British Monsoon
Woah, awesome - wXw are bringing back their Ambition shootstyle tournament this October and they've booked Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs the Axeman! That should be fun.
Most likely not. Lanny Poffo was talking about how he was happy to work with Hogan because it meant you to paid out the ass. But you know, these were wrestlers who were better businessmen than let's say... Dolph.
The guy has been on top for a decade. Even when his body breaks down to the point he can't wrestle anymore I don't see him going away. I can easily see him taking on a GM role or becoming the new (kayfabe) owner of the WWE.
Cena's reign "Not organic"? Okay I can understand some contenders were questionable(what champion doesn't have them), but come on. The man defeated the Rock, and HHH at Wrestlemania. How is that not legitimate?
Mines started beeping and trying to eject and take disk non stop. The beeping was constant as well so I found out it's a drive problem. I had to dig to find the recipient. If it makes you feel better mines randomly cut off a few times while using hulu.Mine just started shutting itself off randomly. It got more and more common until it did it three times one night when I was trying to watch IYH Badd Bloodddddd. That was the final straw.
I haven't seen anyone else with the same issue. Mostly people with the disc eject or white light problems. Which did you have out of interest?
Cena's definitely had one of the biggest and most significant reigns out there. It is what it is. He kept the company alive for a long time and did a lot. I know a lot of people hate him, but you can't argue - he's done the work of his life and he is one of the greatest champions the WWE has ever had. Not MY favorite, but the resume is stacked.
I'm not getting the "not organic" thing either. Started as a non-descript face, changed his gimmick to rapping heel, got over, turned face, stayed over, became champ. Isn't that more or less it?
Cena's definitely had one of the biggest and most significant reigns out there. It is what it is. He kept the company alive for a long time and did a lot. I know a lot of people hate him, but you can't argue - he's done the work of his life and he is one of the greatest champions the WWE has ever had. Not MY favorite, but the resume is stacked.
This is just wild speculation that no one should take seriously, but ever since Cena's divorce I've felt like wrestling is Cena's whole life. He doesn't have anything and he doesn't do or care about anything else. Just wrestling. It's hard to compete with a guy who will let everything else in his life fall apart to visit kids in the hospital and then hop on the bus to get to the next town. I hope I'm wrong because I'd hate to see him be the guy that either hangs on too long or goes stir crazy when he's finally done.
Also Cena averages 1-2 matches a year where you go, Holy Shit, this guy can really fucking wrestle. Hulk Hogan averaged about zero of those a year.
Hulk Hogan (c) vs Tatsumi Fujinami - (NJPW 1985/06/11)
Hulk was great when he wanted to be, it's just that he'd just figured out that he could do very little and still get the same reaction.
But but but Nikki Bella and Wishes and stuff.This is just wild speculation that no one should take seriously, but ever since Cena's divorce I've felt like wrestling is Cena's whole life. He doesn't have anything and he doesn't do or care about anything else. Just wrestling. It's hard to compete with a guy who will let everything else in his life fall apart to visit kids in the hospital and then hop on the bus to get to the next town. I hope I'm wrong because I'd hate to see him be the guy that either hangs on too long or goes stir crazy when he's finally done.
But but but Nikki Bella and Wishes and stuff.
He bought her a house!
Morning show?I honestly don't think many wrestlers want Cena to step down. That's just more work for them.
"Cena is hurt? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Guess I gotta do the Morning show."
What new up and coming guy wants to carry the load?
This is just wild speculation that no one should take seriously, but ever since Cena's divorce I've felt like wrestling is Cena's whole life. He doesn't have anything and he doesn't do or care about anything else. Just wrestling. It's hard to compete with a guy who will let everything else in his life fall apart to visit kids in the hospital and then hop on the bus to get to the next town. I hope I'm wrong because I'd hate to see him be the guy that either hangs on too long or goes stir crazy when he's finally done.
Wow,surprised they still do stuff like that.
That crossgender matches thread makes me sad. Like I don't get how it's just a violence against women thing. It's only sexist if you think women can't fight back.
I mean, fuck. There's always gonna be gross dudes making videos of themselves as a chris benoit caw beating up on women but that doesn't mean you should take out the option for crossgender matches for the women who want it! Of which there are DOZENS! DOZENS OF US!
For sure. I've always gotten the impression that he was wise with his money which is nice to see.I've always got that impression even before the divorce. I don't think there is a question that the guy truly loves wrestling and I can respect that. The good thing is that he doesn't seem to have the Ric Flair problem of being forced to keep wrestling because he just mismanages his money and continues wracking up debt. I'd like to think that once Cena realizes he can't wrestle anymore he would move on to supporting causes like the Make-a-Wish foundation. The social work route would suit someone like Cena really well.
For sure. I've always gotten the impression that he was wise with his money which is nice to see.
Even if Rock was bad with his wrestling money, he is in no danger of running of cash now.Seems so. Same for Hogan and Rock. Man, it be fucked up if Rock went broke.
As for Hogan, can't say it went well for him. He was meant to retire decades ago but kept upping his standard of living.
Even if Rock was bad with his wrestling money, he is in no danger of running of cash now.
The guy has been on top for a decade. Even when his body breaks down to the point he can't wrestle anymore I don't see him going away. I can easily see him taking on a GM role or becoming the new (kayfabe) owner of the WWE.
Weekly Cena Choppa Suits!
He will have colorful Choppa suits as his new merch!
When I refresh this thread and there are no new posts I wonder what everyone got up to do.
When I refresh this thread and there are no new posts I wonder what everyone got up to do.
The thread doesn't need to have a post a minute!
I get that Cena's rise was not as organic as others. It's was pretty legitimate when he was still starting out but many have a problem when he suddenly reached Hulk Hogan levels pretty quick.
Regardless despite all the surgeries that guy simply won't quit.
Plus dat merch. That's some manufacturing $$$.
smackdown is still imho the better show. it's an hour shorter and it recaps all the important bits from RAW, while generally having a better in ring product.Does Smackdown matter at this point? I feel like I haven't really watched an episode in ages and I haven't even cared to see what has happened beyond what they show on Raw.
I don't feel like I miss anything although I'm sure there is plot development and stuff there.....or is there?
I just don't feel the need to watch it at all, and I'm feeling the need to watch Raw even less these days.
It doesn't really. It's mostly a practice show for raw. They even repeat main events from Smackdown to raw.Does Smackdown matter at this point? I feel like I haven't really watched an episode in ages and I haven't even cared to see what has happened beyond what they show on Raw.
I don't feel like I miss anything although I'm sure there is plot development and stuff there.....or is there?
I just don't feel the need to watch it at all, and I'm feeling the need to watch Raw even less these days.
Does Smackdown matter at this point? I feel like I haven't really watched an episode in ages and I haven't even cared to see what has happened beyond what they show on Raw.
I don't feel like I miss anything although I'm sure there is plot development and stuff there.....or is there?
I just don't feel the need to watch it at all, and I'm feeling the need to watch Raw even less these days.
It doesn't really. It's mostly a practice show for raw. They even repeat main events from Smackdown to raw.
I'd even be ok rebuying a 1080 version for PS4. Just give me a way to play the damn thing with a controller without emulating an emulation of a controller.
I think San Andreas is one of the greatest games ever made, it truly is epic.
which makes RAW the one that's less relevant
watch Smackdown to see next week's RAW matches three days early!