I'm a 'let grown people make their own decisions and let's not judge them for it because we don't know their reasoning for it' defense force.
Dragonzord speaks the truth.
I'm a 'let grown people make their own decisions and let's not judge them for it because we don't know their reasoning for it' defense force.
Cosmetic surgery is often a sign of insecurity and a poor self-image
So since you guys were talking about Cena moving so much merch, and that's why he's always at the top. Why is it ok for Mysterio to be booked like shit for years and years while selling loads of merch, but it's not ok for John? Jeff Hardy was booked weak in a ton of stuff but always sold a ton of stuff.
why is precious John John the one that gets protected for merch sales? It's almost like they think Mysterio will sell the same if he loses all the time and puts people over, but somehow Cena won't?It's because John protects his spot, and he's not just going along for the ride.
Because one is injury prone, and the other is an addict.
¡HarlequinPanic!;120084460 said:Seriously dudes, Vinny Mac's got the right of this.
I almost lost all my hair from shock loss a few years ago when a procedure to remove my wisdoms got fucked up and good gravy, it threw me through an awful pit. It grew back after time thankfully.
Nothin' wrong with procedures, shaaammmeee shame.
EDIT: I also say all this because cena is in dire need of plugs on his crown~
Rey Mysterio was nowhere near as injury prone in 2008. And you say that like WWE hasn't made millions off addicts in the past.
Curious, shock loss? Like electrics or like something horrible happened?
....I've got nothing.
Though that's some creepy shit DM
Nothing creepy, I just saw his avatar and was like "wait, wasn't that the dude who posted about his body breaking down because of obesity?....yup."
I'm part of the NoAvi Rebellion. Avatars are scum~!
the fuck is this bullshit
Ok, there is music, people are throwing off some fireworks just because they bought them, I guess. I think the general feeling is that 2nd period isn't even worth watching at this point.
For a moment there, the silence actually frightened me.
back to wraslin. Sandow should have come out as HBK
Avi? What are they, movie files?
I'm part of the NoAvi Rebellion. Avatars are scum~!
the fuck is this bullshit
Oh you're not wearing an avatar? I just thought it was really short.
People legit hated the "Bry Force" schtick and i'll the bigger man and call off any dick riding of one Bryan Danielson. Never have I been put on my place so hard than what Stro said in the IRC chat, Like fuck, dude OK.
God damn it! We just had a talk yesterday!
Pepsi, you need to grow up
Discussions from IRC chats stay in IRC chats, friendI want to read a transcript.
et tu, sokantish?
You should stand up for what you believe in Duncan, it's what Cena would do.
I want to read a transcript.
I've come to a conclusion. Despite the fact that Savage was right about Hogan's jealous eyes, I have to admit that I'd do the same things Hogan did.
I've come to a conclusion. Despite the fact that Savage was right about Hogan's jealous eyes, I have to admit that I'd do the same things Hogan did.