nobody knows when he'll be back and if he has another surgery it is pretty much guaranteed to be 6 to 12 months before he's back. There you go, he's gone.
Now with Bryan gone they need new people in the main event, they chose The Shield for this. All of The Shield. Spearheaded by Roman Reigns. "But he's not Daniel Bryan" you say. "They would never get behind Bryan like they are with Roman" you say. "He's still so green" you say. Guess what, you are right on all accounts. But here's the thing, it doesn't fucking matter Bryan this and it doesn't fucking matter Bryan that. Bryan is gone and he'll be gone for a while, there is no reason to be sour on someone else getting a push, they can't build a company around a guy that can't life a title belt over his head because he has no strength in his arms. It sucks to be Bryan, but it's time to move the fuck on. Really, it's time. Pick something else in WWE to like. Luke Harper or Eric Rowan might be good choices if your hung up on badly groomed wrestlers. Go for it.
Roman Reigns however doesn't deserve your hatred. He didn't usurp Daniel Bryan's throne. Bryan got injured and is out, that's not his fault. Roman Reigns is a good powerhouse wrestler, he's the most Goldberg they ever had since Goldberg. He has the look people like (BUT IT IS WWE TELLING THEM TO LIKE IT! No, no it isn't). Roman Reigns looks great, objectively as a straight man, he looks freaking amazing. I wish I looked like that. There's two types of Samoan's, the fat and flabby ones like The Uso's and the impressive muscled ones like Roman and Rock before him. Now is Roman the best mic worker? Nope. But he isn't any worse than Daniel Bryan and we're not blaming him from being mediocre on the mic.
What Reigns does have is look and charisma, undoubtedly his opening segment yesterday was GREAT. It was, his small promo had good intensity, the stuff afterwards with Kane was perfect. It's time to get behind Reigns, he's a great powerhouse babyface. He'll be the next Goldberg if they give him a slow burn, which they are. Good.
Reigns is awesome, get behind the guy!
Roman is as smooth and cool as Cena is corny.
Guys we need to talk.
And more specifically we need to talk about sour graps "but he's not Daniel Bryan" comments. It's stupid. It's really fucking stupid. Daniel Bryan is great, he is. He is an amazing wrestler. He is a very mediocre mic-worker, yes, but he compensates well by delivering intensity in the ring. WWE for the longest time didn't think he had what it takes to draw crowds and they were wrong. He's not on the level of Cena and he probably never will be, but that's okay, nobody else is either. Some could be, but not all of them. That's fine. It's good. Bryan is great.
Bryan is also injured. In fact, Bryan is so injured there is no timetable on his return. Nobody knows when he'll be back and if he has another surgery it is pretty much guaranteed to be 6 to 12 months before he's back. There you go, he's gone.
Now with Bryan gone they need new people in the main event, they chose The Shield for this. All of The Shield. Spearheaded by Roman Reigns. "But he's not Daniel Bryan" you say. "They would never get behind Bryan like they are with Roman" you say. "He's still so green" you say. Guess what, you are right on all accounts. But here's the thing, it doesn't fucking matter Bryan this and it doesn't fucking matter Bryan that. Bryan is gone and he'll be gone for a while, there is no reason to be sour on someone else getting a push, they can't build a company around a guy that can't life a title belt over his head because he has no strength in his arms. It sucks to be Bryan, but it's time to move the fuck on. Really, it's time. Pick something else in WWE to like. Luke Harper or Eric Rowan might be good choices if your hung up on badly groomed wrestlers. Go for it.
Roman Reigns however doesn't deserve your hatred. He didn't usurp Daniel Bryan's throne. Bryan got injured and is out, that's not his fault. Roman Reigns is a good powerhouse wrestler, he's the most Goldberg they ever had since Goldberg. He has the look people like (BUT IT IS WWE TELLING THEM TO LIKE IT! No, no it isn't). Roman Reigns looks great, objectively as a straight man, he looks freaking amazing. I wish I looked like that. There's two types of Samoan's, the fat and flabby ones like The Uso's and the impressive muscled ones like Roman and Rock before him. Now is Roman the best mic worker? Nope. But he isn't any worse than Daniel Bryan and we're not blaming him from being mediocre on the mic.
What Reigns does have is look and charisma, undoubtedly his opening segment yesterday was GREAT. It was, his small promo had good intensity, the stuff afterwards with Kane was perfect. It's time to get behind Reigns, he's a great powerhouse babyface. He'll be the next Goldberg if they give him a slow burn, which they are. Good.
Reigns is awesome, get behind the guy!
I'll make the retirement thread for Tomoka Nakagawa.
Titus, what do you think of Hannah Lew's new band?
Cold Beat
This totally stood out to me when I went to Raw last year, too. Either it doesn't get across on TV, or it's only in certain towns, but I was fucking amazed at how many parents and their kids were decked out in FULL Cena gear. Headband, shirt, wristband, towel, cap, t shirt, jean shorts... fuck.
There's a reason why his entrance is a walking commercial for his merch. Insane.
It's over for Reigns. cena activated his vampiric powers.