Awful. I'm so sorry.Right now I can actually hear children crying on the streets, no joke. Aside from that it is dead silence, no cars, no vuvuzelas, no cheering. I fear we are in a pressure pot right now.
So if Germans flee to Brazil when they lose where do Brazilians flee to????
Right now I can actually hear children crying on the streets, no joke. Aside from that it is dead silence, no cars, no vuvuzelas, no cheering. I fear we are in a pressure pot right now.
Never change Aiii.These fuckers chocked so hard it's like a 10 second knockout in the first round level of failure.
Are you okay Sblargh?
Ok, there is music, people are throwing off some fireworks just because they bought them, I guess. I think the general feeling is that 2nd period isn't even worth watching at this point.
For a moment there, the silence actually frightened me.
Nikki can't be happy with who she is.
Nikki can't be happy with who she is.
She has bigger breasts?
She has bigger breasts?
Cosmetic surgery is often a sign of insecurity and a poor self-image
These fuckers chocked so hard it's like a 10 second knockout in the first round level of failure.
Why would someone come to that conclusion after people in here were criticizing people for having different sized breasts.
It's SOCIETY that's fucked and expectations, not these people.
Why would someone come to that conclusion after people in here were criticizing people for having different sized breasts.
It's SOCIETY that's fucked and expectations, not these people.
Aiii seems to know a lot about women
Men have cosmetic surgery too.
Not to mention those fuckers that have hair transplants.
Definitely not Zack Ryder.
Then again, he might be on the brogaine though.
What's worse.
Fake body parts? Or Juicing?
Neither one is if it makes you feel better about yourself and make you feel like you are what you are inside.
Neither one is if it makes you feel better about yourself and make you feel like you are what you are inside.
So since you guys were talking about Cena moving so much merch, and that's why he's always at the top. Why is it ok for Mysterio to be booked like shit for years and years while selling loads of merch, but it's not ok for John? Jeff Hardy was booked weak in a ton of stuff but always sold a ton of stuff.
why is precious John John the one that gets protected for merch sales? It's almost like they think Mysterio will sell the same if he loses all the time and puts people over, but somehow Cena won't?It's because John protects his spot, and he's not just going along for the ride.
Because he's short
Jeff is taller than John.
Rey Mysterio sells a ton of merch because kids these days love his mid-90s WCW run. It's the same basic principle behind bringing Sting in.
¡HarlequinPanic!;120084460 said:Seriously dudes, Vinny Mac's got the right of this.
I almost lost all my hair from shock loss a few years ago when a procedure to remove my wisdoms got fucked up and good gravy, it threw me through an awful pit. It grew back after time thankfully.
Nothin' wrong with procedures, shaaammmeee shame.
EDIT: I also say all this because cena is in dire need of plugs on his crown~
I wasn't trying to argue it is not okay to change whatever the fuck you want (except hair plugs, own the baldness), However cosmetic surgery is often the result of a poor self-image, which Is just fact. Changing that is a good thing, not for me, but a good thing if it helps you improve the way you see yourself.
Do not do that shit for others though, just don't.
¡HarlequinPanic!;120086869 said:Sorry that I popped off, but c'mon, you're probably better than this.
It was just a comment but now I hate women.
You all believe what you want.