bean breath
I have to admit, the Divas division has improved greatly. Now they just gotta call it something other than Divas.
I have to admit, the Divas division has improved greatly. Now they just gotta call it something other than Divas.
I got a PM from a mod, so I need to talk about some things.
We need to get our shit in order or else we're going to be NBA-GAF'd. And that'd fucking suck. This is our home, so we need to get our house in order and get our shit together.
It starts with us here. So let's get shit back on track. Fix all this shit. Talk it out, beat it out, cry it out, whatever. Let's get past hating ourselves and enjoy some goddamn wrestling before we lose our home. We're not making some other place to go, we're not splintering anything, we're getting our shit fixed because we're not some Halo-GAF or some shit. Let's shape up.
So here's a list of things that I think will help, and I'd appreciate it if you all can help me out here because I like this goddamn community.
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
2. Let's tone down the vitriol towards each other, gimmick or not.
3. No more accusing people of gimmick posting unless your name is Horse. Because that was a goddamn gimmick and we all know it.
4. No personal attacks for a while, even in jest. Just let it calm down a bit.
We need to bring fun back, keep it playful, and not try to get one over on each other. We can have a decent goddamned community, but we're in danger now and we all need to rally and hit that hot tag to get Omerta back in action and the mods going back to ignoring us.
Will you all help me? I'll do all the things on that list.
Seems I missed an eventful night . Thread has been a bit crazy
how was Raw?
ok look, i wanted legit debate out of Bryan stuff. I.e. wanted to root out the "cause he sucks" argument. That's what really grinds me, and wanted to explore such reasoning. But I guess it's just some type of brick wall and really, you're just not gonna please everyone. Fine, whatever.
Man Naomi's butt looks like a big bowl of chocolate pudding... LET'S GO CENA!
Seems I missed an eventful night . Thread has been a bit crazy
how was Raw?
I always wondered why it took so long Horse to get banned, like cmon his username gave it away that he was a gimmick account.
I think the best part may be that bean breath doesn't know what's going on yet.
Just because you name yourself something and then make references to the name or avatar doesn't mean you are a gimmick account. If that were the case wouldn't Vince McMahon be a gimmick account too?
Nothing was actively terrible save for the short Nikki Bella/Alicia Fox segment, but i can't remember any notable highlights, except Fandango commentary and THIS
I think the best part may be that bean breath doesn't know what's going on yet.
ok look, i wanted legit debate out of Bryan stuff. I.e. wanted to root out the "cause he sucks" argument. That's what really grinds me, and wanted to explore such reasoning. But I guess it's just some type of brick wall and really, you're just not gonna please everyone. Fine, whatever.
Just take it in stride.
Oh, hey, look! They're airing the Daniel Bryan Wrestlemania documentary tonight before Main Event. Might have to give that a watch again.
I love all the creepy gawking at divas pictures In this thread but someone mentions pussy and it's shock and awe.
It's over for Reigns. cena activated his vampiric powers.
Also, call me a fascist, but I think people who drop in and say, "You guys still watch this shit?" or something along those lines and then disappear should get, like, a 24-hour ban. If someone did that in a game OT, at minimum a mod would give a stern warning.
I'd also clamp down on the sexist comments, but I think I'm in the minority there.
It's over for Reigns. cena activated his vampiric powers.
That's not a big issue anymore is it? I know "you watch this shit every week, huh" used to be a thing, but I don't remember the last time it happened here. Unless you mean in OT threads. But yeah i agree
Ambrose was smart enough to get the fuck away after this, but Reigns wasn't so lucky
Honestly, I don't read the thread every week because sometimes I just want to watch the show later and fast-forward through 80% of it. So really, I could just be remembering old stuff.
Stro, gif that no....
Things are looking grim for World Wrestling Entertainment and its money-losing streaming video service, the WWE Network.
In a sign of how hard the company is working to sign up new subscribers, the WWE announced Monday it will once again offer a one-week free trial to anyone who wants it.
The offer, which doesn't even require people to provide a credit card number, is one of several recent indicators that the company isn't getting much closer to the 1.4 million global subscribers it needs to make the WWE Network profitable.
It was announced that Mitsuyoshi Nakai would officially be joining Pro Wrestling Noah. He appeared at todays show to make the announcement and thanked Marufuji specifically for allowing him to make this next step in his life.
Mitsuyoshis stats 180cm tall, 100kg (?) in weight, born January 2, 1989 from Tokyo, Japan. He is noted for having really powerful punches and is nicknamed even as Superman Punch. He is also known as a comedian as Matamago.
Nakai is a mixed martial artist whos training is more in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He is a multiple prize winning amateur in his youth. He made his professional MMA debut on ZST.13 in June of 2007.
[b]Nakais father is also famous as he is Yoshinori Nakai who is best known for creating Kinnikuman, or better known as Ultimate Muscle in the USA[/b].
so why did strobogo go nuts btw
Friends will you see the purge?
I'll probably end up seeing it with friends
Seems like shit went down while I was at work.
At a house show in Tennessee.When is Kane gonna retire
Lol Roman gave Cena the rubCena's face when Roman raised his arm....I think he was shook, legitimately. No one gives Cena the rub!! He doesn't need your pity!
Just know that you don't have to worry about anything Sunny posted because you're cool, okay?
And just like that, I no longer can stand Reigns.
Did anyone notice how when Cena came out he did the "you can't see me" sign and then held up the index finger on his other hand next to it to indicate the number 51? Did you think he meant 15, as in the number of championships he's won or did he truly mean 51, as in the number of championships he intends to win before he retires?
Did anyone notice how when Cena came out he did the "you can't see me" sign and then held up the index finger on his other hand next to it to indicate the number 51? Did you think he meant 15, as in the number of championships he's won or did he truly mean 51, as in the number of championships he intends to win before he retires?
He means 51 titles before retirement, baby girlDid anyone notice how when Cena came out he did the "you can't see me" sign and then held up the index finger on his other hand next to it to indicate the number 51? Did you think he meant 15, as in the number of championships he's won or did he truly mean 51, as in the number of championships he intends to win before he retires?
I remember him holding both hands open before doing that, so he could be signalling for 16.
Crap, missed the first 25 minutes while eating dinner. You here Bean Breath?
Let's do Thiiiiiiiiiiiis!