Avon Barksdale
Was the hate this strong for Brock Lesnar when he debuted green as grass?
I'm sure there was.
Was the hate this strong for Brock Lesnar when he debuted green as grass?
Was the hate this strong for Brock Lesnar when he debuted green as grass?
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
Was the hate this strong for Brock Lesnar when he debuted green as grass?
If you watched WWE in 2004-2005, they were doing the same for both Orton and Cena. Of course Orton crossed the path of Triple H, and also ran into trouble with drugs and had a terrible attitude (still does). But Orton was groomed to be one of the bigger stars, despite his faults, so they would hang onto him. They were destined to push Lesnar hard but he ended up wanting to go elsewhere so they pushed Cena more and more throughout 2004. They did similar push with Batista, but he was older, obviously.Reigns will be a top guy this year since the crowd is hot for him but I don't see him being the next big thing. He needs better mic skills and better direction in general. I still hope someone finally transitions to being the next guy though.
Nope. Not available in the archive, either. Gonna have to wait for the series proper to start before you can watch it.
Gotta wait until August.
Wrestlemania 31 is puh-lenty of time to really groom Roman Reigns into the alpha A-1 top dog premium ultra clean sheen status he's destined to be and it's about time we embrace him for who he is instead of what he isn't.
He's the next Diesel.
Was the hate this strong for Brock Lesnar when he debuted green as grass?
He actually reminded me alot of Scott Hall yesterday. But yeah, all we're seeing now is prep-work for early 2015 push. As said, give Reigns a proper chance, he's gonna be huge.
On to interesting stuff, as per Bryan and Dave, here's a website where (former) WWE employee's explain what is cool and what sucks over at WWE HQ: http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/World-Wrestling-Entertainment-Reviews-E5718.htm
"Only" 20 episodes? You expected...more than a 20 hour documentary?!Cheers WWE. Auto-renew stays off.
Was already bummed out by reading earlier in the thread about it only being 20 episodes, but now I've not even got a chance to try it before the subscription lapses. Brilliant move.
"Green as grass", yet capable of working 15-20 minute main event singles matches in his first six months... Lesnar was and continues to be a freak of nature that nobody should be compared to.
Reigns on the other hand has been on the main roster almost two years and has yet to have a meaningful singles match. His match against Bray on Raw a few months back was just plain bad. I'm still waiting for Reigns to be more than a high spot or hot tag guy, but that has not happened yet
"Only" 20 episodes? You expected...more than a 20 hour documentary?!
On to interesting stuff, as per Bryan and Dave, here's a website where (former) WWE employee's explain what is cool and what sucks over at WWE HQ: http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/World-Wrestling-Entertainment-Reviews-E5718.htm
Cons The corporate culture is horrible! The culture is one of blame and CYA. It is an organization that claims that they want process and innovation when in reality it is one that is driven by live TV/Network and can't sustain a process driven model of anything-whether it's creative, development or financial. The digital team doesn't have enough experience and depth to bring any product to life successfully -at least one that isn't fraught with defects and significant failures. The leadership team didn't care about the individuals, only that they produced and made them look good-certainly not about the team. I may have learned a lot technologically but it wasn't worth the 60 hour work weeks and lack of support and appreciation for those efforts.
Pros The company is large, so you get a lot of desk space. It is located in CT, so they have private parking lot, which is amazing. The people are very nice.
Cons There are strange insider gossips and something felt very wrong. People would speak behind each other's backs. I felt like there was something much more underneath that's going on than meets the eye of the beholder.
I don't get the pessimism towards Reigns at this point. It's not like they're strapping him any time soon. Give the man a chance. I thought his work last night showed that he has the potential to cut an imposing promo. He has a great vocal tone that oozes cool. He has a great look. He has 3 easily identifiable big spots. How many guys can you say that about on the roster?
Kane? Nope. Chokeslam and tombstone.
Big Show? Nope. Knockout punch and chokeslam.
Orton? Yeah...draping ddt, powetslam, punt kick, and RKO
Rollins? Yeah...360 plancha, curb stomp, and buckle bomb
Cena? Yeah. AA, five knuckle shuffle, shoulder blocks, STF
Ambrose? Nope. Dirty deeds, rope rebound...?
Reigns can get there. We're watching him be tested with the ball just a bit right now. I'm enjoying creative giving him a bigger spotlight to see what he can do. It's fun as a fan to see him developing.
Reigns was also the last man out of the ring to end the show last night and he went around and high fived everybody around the ring. He wants this.
I think the fans who are pessimistic about Reigns are going to make it a self-fulfilled prophecy to turn on him. They are kind of just waiting for his Superman Push to kick in just to say "See, it's going to be John Cena all over again. I knew it. Boo! Reigns sucks!" What WWE has done with Reigns so far this year is exactly what they should do and that's to build him up slow and steady. The only faults so far were him spiking the drinks and probably getting more title shots than he should.
He has a great vocal tone that oozes cool.
WWE issued the following today announcing television executive Laureen Ong being elected to the company's Board of Directors:
WWE (NYSE: WWE) today announced that television executive Laureen Ong has been elected to its Board of Directors. Ong is a 30-year veteran of the cable industry with extensive experience in sales, marketing, programming and management.
Most recently, Ong spent three years as President of the Travel Channel, where she was responsible for building brand strategy, developing programming and creating new business opportunities for the network. Prior to the Travel Channel, Ong was Chief Operating Officer of Hong Kong-based STAR Group Limited, where she oversaw STAR's media and entertainment operations spanning 55 countries.
Ong was also responsible for launching the National Geographic Channel. As the network's Founding President, Ong oversaw National Geographic's distribution, which reached 60 million households in just six years and included several shows that became ratings successes. Ong also oversaw National Geographic's expansion into online, video-on-demand, and other new media platforms, and spearheaded the launch of the high-definition simulcast of the linear network.
"We are pleased to elect Laureen to WWE's Board of Directors," said Vince McMahon, WWE Chairman & Chief Executive Officer. "Laureen brings more than 30 years of global media experience that will be very beneficial to the future growth of our company."
Earlier in her career, Ong was Vice President and General Manager of WTTG-TV in Washington, D.C., a top 10 market affiliate and one of FOX's most successful television stations. She also spent time with the Chicago White Sox as Vice President, Programming, where she helped launch SportsVision in Chicago, one of the first regional sports networks in the country.
Ong's honors include Woman of the Year from Women in Cable Television (WICT), the Vision Award from the Washington Chapter of Women in Film and Video and Multichannel News' Wonder Woman award in recognition of her significant accomplishments in the cable television industry.
She graduated from Montclair State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theater before receiving a Master's degree in Communications from Columbia University.
Read more at http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news...f-wwe-board-of-directors/#dvPCLQOAgQgyzTT8.99
I got a PM from a mod, so I need to talk about some things.
We need to get our shit in order or else we're going to be NBA-GAF'd. And that'd fucking suck. This is our home, so we need to get our house in order and get our shit together.
It starts with us here. So let's get shit back on track. Fix all this shit. Talk it out, beat it out, cry it out, whatever. Let's get past hating ourselves and enjoy some goddamn wrestling before we lose our home. We're not making some other place to go, we're not splintering anything, we're getting our shit fixed because we're not some Halo-GAF or some shit. Let's shape up.
So here's a list of things that I think will help, and I'd appreciate it if you all can help me out here because I like this goddamn community.
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
2. Let's tone down the vitriol towards each other, gimmick or not.
3. No more accusing people of gimmick posting unless your name is Horse. Because that was a goddamn gimmick and we all know it.
4. No personal attacks for a while, even in jest. Just let it calm down a bit.
We need to bring fun back, keep it playful, and not try to get one over on each other. We can have a decent goddamned community, but we're in danger now and we all need to rally and hit that hot tag to get Omerta back in action and the mods going back to ignoring us.
Will you all help me? I'll do all the things on that list.
Reigns' recent push reeks of Ryback's title push. I hope I'm wrong.
He has 3 easily identifiable big spots. How many guys can you say that about on the roster?
Kane? Nope. Chokeslam and tombstone.
Big Show? Nope. Knockout punch and chokeslam.
Orton? Yeah...draping ddt, powetslam, punt kick, and RKO
Rollins? Yeah...360 plancha, curb stomp, and buckle bomb
Cena? Yeah. AA, five knuckle shuffle, shoulder blocks, STF
Ambrose? Nope. Dirty deeds, rope rebound...?
Reigns vs Bray is still the worst match of the year. I'm blaming Reigns. I'm guessing it's also the sole reason for keeping him in non singles matches pretty much ever since.
I think the fans who are pessimistic about Reigns are going to make it a self-fulfilled prophecy to turn on him. They are kind of just waiting for his Superman Push to kick in just to say "See, it's going to be John Cena all over again. I knew it. Boo! Reigns sucks!" What WWE has done with Reigns so far this year is exactly what they should do and that's to build him up slow and steady. The only faults so far were him spiking the drinks and probably getting more title shots than he should.
I got a PM from a mod, so I need to talk about some things.
We need to get our shit in order or else we're going to be NBA-GAF'd. And that'd fucking suck. This is our home, so we need to get our house in order and get our shit together.
It starts with us here. So let's get shit back on track. Fix all this shit. Talk it out, beat it out, cry it out, whatever. Let's get past hating ourselves and enjoy some goddamn wrestling before we lose our home. We're not making some other place to go, we're not splintering anything, we're getting our shit fixed because we're not some Halo-GAF or some shit. Let's shape up.
So here's a list of things that I think will help, and I'd appreciate it if you all can help me out here because I like this goddamn community.
1. Don't threadshit OT threads about wrestling - If you ignore the threads you don't like, they will go away.
2. Let's tone down the vitriol towards each other, gimmick or not.
3. No more accusing people of gimmick posting unless your name is Horse. Because that was a goddamn gimmick and we all know it.
4. No personal attacks for a while, even in jest. Just let it calm down a bit.
We need to bring fun back, keep it playful, and not try to get one over on each other. We can have a decent goddamned community, but we're in danger now and we all need to rally and hit that hot tag to get Omerta back in action and the mods going back to ignoring us.
Will you all help me? I'll do all the things on that list.
Kane. Chokeslam, tombstone, top rope clothesline
Big Show. Knockout punch, chokeslam, corner 'shhhh' chop
Miz. turnbuckle clothesline, stroke, figure four(lol)
Kofi. That leg drop thing, that kick thing, that other kick thing.
I can say that about 90% of the roster
I don't think Cenas matches were bad with Bray outside the ending of the last man standing. Sure I'll blame Cena for that part though. I don't even remember Kane vs Bray.Do you also blame Cena and Kane for their Bray matches sucking?
It amazes me how beautiful and stacked the network is and just how negative and entitled people act with it. It's 10 a month with free ppv's. Everything else is icing on the cake but I think they're waiting for free bj's or diva porn from it. Even then they'd probably be like, okay cool, Aj and Paige did it but where was Summer Rae?"Only" 20 episodes? You expected...more than a 20 hour documentary?!
How was Raw yesterday?
Ambrose vs Orton was like 20 minutes and pretty good. That's about it. Even that could have been betterHow was Raw yesterday?
How was Raw yesterday?
How was Raw yesterday?
Apparently it had its moments. The real highlight was that this thread was put on notice. Seems that promo you cut a week ago was a sign of things to come.How was Raw yesterday?
Yeah actually all of the comedy stuff was great last night. Fandango, Sandow, Dust bros, Bo Dallas, all fantastic as usual. Just none of the key storylines advanced in the least bit.Skimming through the thread, it sounds like people really enjoyed Fandango.
It amazes me how beautiful and stacked the network is and just how negative and entitled people act with it. It's 10 a month with free ppv's. Everything else is icing on the cake but I think they're waiting for free bj's or diva porn from it. Even then they'd probably be like, okay cool, Aj and Paige did it but where was Summer Rae?
It amazes me how beautiful and stacked the network is and just how negative and entitled people act with it. It's 10 a month with free ppv's. Everything else is icing on the cake but I think they're waiting for free bj's or diva porn from it. Even then they'd probably be like, okay cool, Aj and Paige did it but where was Summer Rae?
Apparently it had its moments. The real highlight was that this thread was put on notice. Seems that promo you cut a week ago was a sign of things to come.
Yeah actually all of the comedy stuff was great last night. Fandango, Sandow, Dust bros, all fantastic as usual. Just none of the key storylines advanced in the least bit.
Skimming through the thread, it sounds like people really enjoyed Fandango.
I think the fans who are pessimistic about Reigns are going to make it a self-fulfilled prophecy to turn on him. They are kind of just waiting for his Superman Push to kick in just to say "See, it's going to be John Cena all over again. I knew it. Boo! Reigns sucks!" What WWE has done with Reigns so far this year is exactly what they should do and that's to build him up slow and steady. The only faults so far were him spiking the drinks and probably getting more title shots than he should.
Yeah, was seeing that. I kind of lost it, don't like to get mad like this, but it is... nice (?) to see I wasn't insane and this thread has a real problem in it. I said what I had to say, tho, even if I was wrong or named the wrong names, there could be an effort in making this place less... man, I don't even know, but it need to be less.
It amazes me how beautiful and stacked the network is and just how negative and entitled people act with it. It's 10 a month with free ppv's. Everything else is icing on the cake but I think they're waiting for free bj's or diva porn from it. Even then they'd probably be like, okay cool, Aj and Paige did it but where was Summer Rae?